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[单片机开发] thefrequencymeterdesign

简易数字频率计题解.( 1997年 B 题 ) 编写与讲解人:田良(东南大学无线电系,2003年3月12日) 一)任务 设计并制作一台数字显示的简易频率计。 (二)要求 1.基本要求 (1)频率测量 a.测量范围 信号:方波、正弦波 幅度:0.5V~5V[注] 频率:1Hz~1MHz b.测试误差≤0.1% (2)周期测量 a.测量范围 信号:方波、正弦波 幅度:0.5V~5V[注] 频率:1Hz~1MHz b.测试误差≤0.1% 3) 脉冲宽度测量 a.测量范围 信号:脉冲波 幅度:0.5V~5V[注] 脉冲宽度≥100μs b.测试误差≤0.1% (4)显示器 十进制数字显示,显示刷新时间1~10秒 连续可调,对上述三种测量功能分别采用不同颜色的 发光二极管指示。 (5)具有自校功能,时标信号频率为1MHz。 (6)自行设计并制作满足本设计任务要求的稳压电源 (2008-05-05, Asm, 348KB, 下载130次)


[单片机开发] ATT7022B-Aplication

A measurement of notebook chips, including hardware circuitry and software methods introduce school table! (2008-03-10, Others, 986KB, 下载230次)


[单片机开发] ATT7022B

一款计量芯片的应用笔记,包括外围电路说明和软件校表方法介绍! (2008-03-10, Others, 986KB, 下载155次)


[单片机开发] 51MCU

51单片机电子日历程序代码 有时间显示、闹铃、日期、秒表及键盘设置功能
51 Single-chip electronic calendar program code has time display, alarm, date, stopwatch function and keyboard settings (2008-02-15, Others, 4KB, 下载60次)


[单片机开发] shuzhizhong_kechengsheji

中南大学数字电子技术课程设计--数字钟的设计 一.设计目的 1. 进一步掌握各芯片的逻辑功能及使用方法。 2. 进一步掌握数字钟的设计方法和和计数器相互级联的方法。 3. 进一步掌握数字系统的设计和数字系统功能的测试方法。 4. 进一步掌握数字系统的制作和布线方法。 二.设计要求 1.设计指标  数字钟具有显示时、分、秒的功能;  有校时功能,可以分别对时及分进行单独校时,使其校正到标准时间;  计时过程具有报时功能,当时间到达整点前10秒进行蜂鸣报时,报时声音四低一高;  并且要求走时准确。 2.设计要求  画出电路原理图(或仿真电路图);  元器件及参数选择,有相关原器件清单; 3.制作要求 自行装配和调试,并能发现问题和解决问题。 4.编写设计报告 写出设计与制作的全过程,附上有关资料和图纸,有心得体会。
err (2008-01-17, WORD, 156KB, 下载120次)


[单片机开发] display_miaojiaoshi

This is the horse power to do the latest wave of teachers <<AVR单片机潜入式系统原理与应用实践>> seconds school related C program CVAVR compile, and learning to think with a friend AVR MCU must be useful. Notes detail, one look to understand. (2008-01-15, C/C++, 31KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] CLOCK

51 single-chip digital clock procedures, output hours, minutes and seconds displayed on the digital tube, and adjust keys. (2008-01-11, Asm, 2KB, 下载241次)


[单片机开发] petyfer.RAR

【设计题目】 多功能数字钟的设计 【设计目的】 1掌握数字系统的分析和设计方法 2能够熟练的、合理的选用集成电路器件 3熟悉EWB软件的使用。 【设计指标及要求】 设计一个多功能数字钟,以一昼夜24小时为一个计数周期。准确计时,具有“时”“分”“秒”数字显示。整点能自动打点、报时。要求报时声响四低一高,最后一响为整点。具有校时功能。要求电路主要采用中小规模CMOS集成电路。要求电路尽量简化,并选用同类型的器件。在EWB电子工作平台上进行电路的设计和计算机仿真。
Title] [design multi-functional digital clock design 1] [designed to exploit the digital system analysis and design method of 2 to skilled, reasonable choice of integrated circuit device 3 familiar with the EWB software. [] Design specifications and requirements to design a multi-function digital clock, 24 hours a day for a cycle count. Accurate time, a when sub seconds The figures show. Automatically runs the whole point, the newspaper. Four-time low noise requirements of a high, the final point for the whole ring. With a school function. Requirements are mainly small and medium-sized circuits CMOS integrated circuits. Asked the circuit as simple as possible and select the same type of device. EWB work in the platform of electronic circuit design and computer simulation. (2008-01-03, WORD, 193KB, 下载24次)


