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[Web服务器] j_13088_netsozspace

NZFRS V3.0基于ASP+ACCESS+AJAX构建。 功能: 1、用户管理中心支持注册信息,修改密码。 2、注册用户时会自动添加网址分类与通讯录分类,以便添加网址及通讯录。 3、网址收藏与通讯录记录时可选择对应分类,分类修改采用JS显示。 4、收藏网址时可选择公开或私有,公开则允许被游客浏览。 5、记事本主要用于记录一些重要资料和事件备忘等,记事本信息不对外公开。 6、关于ACCESS数据库链接采用通用防SQL注入类函数,主要过滤SQL字符。 7、注册会员列表按全国省区域分类显示。 8、内置一套统一模板的多用户投票系统,独立数据库,由于未完善,暂不整合。
NZFRS V3.0 based on ASP ACCESS AJAX Construction. Function: 1, user management center to support the registration information, modify your password. 2, registered users will automatically add the Web site classification and address book classification, in order to add a Web site and contact information. 3, site collections and choose Address Book records corresponding classification, classification amendments seek to adopt the JS show. 4, when the collection site can be developed through public or private, public is allowed to visit by tourists. 5, Notepad mainly used to record some important information and events such as Memo, Notepad information publicly. 6, on the ACCESS database links to adopt a common anti-SQL injection-type function, the main filter SQ (2009-01-24, Asm, 389KB, 下载24次)


[Web服务器] SBV1.0Source

Tuo-yu SpaceBuilder from Qingdao Development Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a Web2.0-based thinking of the design, use of the development of community portals asp.net2.0 products. It is also a Web2.0 comprehensive solution, including: space, blog, photo album,网摘, documents, circles, events, news center, SNS and other functions may be based on any combination of customer demand, seamless integration. It uses industry-leading technology architecture, privacy protection, the user rating system, excellent caching technology, full-text search technology. 10 million that can carry data, with excellent scalability and provide a rich API, to facilitate customers, or the secondary development of product customization. (2008-11-19, C#, 8753KB, 下载56次)


[Web服务器] myTopWinCMS2

拓文asp.net网站内容管理系统 v2.0 v2.0重写了数据访问层,大量修改了逻辑层。新加入软件下载模块,简化生成HTML得步骤,提升生成HTML得性能,搜索引擎加入多关键字搜索功能. 一个开放源码的.net系统,基于三层结构开发;具有VB.NET和C#.NET双版版本.数据库采用SQl Server 2000,使用了大量存储过程,并非单纯的把数据库形式由ACCESS转为MSSQL的程序。 它拥有众多模块:软件下载,新闻文章,留言本,调查投票,友情链接,在线文件管理,公告发布,数据库管理。界面豪华、功能完善、简单易用、管理方便。它能帮助您建立高效率的独立站点。 它支持无限分类、栏目自由排序、批量生成静态文件、支持长文章分页...文章点击统计为动态,省去了隔段时间生成HTML的麻烦;强大的在线编辑文章功能提供了最大的灵活性,却又无需要专门学习,可方便地行图文混排,任意修改。 留言本支持UBB代码、支持关键字过滤、支持禁止指定IP发留言、防灌水机攻击机制、支持阻止广告程序自动灌水。 管理员权限采用基于角色的分配,特别合适多人员维护网站。
Tuong Van Asp. Net Web content management system v2.0 v2.0 rewrite of the data access layer, extensive amendments to the logical layer. New software download module, generating HTML in simplified steps to enhance performance in generating HTML, Search engines add more keyword search function. an open source. net system, based on the three-tier structure development; with VB.NET, and C#.NET-edition version. the database using SQL Server 2000. he used a lot of storage process is not simply a form from the database ACCESS to MSSQL procedures. It has many modules : download software, news articles, message of the survey vote Links, online document management, announcement, database management. Interface luxury, complete functions, easy to use and easy to manage. It can help you build an effi (2006-06-24, ASP, 5570KB, 下载187次)
