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[通讯编程] it2-fls-toolbox

The intersection of a and b is another type-2 fuzzy set, just as the intersection of type-1 fuzzy sets A1 and A2 is another type-1 fuzzy set. More formally, we have the following expression
The intersection of a and b is another type-2 fuzzy set, just as the intersection of type-1 fuzzy sets A1 and A2 is another type-1 fuzzy set. More formally, we have the following expression (2018-09-19, WINDOWS, 650KB, 下载11次)


[通讯编程] Bluetooth-serial-Assistant-v1.97

This is used as a Bluetooth serial communication software, installation environment must be in Andrews, you can use it to send commands down bit, there are three modes to choose from, if you are doing this product, then it will is for you!! (2013-08-12, Others, 52KB, 下载31次)


[通讯编程] KS97

KS97模块,GPRS模块相关介绍 KS-97 MIX版本(数据-命令混合版本)使用说明_v1.0 KS-97 嵌入式GPRS引脚定义 KS-97嵌入式CDMA模组产品简介 KS-97嵌入式GPRS模组产品简介 KS-97嵌入式无线传输模组使用手册V1.1
KS97 module, GPRS module related presentations KS-97 MIX version (data- command mixed version) Instructions _v1.0 KS-97 embedded GPRS pin definitions KS-97 embedded CDMA module Introduction KS-97 embedded GPRS Module Introduction KS-97 user manual embedded wireless module V1.1 (2013-07-31, Visual C++, 1308KB, 下载10次)


[通讯编程] acarsdec_VB6.0

My decoder accuracy is more than 97 .
My decoder accuracy is more than 97 . (2013-06-13, Visual Basic, 228KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程] 97-ISSAC

Building and implementing parallel algorithms in the area of computer algebra
Building and implementing parallel algorithms in the area of computer algebra (2009-10-13, Others, 448KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程] sfs

DW 256 DUP(?) STACK1 ENDS DDATA SEGMENT MES1 DB The least number is:$ MES2 DB 0AH,0DH, The largest number is:$ NUMB DB 0D9H,07H,8BH,0C5H,0EBH,04H,9DH,0F9H DDATA ENDS CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODE,DS:DDATA START: MOV AX,DDATA MOV DS,AX MOV SI,OFFSET NUMB MOV CX,0008H JCXZ A4 MOV BH,[SI] MOV BL,BH A1: LODSB AL=DS:[SI],SI=SI+1 CMP AL,BH JBE A2 MOV BH,AL JMP A3 A2: CMP AL,BL JAE A3 MOV BL,AL A3: LOOP A1 A4: MOV DX,OFFSET MES1 show mes1 MOV AH,09H INT 21H MOV AL,BL show the least number AND AL,0F0H get the highest 4 bits SHR AL,4 CMP AL,0AH JB C2 ADD AL,07H C2: ADD AL,30H MOV DL,AL show character MOV AH,02H INT 21H MOV AL,BL AND AL,0FH get the lowest 4 bits CMP AL,0AH JB C3 ADD AL,07H C3: ADD AL,30H MOV DL,AL show character MOV AH,02H INT 21H MOV DX,OFFSET MES2 show mes2 MOV AH,09H INT 21H
DW 256 DUP (?) STACK1 ENDSDDATA SEGMENTMES1 DB The least number is: $ MES2 DB 0AH, 0DH, The largest number is: $ NUMB DB 0D9H, 07H, 8BH, 0C5H, 0EBH, 04H, 9DH, 0F9HDDATA ENDSCODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS: CODE, DS: DDATASTART: MOV AX, DDATA MOV DS, AX MOV SI, OFFSET NUMB MOV CX, 0008H JCXZ A4 MOV BH, [SI] MOV BL, BHA1: LODSB AL = DS: [SI], SI = SI+ 1 CMP AL, BH JBE A2 MOV BH, AL JMP A3A2: CMP AL, BL JAE A3 MOV BL, ALA3: LOOP A1A4: MOV DX, OFFSET MES1 show mes1 MOV AH, 09H INT 21H MOV AL, BL show the least number AND AL , 0F0H get the highest 4 bits SHR AL, 4 CMP AL, 0AH JB C2 ADD AL, 07H C2: ADD AL, 30H MOV DL, AL show character MOV AH, 02H INT 21H MOV AL, BL AND AL, 0FH get the lowest 4 bits CMP AL, 0AH JB C3 ADD AL, 07HC3: ADD AL, 30H MOV DL, AL show character MOV AH, 02H INT 21H MOV DX, OFFSET MES2 show mes2 MOV AH, 09H INT 21H (2008-12-25, VHDL, 1KB, 下载5次)


[通讯编程] Mov9

本工程实现的是9位义位与串并变换模块 具体工作过程是: 在时钟CLK的上升沿触发下,从inp端输入接收m序列,按顺序inp->A9->A8->...->A0进行意味,同时把A9,A8,...A0的输出分别给B9,B8,B7,...从而完成串并转换的功能。Q端的信号取自A0的输出短,作为一位4位后的串行m序列信号。 clk为输入时钟信号;inp为接收序列信号输入;Q为串行序列输出;B0~B3为四位并行序列输出。
Realize this project is 9 Sememe transform module with the string and the specific work process is: In the rising edge of CLK clock trigger from inp input receiver m sequence, according to the order of inp- (2008-03-24, VHDL, 242KB, 下载18次)