[单片机开发] dianti

模拟某校九层教学楼的电梯系统。该楼有一个自动电梯,能在每层停留。九个楼层由下至上依次称为地下一层、第一层、第二层、……第八层,其中第一层是大楼的进出层,即是电梯的“本垒层”,电梯“空闲”时,将来到该层候命。 乘客可随时地进出于任何层。对于每个人来说,他有一个能容忍的最长等待时间,一旦等候电梯时间过长,他将放弃。 模拟时钟从0开始,时间单位为0.1秒。人和电梯的各种动作均要消耗一定的时间单位(简记为t),比如:有人进出时,电梯每隔40t检测一次,若无人进出,则关门;关门和开门各需要20t;每个人进出电梯均需要25t;如果电梯在某层精致时间超过300t,则驶回1层候命
err (2008-01-02, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] lift

模拟某校九层教学楼的电梯系统。该楼有一个自动电梯,能在每层停留。九个楼层由下至上依次称为地下一层、第一层、第二层、……第八层,其中第一层是大楼的进出层,即是电梯的“本垒层”,电梯“空闲”时,将来到该层候命。 乘客可随时地进出于任何层。对于每个人来说,他有一个能容忍的最长等待时间,一旦等候电梯时间过长,他将放弃。 模拟时钟从0开始,时间单位为0.1秒。人和电梯的各种动作均要消耗一定的时间单位(简记为t),比如:有人进出时,电梯每隔40t检测一次,若无人进出,则关门;关门和开门各需要20t;每个人进出电梯均需要25t;如果电梯在某层精致时间超过300t,则驶回1层候命。
err (2008-01-02, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载11次)


[单片机开发] digtalclk

用Altera公司的QuartusII编写的电子钟程序,可以下载至开发板,实现一个智能数字钟功能,计时,校时,闹钟,跑表等功能,也可用于学习verilog HDL语言与数字逻辑
Using Altera s QuartusII procedures for the preparation of electronic bell, you can download to a development board, the realization of an intelligent digital clock function, time, school time, alarm clock, stopwatch functions can also be used to study verilog HDL language and digital logic (2007-12-20, Others, 2045KB, 下载128次)


[单片机开发] sports

The preparation of a sports scores statistics procedures, demonstration of procedures to the user and computer implementation of dialogue, that is displayed on computer terminals in the message , the input data by the user will be able to query results of operations, resulting in the school report card, content including schools achieved results for each item number, rank, name and score, but also must have a body score statements, including its schools, women s groups men Tuanzi Total Total Total and groups. (2007-11-29, Visual C++, 170KB, 下载16次)


[单片机开发] CreatePro

Fujian Sinosat phone client acceptance procedures, applies to home-school education sectors pass project (2007-11-06, Java, 115KB, 下载21次)


[单片机开发] poj2978--ColoredStones

POJ2978, state DP is also a good title, University of Waterloo s School Tour Title (2007-11-04, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] meterage

Sampling high-voltage current measurement of the number of ampere-hours from time to time through wireless transmission, wireless school support, password settings and other functions, which can be expanded into a network zigbee (2007-10-26, Others, 19KB, 下载15次)


[单片机开发] w77e58

华邦单片机w77e58的双串口通信源程序。此源程序只作参考,内有些函数未有原型,借鉴在于其通信方式及其设置。 CRC检校可另参考其它代码。 (2007-10-19, C/C++, 2KB, 下载63次)


[单片机开发] shuzizhongsheji

多功能数字钟设计 一、设计任务: (一)主体功能 用HDL设计一个多功能数字钟,包含以下主要功能: 1.计时及校时,时间可以24小时制或12小时制显示 2.日历:显示年月日星期,及设定设定功能 3.跑表:启动/停止/保持显示/清除 4.闹钟:设定闹钟时间,整点提示
multifunctional design of a digital clock, design tasks : (1) the main function of HDL design with a multi-function digital clock, includes the following main functions : 1. metering and school, time can be 24 hours or 12 two-hour show. Calendar : Displays date weeks, Setting function and 3. stopwatch : start/stop/maintain Display/4 clearance. alarm clocks : Set an alarm time. suggested the whole point (2007-07-06, WORD, 304KB, 下载182次)


[单片机开发] shuzizhongsheji1

基于51单片机的数字钟程序,实现了闹铃校时两个功能,用Keil C编写
SCM digital clock procedures, the alarm function of two schools, with the preparation of Keil C (2007-06-28, Others, 58KB, 下载54次)


[单片机开发] Cremote

51 infrared remote control microcontroller to accept the C language source code that can be applied to TV remote control (2007-06-06, WORD, 3KB, 下载458次)


[单片机开发] nrf9e53

最新推出了无忧无线nRF9e5 SOC开发平台第二版、无忧无线nRF9E5模块第二版程序
launched the latest worry-free wireless nRF9e5 SOC Platform 2nd Edition, Wireless worries nRF9E5 module second edition procedures (2007-05-11, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载93次)
