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[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Exam_v2.8

软件介绍 校无忧在线考试系统采用互联网技术,快速搭建在线考试系统平台,全面实现了考试工作的网络化、无纸化、自动化。系统操作简单,题型丰富,广泛用于企事业单位,学校教育培训机构等在线考试,网络考试,在线考核……
The online worry free online examination system adopts Internet technology, and quickly builds online examination system platform, which fully realizes the networking, paperless and automation of examination work. The system is easy to operate, rich in type, widely used in enterprises and institutions, school education and training institutions and other online examinations, network examination, online assessment... (2018-02-26, ASP, 1960KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] Score

校无忧成绩查询系统是为了满足学校教务管理中学生成绩查询的需求而制作,提高了学校教务管理的方便和实用性。系统适用于学校、教育机构、企事业单位在互联网上进行网上成绩查询的在线平台。 系统主要功能: 1、页面基本信息设置 2、多类别成绩查询 3、科目自定义设置 4、批量导入导出成绩
The school anxiety inquiry system is designed to meet the needs of students' educational management in middle school, and improve the convenience and practicability of school administration. The system applies to schools, educational institutions, enterprises and institutions on the Internet online query results online platform. Main functions of the system: 1, the basic information page settings 2, multi class results query 3, subject custom settings 4, batch import and export results (2017-07-04, ASP, 371KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] BN0114

Combined with modern information technology development needs and the needs of parents of students of the school and the development of a user-friendly home school exchange platform. It provides effective educational management in schools, performance management, student management, school information sharing, information sharing to solve the campus, build a bridge for the exchange of parents and school teachers. Suitable for: school units to use technology to develop and learn. (2017-04-10, ASP, 25701KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] Xiao5u_Customer_1.4

School Worry customer information management system is a simple customer information management system, customer-focused, scientific management and information technology together to achieve unified management of customer information. System is suitable for enterprises, companies, education and training institutions, enterprises and institutions ... (2016-05-23, ASP, 1014KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] Xiao5u_Company_1.5

The school system is a hassle-free corporate website for the company, enterprise website system, the site uses Div+ Css layout, perfectly compatible with IE and other browsers, with the design aesthetic, functional and practical, easy to operate. (2016-05-23, ASP, 2458KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] Stu2006

学生成长管理系统(单校版) 修正了上一版中网友提出的错误,加强了系统安全性
Student growth management system (single-school version) It fixes a bug in the previous version of the friends made to strengthen the security of the system (2016-04-06, ASP, 1555KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] wyzyfqywzym_v2016.2.17

Traditional Chinese and English web site worry-free enterprise system is based on asp+ access for development of multi-language enterprise website system. (2016-02-17, ASP, 6559KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Teacher_v1.4

校无忧教师评价系统是一套为提高教师的教学质量,反馈学生的心声,提高学校教务管理能力的系统。针对各专业所授课程及教师的评价结果,直观的统计出每位教师的综合能力系统使用: 1) 在浏览器的地址栏中输入管理登录的页面地址:admin/login.asp。 2) 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin
The teacher uation system is a set of system to improve the teaching quality, feedback the students aspiration and improve the educational administration management system. In view of the professional courses and teachers uation results, intuitive statistics of each teacher s comprehensive ability system: 1) in the browser s address bar to enter the management login page address: admin/login.asp. 2) the default administrator: admin Password: admin (2015-12-10, ASP, 870KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] cwy_code

畅无忧代码收藏夹是在天草工作室开发的代码收藏夹基础上进行二次开发而成,添加了代码类别管理功能,修正了一些错误,优化了一些不必要的代码。 畅无忧代码收藏夹功能说明: 收藏您所喜欢的代码片段; JS类代码与CSS类代码可以演示运行效果; 代码类别管理; 如果您是成员组身份,您可以与成员分享自己收藏的代码,也可以查看别的成员所收藏的代码; 每个用户只能编辑与删除自己所收藏的代码; 默认帐号与密码:admin/admin
Worry smooth code favorites is the two time in the development of code based on the development of Amakusa studio favorites to add code category management function, fixed some errors, some unnecessary code optimization. Worry smooth code favorites function: Collect code that you like JS class code and CSS code can demonstrate the effect of the operation Code category management If you are a member of the group, you can share your own collection of code with members, and you can also view code other members Each user can edit and delete their own code Default account and password: admin/admin (2015-12-09, ASP, 83KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] wyqywz_v2015.9.18

