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[其他] 校无忧教室预约系统

校无忧教室预约系统是为了满足单位内部公共教室资源的合理利用,促进学术交流、学习、研讨等活动的展开。教室预约系统实现了信息的流通和共享,能够及时、准确地将教室的使用情况,彻底实现无纸化作业。系统适用于政府、教育机构、学校、企事业单位进行多媒体教室、实验室、音乐室、语音室、会议室等功能教室的网上预约。 系统主要功能: 1、页面基本信息 2、在线预约教室 3、预约信息管理 4、预约状态检索 5、预约信息导出和打印
Xiao5u classroom reservation system is designed to meet the rational use of public classroom resources within the unit, and promote academic exchanges, learning, seminars and other activities. Classroom reservation system realizes the circulation and sharing of information, can timely and accurately use the classroom, and completely realize paperless work. The system is suitable for online booking of multi-media classrooms, laboratories, music rooms, voice rooms, conference rooms and other functional classrooms in government, educational institutions, schools, enterprises and institutions. (2019-06-06, ASP, 1968KB, 下载4次)


[其他] Xiao5u_XinLi_v1.0

Xiao5u psychological assessment system is a platform for online mental health testing and diagnosis through the Internet. The system can provide important diagnostic reports and necessary consultation suggestions for the testers. It is suitable for the government, educational institutions, schools and enterprises to carry out online mental health testing, mental disease assessment, mental health census and other operations. (2019-06-06, ASP, 2824KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] 73

The online repair system of the school is through the network to realize the non paper online repair. The online repair is effective to strengthen the unified management and arrangement of the maintenance work, so as to save the time cost of the maintenance personnel and the cost of the office consumables. The system is suitable for government, educational institutions, schools, enterprises and institutions to repair failures on the Internet. (2018-04-10, ASP, 1103KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 333

1、课程系统、名师管理、课程营销和功能配置栏目。其中包括的功能就有点播课程、直播课程和面授课程;课程的限时抢购、团购和积分兑换等。 2、订单模块,包括课程订单和查询管理等。课程订单中更是细分出了不同类型课程的订单,便于操作。 3、考试模块,考试管理数据管理,还有考试配置应有尽有。 4、应用模块,互动问答、微社区、留言、友情链接等都可以在应用模块中找到。 5、会员管理,可以进行会员的管理,还有财务管理、消息管理、签到管理等。
1, curriculum system, master management, curriculum marketing and functional configuration column. Including the function have on-demand courses, live courses and face-to-face courses; course group purchase and redeem flash sale, etc.. 2, order module, including course order and query management. The order of different types of courses is subdivided into the order of the course order, which is easy to operate. 3, the test module, the test management data management, and the examination configuration should be full. 4, application module, interactive question and answer, micro community, message, friendship link and so on can be found in the application module. 5, member management, the management of members, as well as financial management, information management, sign to management and so on. (2018-01-23, ASP, 91646KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] diy-page_5

业界领先的全自动采集功能,不影响页面速度,不显著增加服务器负担,网站内容无忧更新 全新的默认风格,全新的默认布局数据,带给您全新的门户感受
Industry-leading automatic collection function, does not affect the speed of the page, without significantly increasing the burden on the server, website content update worry new default style, the new default layout data, bring you a new portal experience (2016-07-07, ASP, 659KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] youjiao

软件介绍 适合做个人学校公司政府网站,是比较通用的一款源码 经测试源码完整无错 后台帐号密码在说明文件里
Software introduction Suit to do personal school company government website, is a relatively common one source The test source code integrity Background account password in the description file (2015-11-08, ASP, 1604KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Customer_1.3

chool Worry customer information management system is a simple customer information management system, customer-focused, scientific management and information technology together, to achieve unified management of customer information. (2015-10-20, ASP, 690KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] Exam_v2.3

this is xiaowuyou (2015-06-12, ASP, 1343KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] cooperation

A website of sch_corp cooperation,include multi_item of cooperation. (2014-09-22, ASP, 14542KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] School_2.1

