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[前端开发] 应用背景 模糊c-均值聚类算法 fuzzy c-m

应用背景 模糊c-均值聚类算法 fuzzy c-means algorithm (FCMA)或称( FCM)。在众多模糊聚类算法中,模糊C-均值( FCM) 算法应用最广泛且较成功,它通过优化目标函数得到每个样本点对所有类中心的隶属度,从而决定样本点的类属以达到自动对样本数据进行分类的目的。 关键技术 改进的FCM算法,FLICM:Image segmentation based on local (2022-07-06, Delphi, 750KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] 直方图均衡化处理的“中心思想”是把原始图像的灰度直

直方图均衡化处理的“中心思想”是把原始图像的灰度直方图从比较集中的某个灰度区间变成在全部灰度范围内的均匀分布。直方图均衡化就是对图像进行非线性拉伸,重新分配图像像素值,使一定灰度范围内的像素数量大致相同。直方图均衡化就是把给定图像的直方图分布改变成“均匀”分布直方图分布。   缺点:   1)变换后图像的灰度级减少,某些细节消失;   2)某些图像,如直方图有高峰,经处理后对比度不自然的过分增 (2022-07-06, Delphi, 565KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] cnrsof

功能简介: [管理]站长登录管理中心需要帐号密码进入 [管理]高级管理员可以任意加设班级管理员,有权限级别 [管理]学生自荐信息搜索功能 [管理]添加、编辑、割除学生自荐信息功能
Function introduction: [management] webmaster login account password management center to enter [management] senior administrator can add arbitrary class administrator, a privilege level [management] student recommended information search function [management] add, edit, remove the student recommended information function (2016-03-03, Delphi, 335KB, 下载1次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] Message

delphi 串口短信发送,可自动获取中心号码,批量输入号码后点击按钮发送。注:手机或设备需支持at命令
delphi serial SMS, can automatically obtain the center number, enter the number after batch click the button to send. Note: The phone or device must support at command (2015-11-09, Delphi, 1366KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] call_center_agent

agent of call center source code,including cti and crm (2015-05-21, Delphi, 1968KB, 下载12次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] tx

Delphi: Delphi imitation PhotoShop a set of image processing effects, these effects are: fade, slide effect, pull-down effect, diffusion effect, Barilla windows and mosaics, staggered and Emboss, center getting out and getting into the center and the raindrops and building blocks effect. These effects with PhotoShop effects of image processing functions are very similar, but the effect would be better PhotoShop so delicate. (2014-07-25, Delphi, 17KB, 下载17次)


[Windows编程] kfldxx

客服来电显示系统 分为服务端和客户端。服务端通过广播来电号码,客服端自动接收显示。一般配合板卡级呼叫中心使用。
Display system customer service call Divided into server and client. The server broadcasts the incoming number, client automatically receives the display. The general coordination board level call center. (2014-04-30, Delphi, 1146KB, 下载2次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] SimElavotor

An international trade center 40 layers, with passenger elevators 10 (with E0 ~ E9 logo). The use of multi-threading technology to achieve a passenger elevator simulation case, attached technical documentation on (2013-07-10, Delphi, 135KB, 下载2次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] Picturexgt

Delphi picture shows a set of effects, such as a picture to four weeks, four weeks from the center to the center, the upper left to the lower right to the upper right, lower left, upper right to lower left, in the middle to both sides, both sides to the middle of the screen is cleared. These pictures cut way is really useful, especially in the production of pictures related software. (2013-01-29, Delphi, 9KB, 下载11次)


[编辑器/阅读器] Readrss23

欢迎使用ReadWorldRSS阅读器 1 这个程序更改了我上回发布的《聚合新闻(RSS)阅读器》的一些错误。 2 新增了频道列表的拖放功能,及导入,导出(OPML)功能。 3 重新设计了一下界面 4 本程序是仿照《新郎点点通》设计的,其中没有使用线程,一些功能需要连接网络可能会暂时失去响应情谅解 5 欢迎大家使用提出宝贵意见。 6 谢谢
欢迎使用ReadWorldRSS阅读器 1 这个程序更改了我上回发布的《聚合新闻(RSS)阅读器》的一些错误。 2 新增了频道列表的拖放功能,及导入,导出(OPML)功能。 3 重新设计了一下界面 4 本程序是仿照《新郎点点通》设计的,其中没有使用线程,一些功能需要连接网络可能会暂时失去响应情谅解 5 欢迎大家使用提出宝贵意见。 6 谢谢 (2010-12-01, Delphi, 1085KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] guojihuodaiyewuxitong

系统支持海运进出口、空运进出口的业务操作与管理;  系统支持对业务数据设定业务审核,系统自带的报表工具满足企业报表需要;  系统支持对分并单业务的处理及拼箱操作  系统支持各项费用、佣金的结算处理及审核功能,通过报表中心进行决
System supports import and export ocean and air import and export business operations and management system to support operational audit of the business data set, the system comes with reporting tools to meet the enterprise reporting needs system to support the right points and a single business operating system, processing and consolidation support for the fees, commission settlement processing and auditing functions, through the Report Center to conduct summary (2010-01-19, Delphi, 2469KB, 下载102次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] multi-sectoral_records_show

主要用于电力系统多部门安全运行的记录显示。 是电力系统监控中心成立后运行人员必备的辅助软件。 可自由编辑。
Is mainly used for the safe operation of power system multi-sectoral records show. Is the power system control center operating personnel after the establishment of essential supporting software. Be free to edit. (2009-12-06, Delphi, 457KB, 下载8次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] CmccTypeWriteUpLoad

