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按分类查找All Windows编程(107) 

[Windows编程] itext-pdfsweep-dotnet

无法恢复地从数字文档中删除内容,而不是将其覆盖。修订文本、图像、部分图像或图纸,以完全保密。iText pdfSweep符合GDPR的数据编校要求。
Remove content from your digital documents irretrievably instead of just covering it up. Redact text, images, parts of images or drawings for complete confidentiality. iText pdfSweep complies with GDPR for data redaction. (2024-03-27, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] q-yongze-my-three-master

Independent research and development of a set of knowledge payment, live teaching, online school construction and other functions (2021-02-03, C/C++, 122KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] CRC校驗

CRC16 check,Verification of communication protocol for mosbusrtu (2020-04-19, C#, 194KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 校无忧网上选课系统

Through online course selection, personal course selection information can be completed, instead of paper-based manual operation (2019-05-01, WINDOWS, 1046KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 校赛

Programming contest in school, including print graphics, bubble output, sorting, etc. (2019-04-21, C/C++, 2KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 校门外的树

某校大门外长度为L的马路上有一排树,每两棵相邻的树之间的间隔都是 11 1 米。我们可以把马路看成一个数轴,马路的一端在数轴 00 0 的位置,另一端在 LL L 的位置;数轴上的每个整数点,即 0,1,2,…,L0,1,2,…,L 0,1,2,…,L ,都种有一棵树。 由于马路上有一些区域要用来建地铁。这些区域用它们在数轴上的起始点和终止点表示。已知任一区域的起始点和终止点的坐标都是整数,区域之间可能有重合的部分。现在要把这些区域中的树(包括区域端点处的两棵树)移走。你的任务是计算将这些树都移走后,马路上还有多少棵树。
There is a row of trees on the road outside the gate of the school with a length of L, and the spacing between every two adjacent trees is Eleven 1 meters. We can see the road as a number axis, and one end of the road is on the number axis. 00 0, the other end is in LL The location of L; every integer point on a number of axes, that is, 0,1,2,... L0,1,2,... L 0,1,2,... L, there is a tree. There are some areas on the road to build the subway. These regions are represented by their starting points and ending points on the number axis. The coordinates of the starting point and the ending point of any region are known to be integers. There may be overlapping parts between the regions. Now we need to remove trees from these areas, including two trees at the end of the region. Your task is to calculate how many trees there are on the road after removing all these trees. (2018-06-12, C/C++, 1KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] inrix-represent

java+jsp华源网校+西部软件jsp版 很好的,不错的源码 (2018-05-14, Java, 406KB, 下载0次)