该软件以asp+access进行开发,后台具有产品添加修改删除功能,还具有新闻管理、企业信息管理和友情链接管理等企业网站基本功能。 无忧企业网站系统详细功能: 后台主要功能如下: 一、系统管理; 二、企业信息; 三、产品管理; 四、订单管理; 五、下载中心; 六、会员管理; 七、新闻管理; 八、留言管理; 九、荣誉管理; 十、人才管理; 十一、营销网络; 十二、调查管理; 十三、邮件列表; 十四、友情链接; 十五、模板管理。
The software development asp+ access, backstage has a product changes delete function, but also has news management, enterprise information management and enterprise management, and other sites that link basic functions. Worry enterprise website system detailed features: Background main functions are as follows: First, the system management Second, corporate information Thirteen, mailing lists XIV Links Fifth, template management. (2015-09-26, ASP, 3627KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] wyasp_ty_v2015.9.18

该软件以asp+access进行开发,具有产品展示、购物车和生成订单等功能,还具有简单的会员管理系统。 无忧购物系统ASP通用版详细功能: 一、系统前台功能 1、菜单导航模块 划分合理的导航模块使浏览者快速地查找自己需要的产品信息,提高商品购买率。 2、商城动态及公告模块 此模块是旨在让浏览者及时了解商城的动态,同时也提高了浏览者和商城的互动。 3、商品搜索模块 信息检索是网站提供给消费者最基本的商品搜索工具,该功能可以根据商品特点细化,充分照顾浏览者的使用方式,让消费者在最快的时间找到自己喜欢的商品。 4、会员注册登录模块 为了确保交易信息的有效性和网站功能拓展,购物网站需要以会员机制运作。该模块通过与浏览者的交互,记录浏览者的基本信息,通过后台审核确定其信息的有效性。 5、商品分类显示模块 商品分门别类、分层次展示不仅方便浏览者迅速找到自己的目标商品,同时增强了网站的亲和力。该模块是浏览者与网站接触最频繁的部分。
The software asp+ access development, with product displays, shopping cart and generate orders and other functions, also has a simple membership management system.   Worry-free shopping system ASP generic version of detailed features: First, the system front office functions 1, menu navigation module Reasonable division of navigation module allows visitors to quickly find product information they need to improve the commodity purchase rate. 2. Store News & Announcements module This module is designed to allow visitors to keep abreast of the dynamic Mall, but also improve the interactive viewer and mall. 3. Product Search module Information retri is the website to provide basic goods to the consumer search tool, this function according to the commodity characteristics of refinement, use adequate care viewer, which allows consumers to find their favorite products in the fastest time. 4. Member login module In order to ensure the effectiveness of website features and expa (2015-09-26, ASP, 3957KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Customer_v1.2

School Worry customer information management system is a simple customer information management system, customer-focused, scientific management and information technology together, to achieve unified management of customer information. System applicable to enterprises, companies, education and training institutions, enterprises and institutions (2015-08-14, ASP, 697KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Company_1.3

The school system is a hassle-free business website for the company, the company s establishment of systems, the site uses Div+ Css layout, perfectly compatible with IE and other browsers, with the design aesthetic, functional and practical, easy to operate. (2015-04-03, ASP, 2189KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] ZhiPike

In the field of multimedia educational use of computer and network information technology to promote a comprehensive reform of education to make it adapt to the new requirements of the information society for education. Let improve the quality of teaching is more, the quality of teaching to promote more appropriate classroom teaching is the main teaching activities. Encourage teachers to academic exchanges and lectures uating teaching, is the school teaching quality monitoring, an important way to strengthen the teaching quality management. Driving teaching uation results to the main content of the teaching uation information, arranging for teachers, lesson plans elective, various teaching awards, the annual assessment and teacher assessment and other titles provides an important reference work, in order to ensure and improve the quality of teaching has played an important role in . (2015-03-03, ASP, 1575KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] wyasp_ty_v2014.08.8

