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按分类查找All 网络编程(33) 

[网络编程] ZenTaoPMS_v8.2.6

Zen is the first domestic open source project management software. It combines product management, project management, quality management, document management, organizational management, and transaction management in one, is a professional R & D project management software, complete coverage of the core processes of project management. RBM thinking, rational software architecture, simple and efficient operation, elegant code, a flexible extension mechanism, powerful and easy to use api call mechanism, multi-language support, multi-style support, search functions, statistical functions- all you through Zen, can have! Zen in hand, worry-free project! (2016-09-17, Windows_Unix, 4067KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] NETtime

Network program, through the time server to calibrate the time on the computer (2016-05-28, Visual C++, 1486KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] ATS

Access to the network time and with the local time, in the school can get right time depends on the network server is correct (2015-01-19, C#, 706KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] tryNTPsrv

Can be used to test NTP server, NTP returns on analysis of available time format, for programming the automatic correction (2014-01-12, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] campus-net-link

This is a net-link program. (2013-09-30, DOS, 1KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] msmir.com_asp_light

使用前请先修改参数,使用17577版本可使用默认设置 name="无忧传奇" 显示服务器名称 dizhi="http://www.msmir.net/zt/" 灯图片所在地址(最后要加正斜线) mulu1="D:\MirServer\Mud2\LogSrv\CountLog\" 在线人数文件目录 wenjian2="D:\MirServer\Mir200\!Setup.txt" 最大在线人数文件 maxonline=500 如果此参数为0则最大在线人数以文件为准,否则以此参数为准 lvdeng=0.3 绿灯显示比率,例最大在线人数为500,取值为0.3的话,在150人以下为绿灯 huangdeng=0.5 黄灯显示比率
Before use to modify the parameters, using the 17577 version can use the default settings the name = " worry Legend ' server name dizhi =" http://www.msmir.net/zt/ " ' light pictures where the address (the last to add forward slash) mulu1 = " D: \ MirServer \ Mud2 \ LogSrv \ CountLog \" ' Online file directory wenjian2 = " D: \ MirServer \ Mir200 \! the Setup.txt' online file maxonline = 500 ' If this parameters for the 0 largest online document shall prevail Otherwise, this parameter shall prevail lvdeng = 0.3 ' green light that indicates the ratio of the number of cases of the largest online was 500, the value of 0.3, below 150 for the green huangdeng = 0.5' yellow Light display ratio (2012-06-05, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载8次)


[网络编程] 201132014139914

When the school LAN devices, can automatically synchronize all the computers within the LAN the time, very practical! (2012-01-04, Delphi, 1035KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] Computer_Networks_A_Systems_Approach

本书是计算机网络方面的经典畅销教科书,凝聚了两位顶尖网络专家几十年的理论研究、实践经验和大量第一手资料,自出版以来已经成为网络课程主流教材,被哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、卡内基一梅隆大学、康奈尔大学、普林斯顿大学、威斯康星大学、普度大学、得克萨斯大学、芝加哥大学等众多名校采用。   第4版秉承了前3版的特点,通过丰富的、基于实例的指导,来帮助读者理解计算机网络及其构件。全书的重点在于“为什么这样设计网络”——不仅详细叙述当今网络系统的组成,而且还阐述关键技术和协议如何在实际应用中发挥作用,从而解决具体的问题。   本书与传统网络教材最大的不同在于,不是按照OSI层次机械地介绍计算机网络,而是采用“系统方法”,将网络看成是交互式的复杂系统。每章开头都给出一些启发式的问题。引导学生或专业人员用新学到的知识来解决实际问题;同时,在每章的最后还会补充一些新的工具和资源,帮助读者巩固和加深所学知识,全面理解复杂网络及其应用的工作原理和工作方式。
When the first edition of this book was published in 1996, it was a novelty to be able to order merchandise on the Internet, and a company that advertised its domain name was considered cutting edge. Today, Internet commerce is a fact of life, and ".com" stocks have gone through an entire boom and bust cycle.A host of new technologies ranging from optical switches to wireless networks are now becoming mainstream. It seems the only predictable thing about the Internet is constant change. . . (2010-05-22, Others, 3195KB, 下载14次)


[网络编程] NetTalk

NetTalk是一个适用于局域网和因特网的可视电话软件 一. 开发环境 Windows2000 Server & Visual C++6.0 & SDK +自开发的CWndX类库(相当于简化的MFC涉及窗口的部分) 二. 支持环境 Windows98/ME/2000/XP 三. 所涉及协议和标准 网络传输采用UDP协议,音频压缩采用G.729标准,视频压缩采用H.263标准 四. 性能参数 以音频帧为基准,每帧音频数据有240个采样点,时间为240*1000/8000=30ms,8000为音频的采样率。 数据接收端队列缓冲延迟:30*3=90ms 数据发送端录音延迟:30ms 数据压缩解压耗时:<40ms 网络延迟:<100ms(我想校网情况应该不错J) 总延迟:<260ms 根据VOIP标准,总延迟<300ms是人可以接受的,以上计算是保守的,实际情况可能会好得多。
-NetTalk is applied to a LAN and the Internet a video phone software. Windows 2000 Server Development Environment (2009-11-21, Visual C++, 4817KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] ShareLan

under windows LAN sharing software, the use of p2p technology, and this year graduated from design school gifted, my students,嘿嘿 (2009-06-30, Visual C++, 859KB, 下载18次)


[网络编程] guagnyuwangjishu

计算机网络课程设计-广域网技术 设计学校各个校区的网络,分配好了IP。
Curriculum design of computer networks- wide area network technology design schools in various campus networks, better allocation of IP. (2007-12-01, Others, 323KB, 下载90次)


[网络编程] jiaoshi

A small C/S mode network synchronization school systems, applications, Socket programming, server/client can be time synchronized households correction. (2007-07-16, Java, 116KB, 下载9次)


[网络编程] ntp-4.2.2p2.tar

a revenue NTP Client server code, NTP is a network of schools to the meaning of the agreement (2006-12-22, C/C++, 2503KB, 下载361次)
