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[SQL Server] Library-management-system

  本数据库系统主要解决在学校图书馆中,实现图书基本情况的录入、修改、删除,能够办理借书卡,实现借书功能、还书功能 ,实现对借阅者图书证的录入、删除,以及根据图书编号对图书进行查询。 系统开发的意图是帮助图书管理人员提高管理效率,通过本管理系统软件,能帮助工作人员利用计算机,快速方便的对图书信息数据进行管理、输入、输出、查找的操作,使杂乱的图书信息数据能够具体化、直观化、合理化等。另一方面方便学生使用,快速查找相关书籍信息, 目前图书管理系统在学校的图书管理中起着不可替代的作用,是一个典型的数据库系统。本次的课程设计采用了结构化和面向对象程序设计的方法,使后台数据库具有可扩展性,前台界面简单实用。本系统在Windows XP环境中采用Visual Basic为开发平台,使用SQL SERVER创建数据库,用于对图书信息资料的增加、删除、修改,以及学生借书还书信息的增加、删除、修改。此系统经过分析、设计、编码、调试等一系列步骤,初步实现了设计目标,并且经过适当完善后,最终作出了一个虽简洁但却实用的图书管理系统。
The database system is mainly to solve in the school library, library basic input, modify, delete, can apply for a library card, achieve a library function, but also the book function, to achieve the borrower library card entry, deletion, and in accordance with Book Number of books to search. System development is intended to help librarians improve management efficiency through the management system software, can help staff the use of computers for book information quickly and easily manage the data, input, output, look for operation, making information and data clutter of books to be specific, intuitive, rationalization and so on. On the other hand facilitate students to use, fast search related information, Library management system currently in school library management plays an irreplaceable role, is a typical database system. The course was designed with structured and object-oriented programming approach, so that the background database scalability, front interface is simple an (2013-06-24, Visual Basic, 8643KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] ap-ma-sy

随着计算机信息技术的发展和进步,我们的社会已逐步向数字化、信息化、网络化迈进。学校作为发展的先驱,已经普遍使用计算机系统来进行各个部门的管理工作。学生公寓管理信息系统的主要功能特色有: 1.各基础信息管理:包括了校区、公寓、专业、学生等相关基础信息的管理,方便系统管理。 2.来访人员日常行为管理:包括来访人员资料调查、统计及信息共享与传递。 3.强大的查询功能:可以单独查询任意学生、任意时点的来访人员资料,也可单独查询任意房间、任意宿舍楼等。
随着计算机信息技术的发展和进步,我们的社会已逐步向数字化、信息化、网络化迈进。学校作为发展的先驱,已经普遍使用计算机系统来进行各个部门的管理工作。学生公寓管理信息系统的主要功能特色有: 1.各基础信息管理:包括了校区、公寓、专业、学生等相关基础信息的管理,方便系统管理。 2.来访人员日常行为管理:包括来访人员资料调查、统计及信息共享与传递。 3.强大的查询功能:可以单独查询任意学生、任意时点的来访人员资料,也可单独查询任意房间、任意宿舍楼等。 (2013-05-05, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] waiguoyuxueyuanwangzhan

The source for the website of our College of Foreign Languages, Colleges, faculties dynamic, news, announcements and other modules, and I hope to share with everyone. (2013-04-05, Visual Basic, 10988KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] Mini-network-of-schools

Mini-network of schools, with 14 remote time synchronization server, the the Express time when the school! (2013-04-01, Visual Basic, 141KB, 下载5次)


[软件测试] TEST-meter

Rural power meter communication function tests (2012-06-18, Visual Basic, 1418KB, 下载16次)


