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[编译器/解释器] 1

This is a lexical analyzer school program, using C language, is very small. But you can run. (2008-06-18, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] complex

This is a solution of complex equations of procedures, including binary, ternary equation can also be Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates transformation. There are detailed instructions. . . The objective is to solve the circuit basis of the problems encountered because the circuit there are many of them are related to solutions of complex equations of the problem, understand the equations for the installation of matlab uneconomical, so simply use the school software you, including your Shuang ! (2008-06-08, Visual C++, 2334KB, 下载124次)


[汇编语言] dianti

模拟某校九层教学楼的电梯系统。该楼有一个自动电梯,能在每层停留。九个楼层由下至上依次称为地下一层、第一层、第二层、……第八层,其中第一层是大楼的进出层,即是电梯的“本垒层”,电梯“空闲”时,将来到该层候命。 乘客可随时地进出于任何层。对于每个人来说,他有一个能容忍的最长等待时间,一旦等候电梯时间过长,他将放弃。 模拟时钟从0开始,时间单位为0.1秒。人和电梯的各种动作均要消耗一定的时间单位(简记为t),比如:有人进出时,电梯每隔40t检测一次,若无人进出,则关门;关门和开门各需要20t;每个人进出电梯均需要25t;如果电梯在某层精致时间超过300t,则驶回1层候命。 (2008-06-03, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载15次)


[数据结构] 070324A

飞思卡尔智能车 车 模 介 绍 车模调校的主要参数 舵机控制方法
Freescale (2008-05-22, Visual C++, 1494KB, 下载195次)


[VC书籍] an9108

通道遥控赛车车模 2通道遥控赛车车模结构 车模调校的主要参数 后倾角 Caster 外倾角 Camber 前束 Toe 减震弹簧预紧力 后倾角 Caster 前束 Toe 外倾角 Camber ...
Channel remote control car models car models 2-channel remote control to adjust the structure of models of the main parameters Caster Camber Caster Camber Toe Toe shock absorber spring preload Caster Toe Toe Caster Camber Camber ... (2008-05-22, Visual C++, 108KB, 下载6次)


[对话框与窗口] cvery.comvc589022411

让一个对话框显示背景通常有两种做法:使用图片控件、在WM_PAINT消息中画图。 用图片控件非常简单,但功能功能不强大,不能对图片拉申等。 在WM_PAINT中画图,相对复杂,但可以做很多特殊处理(如对图片拉申、图片取反等等)。 那么下面就对两种方法略述。
楔校胁袥袠褨袞写袥袗袩褣携写歇袨袘袚袨袗协袌袚袃谐邪小袧卸卸蟹褨袟袌袃袣歇袡谐校协袦笑袑袩懈袦褳衼袀写泻WM_PAINT携褯携袀卸邪袥协袦衼袃 谐校协袦笑袑袩懈袦褳袟效袚袃袦褣袝袇袃袑袝袐袡袉肖屑袡袉肖屑袙袥效袩袛褤袃袑袙袥肖屑袞写协袦笑袑袪些褗袝楔衼袃 写泻WM_PAINT卸邪袥协袦袃袑携褉袞写袠袛写谐袃袑袝袐袩些胁写蟹褨袣屑袞褉鞋懈歇褌袛袉袪褝袃袌楔褔袞写协袦笑袑袪些褗衼袀协袦笑袑楔衼袟袛袝楔袝楔袃袎衼袃 肖效校袛携孝校褑袨协袞写小袧卸卸袟袧袟袌孝写歇褨衼袃 (2008-05-15, Visual C++, 300KB, 下载21次)


[数据结构] Schedule

School school calendar generation, monthly partitions, automatic identification of a leap year, calculate week. (2008-05-10, Visual C++, 231KB, 下载9次)


[其他行业] SchoolGuideSystem

With VC++ Realize a simple system of campus tour guides, visitors can provide information on the school s attractions as well as related distance (2008-04-17, Visual C++, 172KB, 下载32次)


[数据结构] daoyou

校园导游咨询:编制一个为来访客人进行最短路径导游的程序从厦门大学漳州校区的平面图中选取10个有代表性的景点,抽象成一个无向带权图。以图中顶点表示景点,边上的权值表示两地之间的距离。 2.本程序的目的是为用户提供路径咨询。根据用户指定的始点和终点输出相应路径,或者根据用户指定的景点输出景点的信息。
Campus tour guides Advisory: the preparation of a visitors guide to the shortest path procedure from Zhangzhou Campus of Xiamen University (2008-03-30, Visual C++, 218KB, 下载39次)