Secure the school website system is a set of primary school, general school web site management system, using a dedicated website template for schools, enhance the pertinence and usability of the system. Column in the existing school profiles, campus news, teaching, moral education, education law, teacher style promenade, students park, interactive platform, contact (2013-12-29, ASP, 2431KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] wygs02

欢迎使用无忧企业网站系统V2012.12.12,本地测试请先执行程序包中的aspweb.exe程序, 在IE中输入127.0.0.1即可测试,后台登录地址:,帐号:admin,密码:admin; 在线测试请将整个程序包上传到空间根目录下,后台管理:您的域名/admin,帐号:admin,密码:admin。
Welcome to the worry-free corporate website V2012.12.12, local test Please execute the program package aspweb.exe program to enter can test in IE, the background login address:, Account: admin Password: admin online testing please the entire program package uploaded to the Admin: space root directory of your domain/admin account: admin, password: admin. (2013-01-13, ASP, 2328KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] zhaoshengw_1.0

东北师大附中网校网上报名系统(报名处版)1.0 后台功能:在线报名管理,管理员管理 后台管理地址/haizhi.org/login.asp 用户名和密码都是admin
Northeast Normal University affiliated high school classes online Online Application System (Registration Office Edition) 1.0 back-office functions: online enrollment management, administrators manage Admin Address/haizhi.org/login.asp user name and password are admin (2013-01-11, ASP, 1334KB, 下载6次)


[浏览器] emlog_4.1.0

一键式更换模板,方便快捷打造个性博客 支持日志URL自定义,链接样式更适合SEO 独有的碎语(微博)功能,让你用简单的文字记录生活 拥有专门的手机版本,随时随地记录你的生活 清爽的日志撰写页面、配以自动保存,书写博文更加舒适无忧 日志草稿箱功能,方便保存你未完成的日志 支持离线写作,你可以使用Windows Live Write等软件撰写博文 灵活的侧边栏组件(widgets)管理,轻松组合、自定义你喜欢的组件 支持强大的插件扩展功能,随意选择实用的插件,让你的博客无限可能 自定义页面,轻松创建留言板、导航条、博主介绍等个性页面 多人联合撰写,后台轻松管理多个撰写人 支持灵活的标签(tag)分类,以及传统分类方式 方便的附件(图片、文件)上传和管理 上传的图片可以随意直观的嵌入到日志内容里,让你的日志图文并茂 首页日历方式查阅日志,方便、直观、快捷 数据缓存技术,博客访问速度更快 整体使用UTF-8编码方式,让你的博客和世界接轨。 使用跨浏览器可视化日志编辑器,轻松编辑文章格式 支持引用通告(trackback) , 并配有强大的垃圾引用防御功能 支持RSS日志输出功能 ,方便朋友订阅关注你的博客 博客数据备份/恢复功能
One key change templates, convenient and quick to create personalized blog Support logs URL custom, link style is more suitable for SEO Unique love ( micro-blog ) function, let you use simple language to record life Have a dedicated mobile phone version, whenever and wherever possible to record your life Clear log write page, with automatic save, writing blog more comfortable. Log draft box function, convenient and save you the unfinished log Support for offline writing, you can use the Windows Live Write software writing Bo Wen Flexible sidebar component ( widgets ) management, easy combination, custom you like components Support powerful plugin function, choose useful plug-ins, let your blog infinite possibility Custom page, easily create message board, navigation, blogger and personalized page Many people jointly written, easy to manage multiple background author Support the flexible tabs ( tag ) classification, and traditional classification Conv (2012-05-31, ASP, 332KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] DedeCMS-V5.7-GBK-SP1_build20120430

