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[其他] 校无忧成绩查询系统

Xiao5u performance inquiry system is designed to meet the needs of students'performance inquiry in school educational administration management, which improves the convenience and practicability of school educational administration management. The system is suitable for schools, educational institutions, enterprises and institutions to conduct online performance queries on the Internet. (2019-06-06, ASP, 1030KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 5uTeacher_v2.3

校无忧教师评价系统是一套为提高教师的教学质量,反馈学生的心声,提高学校教务管理能力的系统。针对各专业所授课程及教师的评价结果,直观的统计出每位教师的综合能力...... 系统功能: 1、完善的系统设置,可以动态的设置院系,专业,课程,教师等信息,使本系统功能丰富,使用灵活,适用于各种学校。 2、增强的辅助功能,登录日志,数据维护,评价计算辅助工具,成绩报表,数据导出EXCEL,使系统更完善,提高使用效果。 3、评价系统的保密性,系统采用不记名投票的模式,不学生可以对所有课程进行评价,不记名评价让大家放心。 5、系统高级功能设置,可以设置软件的名称,后台界面等显示的内容,使软件真正变成您的系统。
Xiao5u teacher evaluation system is a set of systems to improve the quality of teaching, feedback the voice of students, and improve the ability of school educational administration management. According to the evaluation results of courses and teachers in different majors, the comprehensive abilities of each teacher can be calculated intuitively. (2019-06-06, ASP, 1859KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 32

The school worry selection voting system is a WEB based web site program, which is used to organize online selection activities. It is applicable to the online voting activities of character selection, photography, calligraphy and painting. (2018-04-11, ASP, 1386KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 28

The school website system is a set of station system for companies and enterprises. The web site uses Div+Css layout, perfect compatibility with IE and other browsers. It has the features of beautiful design, practical function and convenient operation. (2018-04-11, ASP, 2386KB, 下载1次)


[其他] wyasp08

无忧购物系统ASP专业版 v2017.11.13 (2017-11-13, ASP, 3983KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] asp.net-school

sap.net home school source system, including simple operation (2017-03-13, ASP, 24772KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 3Dbiaoqian

3D sphere tag cloud is a text-based JS achieve 3D text keywords tag cloud dynamic effects code. By the beauty, photo, irrigation, movies, novels, Europe, Japan and South Korea, attractive, funny, sexy, wallpaper, swimwear, romance, romantic, funny, girly, colleagues, martial arts, science fiction, lesson plans, papers, charming, black silk, horror, music, games, GG resources, courseware, humor, big breasts, private photos, schools, money, thousands of brain, pure, cloud computers composed of text keywords spherical 3D dynamic effects. (2016-05-31, ASP, 5KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tqcms_asp_1.61

Extension odd (TQCMS) NMS is a asp+ access for development of free enterprise website source code, the software is easy to use, quick start managing worry template engine, so DIY so simple reasonable data storage, maximum efficiency performance protection professional and smooth interface design, good user experience flexibility to customize the site content expansion easier. (2016-05-22, ASP, 4608KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Query_2.0

Worry school admission inquiry system is a school for the convenience of candidates more quickly direct understanding admission inquiry information through the network system. (2016-05-21, ASP, 721KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] yyxlt_1.01

本程序使用追梦阳光贴吧核心、深山简易bbs风格、无忧E吧的优化。 管理用户:鱼鱼/123456 测试用户:liyu/123456
This program uses the sun Dream paste it core, mountains bbs simple style, worry-free optimized E bar. User management: fish/123456 Test User: liyu/123456 (2016-05-20, ASP, 1844KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] cwy_code

Hello! Welcome to Favorites [Chang worry Code System. This system is in Amakusa studio favorites code on the basis of secondary development, add code category management functions, bug fixes, optimization of some unnecessary code. (2016-05-17, ASP, 79KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] wuyou_2.1

Worry personal navigation- simple and efficient to create a personal Web site navigation, away the more traditional multi-virus ads site navigation station, with convenient online search system and set a variety of networking tools. (2016-05-16, ASP, 4593KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] zhaoshengw_1.0

东北师大附中网校网上报名系统(报名处版)1.0 后台功能:在线报名管理,管理员管理 后台管理地址/haizhi.org/login.asp 用户名和密码都是admin
High School campus online registration system of Northeast Normal (Registration Office Edition) 1.0 Back-office functions: Online registration management, administrator management Manage address /haizhi.org/login.asp User name and password are admin (2016-05-15, ASP, 1296KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wqhtml2010