Welcome to worry shopping system ASP generic version, online testing please upload the entire package to the next space root admin: Your name /admin/login.asp, account number: admin, password: admin. (2014-08-31, ASP, 3977KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Salary

校无忧人事工资系统,一个运行用ASP环境的通用型动态人事工资管理软件。具有界面友好、操作简便等特点。适用于政府、教育机构、学校、企事业单位进行人事管理、工资查询等,系统主要功能:   1、职员资料管理   2、工资管理   3、在线查询   4、批量导入   ……   使用说明:   下载完成后,解压到一个文件夹中,然后将此文件夹中文件上传到服务器或者本地WEB目录,就可以使用本系统。   1) 默认查询号:YG001 密码:123456   2) 在浏览器的地址栏中输入管理登录的页面地址:admin/login.asp。   3) 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin      注意事项:   1) 请登录后修改管理员名称及密码;   2) 建议修改数据库目录、名称及后台目录,防止数据库文件被恶意下载,提高系统的安全性;   3) 修改数据库时,要注意修改conn.asp的文件路径和数据库名称
Worry school personnel payroll system , an ASP environment running with universal dynamic human resources management software. Has a friendly interface, simple operation . Applicable to government , educational institutions , schools, enterprises and institutions and personnel management, payroll inquiries , the system main functions: 1 , data management staff 2 , payroll management 3 , online inquiry 4 , bulk import ...... Instructions for use: After the download is complete, extract to a folder, and then upload the file in this folder to the WEB server or a local directory , you can use the system. 1 ) Default Query No. : YG001 Password: 123456 2 ) Enter the browser s address bar management login page address : admin/login.asp. 3 ) Default Administrator : admin password : admin Note: 1 ) Please change the administrator login name and password 2 ) proposed to amend the database directory , the directory name and background , preventing the database file is malicious d (2014-01-10, ASP, 768KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Vote

校无忧ASP投票评选系统,适用用于网上人物评选,摄影作品评选等,智能判断重复投票。除了投票功能外,还可发布与投票相关的活动说明、投票规则、主办方说明等。后台功能主要有:   1、版权设置   2、基本信息设置   3、评选管理
ASP worry voted school system, apply for online character selection, selection, etc. Photographs, intelligent judgment repeat voting. In addition to the voting function, but also activities related to publishing and voting instructions, voting rules, the organizers descriptions. Back-office functions are: 1, 2 copyright settings, basic information set 3, selection management (2013-12-23, ASP, 1210KB, 下载2次)



School without enrolling inquiry system is a set of schools for the convenience of candidates through the network more quickly and directly understand the admission information query system ... ... (2013-01-08, ASP, 712KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Query_1.1

School worry admitted the query system is a school for the convenience of candidates through the network more quickly and directly understand the enrollment information inquiry system ... (2012-05-24, ASP, 110KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] fengye

枫叶工作室 违纪查询系统 (测试版) 是枫叶工作室设计开发的一款免费开源的违纪查询系统, 简单人性化的界面,适合各中学校使用,可以定制性开发。 开发环境:ASP+ACCESS+JavaScript 对服务器要求低,可适应各种环境。 我们现在免费提供定制服务、免费升级服务。 因为本系统为测试版,其中定会有很多不足,请大家多多反馈,在以后的免费升级中会为大家改正,更多功能也将在年后发布。
Maple Leaf Studios disciplinary Inquiry System (Beta) is a Maple Leaf design studio, a free open-source development of the discipline referral system, a simple user-friendly interface, are suitable for use in schools, sexual development can be customized. Development Environment: ASP+ ACCESS+ JavaScript on the server requires a low, can be adapted to various environments. We are now providing customized services for free, free upgrade service. Because the system for the test version, of which there will be lots of less than, let us more feedback, in the future will be a free upgrade for all corrections, more features will be released in years. (2009-07-01, ASP, 123KB, 下载2次)