织梦CMS是集简单、健壮、灵活、开源几大特点的开源内容管理系统,是国内开源CMS的领先品牌,目前程序安装量已达七十万,超过六成的站点正在使用织梦CMS或基于织梦CMS核心开发。 织梦Dede CMS功能特点: 良好的用户口碑,丰富的开源经验 灵活的模块组合,让网站更丰富 简单易用的模板引擎,网站界面想换就换 便捷自定义模型 高效的动态静态页面部署 流畅专业界面设计,良好的用户体验 指纹验证,升级无忧 低维护成本 国际语言支持 会员互动,让您的网站火起来
The woven dream CMS is a set of simple, robust, flexible, open source several major characteristics of open source content management system, is the leading brand of domestic open source CMS, the installation has reached 700,000, over 60 of sites are using woven The dream of CMS or CMS core development organizations dream. Woven dream Dede CMS features: a good user reputation, a wealth of open source experience and flexible combination of modules, make your site a richer and easy-to-use template engine, the web interface once the switch easy and smooth deployment of self-definition model and efficient dynamic static pages professional interface design, user experience fingerprint authentication, upgrade, worry-free low maintenance costs, international language support interaction among the members, so that your site fire up (2012-05-21, ASP, 8077KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] zhenaixuexiao

真爱空间中小学网站管理系统 本系统(真爱空间中小学网站管理系统FOR_school)内置8种 样式活泼的风格,管理员可到后台设置默认的风格,网站内 容包括: 1、校内新闻:发表有关本校的校内新闻; 2、视听平台:管理员可以从后台添加FLASH、Mp3、RM、 WAV、MID、asf、mpg等音乐、影视、动画文件; 3、软件下载:当前流行的或需要的一些软件提供的下载; 4、精萃美文:本校师生投稿或从网上摘录的一些好文章; 5、网页制作特效:提供学生学习网页的一些小特效; 6、本校影像:师生合影、活动主题的一些照片; 7、师生网站赏析:用于展示我校师生自已的网站; 8、校内留言:访客或师生对学校建议留言区; 9、友情链接:友情链接; 10、校内论坛:网上流行的一个BBSXP的论坛,可随意设 各个版块,比如年级、教职工专区等版块。 这几个模块,很好的满足中小学学校校网的需求。 2)完善强大的后台管理功能,简单更易于操作,只要稍懂一点计 算机知识的人就可以管理好自己的网站。 3)若有问题可在:http://www.zonelove.net/book.asp上提出。 4)后台管理地址:admin.asp 管理员:admin 密码:admin888 论坛管理员:admin 密码:admin888 社区管理密码:wang
Love space, primary and secondary site management system (2012-02-08, ASP, 2674KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_School

校无忧学校网站系统是一套中、小学通用的学校网站管理系统,采用适合学校的专用网站模版,增强了系统的针对性和易用性。现有学校概况、校园快讯、教学教研、德育长廊、教育法规、教师风采、学生乐园、互动平台、联系方式等栏目…… 校无忧学校网站系统使用 1) 在浏览器的地址栏中输入管理登录的页面地址:admin/login.asp。 2) 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin 校无忧学校网站系统是一套中、小学通用的学校网站管理系统,采用适合学校的专用网站模版,增强了系统的针对性和易用性。现有学校概况、校园快讯、教学教研、德育长廊、教育法规、教师风采、学生乐园、互动平台、联系方式等栏目…… 校无忧学校网站系统使用 1) 在浏览器的地址栏中输入管理登录的页面地址:admin/login.asp。 2) 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin
If I get any feedback, I ll make needed modifications. I m guessing people might like to have the remove N character from the front and end of a name. I honestly don t see the need for it yet, but as MXS regex doesn t exist in the base package, I might need to add it for my own use (2011-11-21, ASP, 1830KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Query_V1.1

校无忧录取查询系统主要功能: 1、录取专业设置 2、录取信息设置 3、录取信息查询 校无忧录取查询系统 2011.7.8 更新内容 1、添加考生身份证信息 2、查询字段信息判断 3、按准考证号或身份证号查询
School admission query system worry-free main functions: 1, 2 admission specialty, admission information set 3, taking worry-free school admission information inquiry system 2011.7.8 update a query, add 2 candidate identification information, query the field information to determine the 3 , according to the ticket number or ID number query (2011-09-26, ASP, 96KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] aaarticleutf-8

The article management system for worry-free network, asp+ Acce (2008-06-17, ASP, 361KB, 下载6次)


[*行业应用] softhy439a

XML examination management system for large and medium-sized institutions exam system to help (2006-05-24, ASP, 148KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] 无忧娱乐网FLASH欣赏程序

a code A website, but also of the A (2005-03-04, ASP, 661KB, 下载4次)
