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[GPS编程] GPSCheckTime

GPS school applet, the computer through the serial port to read GPS information, when automatically! (2008-05-19, Visual Basic, 10KB, 下载178次)



用VB作的模拟某校九层教学楼的电梯系统能执行电梯 的基本功能
Using VB for the simulation of a school nine-storey teaching building of the elevator system can perform the basic functions of the lift (2008-01-12, Visual Basic, 355KB, 下载13次)


[Java编程] vb82942342425

mini-school network RECOMMENDATIONS (2006-09-06, Visual Basic, 134KB, 下载7次)


[组合框控件] 200551192035712

学生管理系统二、需求分析   本系统具备以下的功能:   (1)学生学籍档案的管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生学籍档案信息,学生档案里包括学生基本情况(姓名、性别、身高……等等)、学生简历情况、学生奖励情况、学生处分情况、学生家庭信息、学生奖贷学金情况、学生注册、学生异动情况、学生军训情况、学生毕业情况。   (2)学生学生体检情况,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生体检信息,学生学籍里包括学生身高、体重、医生评语……等等相关信息。   (3)学生成绩管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生入校成绩,各学期、各门课程的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。   (4)班级管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出各班级的信息。   (5)学生注册管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出每个学生每学期的注册信息。   (6)课程管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出每门课程的信息。   (7)用户管理,可添加新用户,修改已有用户密码。   (8)登录窗口,在使用本系统前都要进行身份验证。并可增加、删除用户,可修改用户密码。
two student management system, demand analysis of the system with the following features : (1) the Student records management, can add, modify, under specific conditions of inquiries and the Student output file information, the students file including students basic information (name, sex, Standing ... etc.), the curriculum vitae of the students, students incentives, punishment of students, families of students, and students PSD Award, student registration, changes of students, students of military training, the students graduated from the situation. (2) Student medical students, can add, modify, under specific conditions of inquiries and medical students output information, the Student Lane including height, weight, the doctor reviews ... and so on relevant information. (3) Student perfor (2006-06-26, Visual Basic, 71KB, 下载605次)


[教育系统应用] vbxueshengguanlixitong

这是一个学生信息管理系统,能完成的功能: (1)能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的档案信息,这些信息包括学生的基本情况、简历情况、获得奖励情况、受到处分情况、学生的家庭信息、学生的体检情况等。 (2) 能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的入校成绩、各学期各门课的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。
This is a student information management system, the completion of functions : (a) to logging, modifying, querying, students output file information, which includes the basic situation of the students, curriculum vitae, received awards. disciplinary action, the families of students, and students of medical conditions. (2) Input can be amended, query, the output of the students entering the school accomplishments, the class of the semester results information and support on the level, classes conditions statistics, query, report output. (2006-04-29, Visual Basic, 426KB, 下载95次)


[教育系统应用] LibAdmin

1 spent on schools and commercial library management programs, like about the function (2006-03-28, Visual Basic, 4893KB, 下载242次)


[Windows编程] 左雄杰和钱丹课程管理系统

curriculum management system is the management of the Senate one of the major tasks, the system was developed to manage all the courses set up the basic information, arranged for the class to the curriculum and school hours and school classrooms, the management of the course examination results, and to achieve results on the examination of inquiries and statistics. The system includes the use of the office staff, school faculty leadership, the class teacher, and teachers. (2005-12-11, Visual Basic, 480KB, 下载62次)


[Windows编程] 1065702005030921522121117

本系统是学校教材科内部的一个教材订购系统,实现教材的销售和采购。 b.本项目有学校教材科提出,由老师委托我小组开发,开发人员包括: 组长兼系统分析员:AAA、系统设计员:BBB、程序设计员:
this the school system within the Division, a textbook ordering system, achieving sales of materials and procurement. B. The project schools are teaching Branch, entrusted to me by teachers Development Group, developers include : head and systems analysts : AAA, the system designer : BBB, the programming staff : (2005-12-10, Visual Basic, 2180KB, 下载88次)