[网络编程] msmir.com_asp_light

使用前请先修改参数,使用17577版本可使用默认设置 name="无忧传奇" 显示服务器名称 dizhi="http://www.msmir.net/zt/" 灯图片所在地址(最后要加正斜线) mulu1="D:\MirServer\Mud2\LogSrv\CountLog\" 在线人数文件目录 wenjian2="D:\MirServer\Mir200\!Setup.txt" 最大在线人数文件 maxonline=500 如果此参数为0则最大在线人数以文件为准,否则以此参数为准 lvdeng=0.3 绿灯显示比率,例最大在线人数为500,取值为0.3的话,在150人以下为绿灯 huangdeng=0.5 黄灯显示比率
Before use to modify the parameters, using the 17577 version can use the default settings the name = " worry Legend ' server name dizhi =" http://www.msmir.net/zt/ " ' light pictures where the address (the last to add forward slash) mulu1 = " D: \ MirServer \ Mud2 \ LogSrv \ CountLog \" ' Online file directory wenjian2 = " D: \ MirServer \ Mir200 \! the Setup.txt' online file maxonline = 500 ' If this parameters for the 0 largest online document shall prevail Otherwise, this parameter shall prevail lvdeng = 0.3 ' green light that indicates the ratio of the number of cases of the largest online was 500, the value of 0.3, below 150 for the green huangdeng = 0.5' yellow Light display ratio (2012-06-05, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载8次)


[教育系统应用] FenBan

YanJi Sunny FenClass (2012-06-04, Visual Basic, 26825KB, 下载18次)


[语音合成] SClock

仿vista时钟的一款 png桌面时钟,带语音校时功能,自动校时功能
png Clock with alarm (2012-04-15, Visual Basic, 1597KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] Longxiao-TimeOK

Longxiao TimeOK (2012-01-12, Visual Basic, 19KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] meter-adjust-code

VB to write smart meter calibration procedures, is ideal for beginners or VB development, which is very detailed communication (2011-10-05, Visual Basic, 166KB, 下载36次)


[图形图像处理] vb-image-proceding-program

Vb-based image processing, self-tuning parameters can be input template image quality (2011-09-22, Visual Basic, 18KB, 下载5次)


[文件操作] 4

Calibration errors, mainly used to measure the point of error analysis, can generate EXCEL form. (2011-07-03, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] wendang

Course management system is one of the major educational administration, system development courses designed to manage basic information about the school and arrange courses for each class and class time and school classrooms, the management of the course test scores and examination results can be realized query and statistics. Use of the system objects, including Office of Academic Affairs staff, school faculty leaders, class teachers, teachers. (2011-05-23, Visual Basic, 23KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] 20058299446633

Mini timing device, it can be the computer through the Internet to local time proofing tools. (2011-05-10, Visual Basic, 133KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] kaoshixinwen

管理员具有管理员后台登录功能;可以实现(包括发布新闻信息、修改已发布新闻信息、删除已发布新闻信息)新闻中心的功能; 具有管理(包括上传成绩信息、删除成绩信息、修改成绩信息)考试信息的功能; 具有管理(包括增加新院校信息、删除院校信息、修改院校信息)院校信息的功能; 普通用户: 具有浏览、查询新闻信息的功能; 具有查询考试信息的功能; 具有浏览、查询院校信息的功能;
Administrator with administrator login feature background can be achieved (including the release of news and information, changes have been releasing news and information, delete the published news and information) information center functions With management (including performance information upload, delete, performance information, to modify performance information) test information functions With management (including the addition of new institutions of information, delete the college information, colleges modify the information) the function of information institutions Ordinary users: With browse, search news and information functions Test information functions with the query With a browser, query the function of information institutions (2011-05-04, Visual Basic, 3013KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] clock_arm

Based on lpc21 series of electronic clock program design, can realize electronic clock should be realized when the hour, school, and other functions (2011-04-18, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载3次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] 1

Automatic meter management system certification, with the calibration equipment for the management system, can achieve, equipment setup, automatic meter reading, data storage and print functions. (2011-02-15, Visual Basic, 989KB, 下载24次)


[教育系统应用] xuexiaojiaocaidinggouxitong

School materials ordering system online ordering system teaching materials teaching materials ordering system (2011-01-05, Visual Basic, 125KB, 下载8次)


[其他小程序] PrivateSubText1

yundonghui (2010-12-14, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载6次)


[打印编程] 63v0_MSHFlexGridPrint

MSHFlexGrid Printer class You are free to use this class in your projects. A notification is appreciated. (2010-07-30, Visual Basic, 552KB, 下载16次)