1, the first time being indexed by search engines, so that customers find you the first time! 2, greatly reducing the burden on the server, under the same environment, HTML static version of the browser faster than ASP nearly 10 times higher! Even under heavy server load, the loss will not let your customers! 3, more secure! HTML static files without any loopholes, allowing you to sit back and relax. 4, easier maintenance and management, back only one click, you can generate all the convenient 5, e-commerce era of the trend, the more popular shopping stations are made of static HTML, using static HTML version is a general trend . (2016-04-27, ASP, 4821KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] AspSchool_dangan

a.超级管理员可以通过后台设置系统LOGO 标题 首页连接等操作,无需软件支持直接后台设置。 b.一般管理员可以收录数据 查询数据 修改数据 添加评论 查看评论 删除评论等操作。 c.随时随地备份数据库让你的数据安全高效。 d.所有的文本域都经过五层过滤让您的数据安全无忧。 e.数据库留有未用字段方便系统升级。 f.数据库经过加密不用担心被下载。
a. super administrator can connect through the background to set the system LOGO title page and other operations, without software support direct backstage settings. b. Usually the administrator can modify the data included in the data query data delete comment Add comment View comments and other operations. c. Back up the anywhere to get your data safely and efficiently. d. All five text fields have been filtered to keep your data secure. e. No upgrade left the field with a convenient system. f. the is encrypted without fear of being downloaded. (2016-04-27, ASP, 2255KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] fwwkj

是枫叶工作室设计开发的一款免费开源的违纪查询系统, 简单人性化的界面,适合各中学校使用,可以定制性开发。 开发环境:ASP+ACCESS+JavaScript 对服务器要求低,可适应各种环境。 我们现在免费提供定制服务、免费升级服务。
Maple Leaf Studio is the design and development of a free open source disciplinary inquiry system, Simple user-friendly interface, suitable for all the schools, you can customize Development. Development Environment: ASP+ ACCESS+ JavaScript Low requirements on the server, can be adapted to various environments. We now offer free customization service, free upgrade service. (2016-04-23, ASP, 120KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] dwnews

本程序基于 无忧CMs http://www.5u.hk 模板借鉴了 CHINAZ ,搜查发团队改制成了目前你看到的绿色模板。 本程序一起调用问题以及帮助,请自行到bbs.5u.hk 不要问木木 怎么弄调用的 或者怎么用标签的!这些答案 请看CMS官方 后台用户名密码admin
The program is based on worries CMs http://www.5u.hk Template draws CHINAZ, search has become the current restructuring of the development team you see green template. This procedure called with problems and help your own to bbs.5u.hk Wood Do not ask how to get to call or how to use the label! Look at CMS official answers Background admin username and password (2016-04-22, ASP, 686KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] pcmagic

此程序适用于各院校信息中心管理计算机相关设备 后台地址login.asp,用户admin,密码admin888 系统设置:可自定义校区名称、机房名称、部门名称、办公室名称、物资名称、物资单位、配置清单 物资登记:系统仅对计算机及周边设备进行设计,产品属性:编号、配置清单、报修、借用、报损(整机报损,部件报损)、报废、登记时间、最后更新时间、最后操作用户名称、当前状态,如:正常、报修中、报损中等 物资管理:能够全局管理物资。如:查看,修改,删除。 用户管理:添加、删除、编辑用户。可分为超级管理员,校区管理员,机房管理员、财务管理员。
This procedure applies to all institutions the information center management computer-related equipment Address background login.asp, user admin, password admin888 System settings: You can customize the campus name, room name, department name, office name, material name, material units, configuration list Registration Materials: The system only computers and peripheral equipment design, product attributes: number configuration list, repair, borrow, reported losses (overall reported losses, member reported loss), retirement, time of registration, last updated, the last operation of the user name, current status, such as: normal, repair, and moderate damage reported Materials Management: the ability to manage global supplies. Such as: View, edit, delete. User management: add, delete, edit users. It can be divided into super administrator, campus administrator, room manager, financial administrator. (2016-04-16, ASP, 235KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] c-vi

1:整体美化,优化后台 2:增加了常用邮箱无忧登陆栏 3:增加了数个二级频道,使你的网站在最短的时间内提升排名 4:修正了一些小的BUG 5:分类更加详细,更加人性化! 6:新增个人网址导航功能(特色); 后台管理目录:admin/ 帐号和密码: admin admin888
1: overall landscaping, optimized background 2: Increase the common mailbox worry landing field 3: Increase the number of secondary channels, make your site improve rankings in the shortest possible time 4: Fixed some small BUG 5: classification more detailed, more humane! 6: Add a personal Web site navigation features (characteristics) Manage directory: admin / Account number and password: admin admin888 (2016-04-10, ASP, 376KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tqcms_v1.61

tqcms企业管理系统是一个以asp+access进行开发的免费企业网站源码,该软件简单易用,快速上手管理无忧;模板引擎,让DIY如此简单;数据存储合理,效率性能得到最大的保障;流畅专业界面设计,良好的用户体验;灵活自定义,网站内容扩展更简单。 后台演示地址/admin/ 帐号密码都是admin 注意:如伪静态无法打开分类,请先到论坛下载伪静态规则。
Tqcms enterprise management system is a asp+access development of free enterprise website source code, the software is easy to use, quick and easy to use, the template engine, so that DIY is so simple data storage is reasonable, efficiency performance is the biggest safeguard smooth professional interface design, good user experience flexible customization, web content is more simple. Background presentation address /admin/ Account password is admin Note: if the pseudo static can not open the classification, please first download the pseudo static rules to the forum. (2015-12-15, ASP, 4749KB, 下载1次)