[Windows编程] 119128687

本系统是学校教材科内部的一个教材订购系统,实现教材的销售和采购。 b.本项目有学校教材科提出,由老师委托我小组开发,开发人员包括: 组长兼系统分析员:AAA、系统设计员:BBB、程序设计员:
this the school system within the Division, a textbook ordering system, achieving sales of materials and procurement. B. The project schools are teaching Branch, entrusted to me by teachers Development Group, developers include : head and systems analysts : AAA, the system designer : BBB, the programming staff : (2005-12-10, Visual Basic, 123KB, 下载63次)


[数据库系统] 学分管理系统

是我应我们学校学工部做的软件,其主要是解决想我们学校这样的条件--各个办公室之间还没有建立联网,而且学校分为两个校区(又不在一个城市).   因此,学工部每年的学分登记工作都很麻烦.每学年初,学工部要把当年发布的学分评测规定发到各系,学年末又要把从系里面提交的学分表收齐,然后手工登记,非常的麻烦.有时是系里面的学分报表太乱,有些资料丢失,要么是,系里面把各年的学分评测规定弄混,经常搞的他们一头雾水,于是为他们就请我做这个系统.   这个系统的工作流程是,每个学年初,学工部输入当年的学分评定规定,然后到处成为学分评测数据,然后Copy给各个系,各个系在每个学年中,输入新的专业,年级,班级和新生的资料,然后登记学分评测的纪录和考试的成绩.当学年末到了,各系把党学年的数据导成数据库,然后copy给学工部,学工部就可以用电脑纪录所有的学分纪录.
should I do our school among a software, it is our resolve to schools such conditions-- every office has not yet been established between the network and the school is divided into two campuses (not in a city). Therefore, each of the credit among a registration work very troublesome. Every beginning of the school year, among a year should release the credit evaluation of the provisions of the various faculties, should also learn from the end line inside the table collected credits, and then manual registration, very troublesome. Sometimes there is too much of the credit chaos statements, some of the information lost, or is that the inclusion of the line inside the credits Evaluating requirements confused, often that of their loss, so they asked me to do on the system. the workflow system (2005-11-10, Visual Basic, 1921KB, 下载66次)


[棋牌游戏] 电院五子棋(PLAEEI)

一款自主开发的五子棋程序,乃无禁手算法,为本人参加校挑战杯的作品,获三等奖。该程序棋力强劲,在QQ中的战绩目前为: 积分:43 赢:44 输:27 平:2 胜率:60% 曾和网上四五款无禁手的五子棋程序对弈,十盘中一般能胜七八盘!先手基本没负过! 采用了递归算法预测下一步,不过由于是为了应付学校的挑战杯,代码写的不是很规范,递归算法也不完美,之后由于学习时间很紧张,也没时间改进,今天把源代码公布出来,和大家一起学习探讨!大家可以自由使用我的代码,不过有点要求是,如果有人对程序中的算法进行了改进或有更好的思路,还望能传给我一份,让大家共同进步! 希望这个代码能给大家带来一点帮助! 谢谢大家
new independent development of the 331 procedures, is no cut-hand algorithm, I attended school for the Challenge Cup entries Rs 799. The procedure spotlight strong QQ in the current record : Integral : 43 wins : 44 losers : 27 Level : 2 .500 : 60% have Internet on April 5, and no cut-hand plays 331 procedures, generally intraday 10-78! Firstly basically had no negative! Using the recursive algorithm predicted the next step, however, is to cover the Challenge Cup, the code was not very standardized, recursive algorithm not perfect, because after learning time is very tight, there is no time to improve, today's source code announced, we will study together and explore! We can freely use my code, but a little bit is that if someone had the right procedures to improve the algorithm, or a b (2005-11-01, Visual Basic, 935KB, 下载50次)