[DirextX编程] RandomWorld_1231_1000

DirectX 2d 遊戲源碼 含各種特校引勤
DirectX 2d game source code containing a variety of special school primers ground (2008-03-12, Visual C++, 719KB, 下载48次)


[其他小程序] person

Then at that time in the school staff to do a kind of source code (2008-03-08, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] calibrate

看见好多朋友,有关于触摸屏的问题,lib 编译支持了触摸屏,QWS_MOUSE_PROTO也是设置正确,但是还是无法使用,有时往往是没进行校准屏幕. 有的朋友只移植了qte了,没有移植qtopia ,(qtopia里有一个校屏程序),往往无法校屏,现在共享一个校屏程序,从qtopia 中提取出来,支持qte 2/3,给只移植qte的朋友一个方便.^_^
To see a lot of friends, have a touch screen on the issue, lib compiler support for the touch screen, QWS_MOUSE_PROTO is set up correctly, but still unable to use, sometimes the screen is not calibrated. Some Friend qte transplant only, no transplant qtopia, (qtopia Lane screen has a school program), schools often do not screen, and now share a school-screen procedures, extracted from qtopia to support qte 2/3, to the only transplant qte a convenient friend. ^ _ ^ (2008-03-05, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载48次)


[Windows编程] verify

Table source school procedures, calibration of relevant parameters. (2008-01-21, Visual C++, 86KB, 下载30次)


[Windows编程] Lift

Using MFC for the simulation of a school nine-storey teaching building of the elevator system. (2008-01-12, Visual C++, 1558KB, 下载46次)


[单片机开发] dianti

模拟某校九层教学楼的电梯系统。该楼有一个自动电梯,能在每层停留。九个楼层由下至上依次称为地下一层、第一层、第二层、……第八层,其中第一层是大楼的进出层,即是电梯的“本垒层”,电梯“空闲”时,将来到该层候命。 乘客可随时地进出于任何层。对于每个人来说,他有一个能容忍的最长等待时间,一旦等候电梯时间过长,他将放弃。 模拟时钟从0开始,时间单位为0.1秒。人和电梯的各种动作均要消耗一定的时间单位(简记为t),比如:有人进出时,电梯每隔40t检测一次,若无人进出,则关门;关门和开门各需要20t;每个人进出电梯均需要25t;如果电梯在某层精致时间超过300t,则驶回1层候命
err (2008-01-02, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] lift

模拟某校九层教学楼的电梯系统。该楼有一个自动电梯,能在每层停留。九个楼层由下至上依次称为地下一层、第一层、第二层、……第八层,其中第一层是大楼的进出层,即是电梯的“本垒层”,电梯“空闲”时,将来到该层候命。 乘客可随时地进出于任何层。对于每个人来说,他有一个能容忍的最长等待时间,一旦等候电梯时间过长,他将放弃。 模拟时钟从0开始,时间单位为0.1秒。人和电梯的各种动作均要消耗一定的时间单位(简记为t),比如:有人进出时,电梯每隔40t检测一次,若无人进出,则关门;关门和开门各需要20t;每个人进出电梯均需要25t;如果电梯在某层精致时间超过300t,则驶回1层候命。
err (2008-01-02, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载11次)


[GPS编程] gpscomm

gps串口接收信息 可更新计算机时间 根详细说明
gps serial port to receive information may be time to update the computer-gen detail (2007-12-25, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载82次)


[单片机开发] sports

The preparation of a sports scores statistics procedures, demonstration of procedures to the user and computer implementation of dialogue, that is displayed on computer terminals in the message , the input data by the user will be able to query results of operations, resulting in the school report card, content including schools achieved results for each item number, rank, name and score, but also must have a body score statements, including its schools, women s groups men Tuanzi Total Total Total and groups. (2007-11-29, Visual C++, 170KB, 下载16次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] ColorProcess

Deal with a variety of colors of the median color Gamma correction color conversion color-> gray color conversion adjusting brightness/contrast adjustment (2007-11-14, Visual C++, 2281KB, 下载80次)


[单片机开发] poj2978--ColoredStones

POJ2978, state DP is also a good title, University of Waterloo s School Tour Title (2007-11-04, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)