Is at work to do before移动营业厅one of several programs. In order to meet the qualifying examination typing this off. At that time, casually to colleagues to carry out this type of procedure for the exercise. To this end also got two days for vacation. Now left. Also publish them for all to entertainment. (2009-11-29, Delphi, 122KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] OAPro

开发工具:Visual Studio .NET 2005 + Server2005 项目描述:OA办公系统基于B/S架构设计。 包括文件管理、共享下载、消息管理、公文流传、通知管理、内部论坛、人力资源管理、资产管理 等。 文件管理:接收文件 传送文件 文件操作记录 共享下载:查看共享 上传共享 管理共享 消息管理:接收消息 发送消息 部门群发 发送记录 我的群组 公文流转:接收公文 发送公文 发送记录 通知管理:查看通知 发布通知 通知管理 新闻管理:浏览新闻 发布新闻 内部论坛:查看帖子 发布帖子 头像管理 工作日志:提交日志 日志记录 批阅日志 日志汇总 日程计划:撰写日程 我的日程 撰写计划 我的计划 工作总结:撰写月总结记录.管理撰写年度总结记录.管理总结分类 审批管理:提交审批 办理审批 申请记录 人力资源:在线考勤 考勤记录 所有考勤 部门考勤 通讯录:单位通讯录 提交办公通讯录 电子邮件 发送邮件 资产管理 资产列表
sorry!I dont known english (2009-04-27, Delphi, 23808KB, 下载209次)


[编辑器/阅读器] RSS

RSS聚合新闻阅读器,(1)获取信息:通过站点管理功能获得信息,并根据用户设置对信息进行全程的跟踪、即时的更新以及网上搜索。 (2)阅读信息:一点即读,随时浏览,信息分类管理,及时方便。 (3)管理信息:可删可加可分组;来源、分类、更新频率……用户全方位自由掌控。 (4)导入导出信息:导入、导出频道或收藏夹,以丰富浏览内容。还可以通过“获取更多频道”将更多更精彩的RSS内容引入阅读器。
Polymerization RSS news reader, (1) access to information: site management functions through access to information, and in accordance with user settings for the entire process of tracking information, real-time updates and online search. (2) read the message: namely, that reading, at any time browsing, information classification management, timely and convenient. (3) Management Information: can be cut to increase as well as packet sources, classification, update frequency omni-directional freedom ... ... the user control. (4) Import and Export Information: import, export channel or favorites, in order to enrich the content browser. You can also (2008-05-03, Delphi, 1516KB, 下载20次)


[WEB开发] tjz929_csjx_2.0.rar

张家界城市规划服务中心业务系统_单机版2.0 张家界城市规划服务中心业务系统 最新版 有报表打印、无第三方控件,闲置3分钟后会自动锁定系统。 希望大家使用后多提意见,测试漏洞,小弟在次谢过!! 用户名:tjz929 密码:123 数据库密码:tjz929 QQ:12068964 email:tjz929@163.com
Zhangjiajie Town Planning Service Center business systems 2.0 stand-alone _ Zhangjiajie Town Planning Service Center business systems have the latest version of print statements, without third-party control, idle 3 minutes after the system will automatically lock. Hope that we do so after use, testing a loophole in the meeting thanked boy! ! Username: tjz929 Password: 123 Database Password: tjz929QQ: 12068964email: tjz929@163.com (2008-04-01, Delphi, 1847KB, 下载11次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] getpcinfo

用于计算机中心的PC机管理,通过WMI获取本单位PC的名称,IP地址,网卡地址,硬盘序列号,CPU序列号,硬盘大小,内存大小等信息.然后转换成EXCEL表格发送到管理员的EMAIL中. (2007-09-27, Delphi, 2755KB, 下载147次)


[教育系统应用] 200305302158bysj

network online examination system code original thesis hope that we can like (2006-10-24, Delphi, 325KB, 下载137次)


[ListView/ListBox] delphiChat

1 设计目标:网络无中心,世界任我行 在没有任何固定服务器的情况下,人们仍然可以畅通无阻的进行点对点的交流,传输文件,语音,视频等!
a design goals : network-center, a world imprisoned in the absence of any fixed server circumstances, people can still unimpeded for peer-to-peer exchanges, transfer files, voice and video! (2006-07-07, Delphi, 467KB, 下载40次)


[网络编程] CyqLinux_ReadWorld_RSSReader

ReadWorld RSS 聚合新闻 阅读器 XML 欢迎使用ReadWorldRSS阅读器 1 这个程序更改了我上回发布的《聚合新闻(RSS)阅读器》的一些错误。 2 新增了频道列表的拖放功能,及导入,导出(OPML)功能。 3 重新设计了一下界面 4 本程序是仿照《新郎点点通》设计的,其中没有使用线程,一些功能需要连接网络可能会暂时失去响应情谅解 5 欢迎大家使用提出宝贵意见。 6
ReadWorld RSS feeds news reader welcomed the use of XML ReadWorldR an SS readers of this change in procedure on my back to the "syndication (RSS) reader" some mistakes. The two new channels of drag-and-drop function list, and importing and exporting (OPML) function. 3 redesign of the interface about four procedures are modeled on the "little-groom" design, which does not use threads, Some of the functional needs of the network may temporarily lose response to continued understanding 5 Everyone is welcome to use their valuable opinions. 6 Thank you, (2006-01-06, Delphi, 712KB, 下载27次)
