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[Java编程] WyManageSystem

华中科技大学图书馆管理系统 1. 多校区联网 2.无bug 3.正在使用中
Huazhong University of Science library management system 1. Multi-campus network 2. No bug 3. Is in use (2009-12-09, Java, 376KB, 下载37次)


[Java编程] 08z10473

】传统音勺课堂教学模式授课形式单一、呆板,对学生的培辨往往一刀切,忽视了学生的个性差异,茅搬体现黠材施教的思想,不能很 翳逸激发学生砖灌能薅奎舀培养学生素壤,疆棱霉弼络楚褒耗铸网络教学管理孚密纛够嚣拜课堂教学砖萃足。基于Java蔽拳酶网络教 学管理平寄的开发,将“译堂教学”与“网络教学”进行了有利地融合,打破了单一的教学模式,使学生的个性潜能得以发挥,体现了“素质 教宵”和“因材施教”的思想,对渤校的内涵建设起到了重要作用。
】 Traditional classroom teaching model sound teaching spoon forms a single, rigid, Pei Identification of students across the board tend to ignore the personality differences between students, Mau point move reflected the thinking of teaching materials can not be very nebula irrigation Yat stimulate students to pull out brick-kui scoop Su-students marina, Jiang Ling Chu bao network mycophenolate consumption Bute cast dense network teaching management Kuifu al feather fan noise enough stripping foot brick classroom teaching. Java-based shelter network boxing enzyme level teaching management development to send the " translation of Church teaching" and " network teaching" favorable to integration, breaking the single-mode teaching so that students can function at its full potential personality embodies the principle of " Quality Education night " and" abilities " of thought, the connotations of the Bo School played an important role in the building. (2009-08-22, Java, 266KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] B200901

In this paper, queuing theory (also known as stochastic service system) of ideas and methods applied to the campus information network in the line-conditioning charges, set up a charging scheme in the network of users and service port of the M/M/n/n queuing model on the utilization of the port, the user can be the probability of such services, given a reasonable formula. Put forward a reasonable time the school network by charging the price of the light table. Finally, the M// n/n queuing model was further optimized to improve the model, we joined the user utilization of network traffic and equipment, in order to enable the formulation of a more reasonable price, so that to further improve the utilization of equipment. The article also collect, organize a campus network in a practical network management data into the model, empirical analysis, access to the relevant technical indicators. (2009-06-22, Java, 36KB, 下载30次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linux_java

linux_java linux下java环境的配置详解 ChinalTlab网校研究中心
linux_java linux environment under the java configuration ChinalTlab Detailed School Research Center (2009-06-20, Java, 874KB, 下载2次)


[J2ME] a-sample-of-j2me

School j2me phone design development documents, development of an example, word version (2009-04-29, Java, 246KB, 下载7次)


[Java编程] asda

java正在载入华育国际大连软件校区大连华育国际为国家培养紧缺型人才拿高薪学软件就到华育国际 (2009-03-24, Java, 8KB, 下载30次)


[Java编程] ShopingHelper

个人消费助理 早期的在学校的实训作品 使用ACCESS 数据库
Assistant Early personal consumption at the Training School works (2009-03-02, Java, 102KB, 下载32次)


[Java编程] xiaoli

My curriculum design, a java produced by the school calendar, you can enter the year and month to set up! (2009-03-01, Java, 4KB, 下载11次)


[Java编程] PetClinicManageSystem

JAVA-based structure of the BS pet clinic management system. Was written in the school, we instruct you. (2009-02-04, Java, 2905KB, 下载39次)


[软件设计/软件工程] school

CHSC Qualcomm integrated solution, including servers, equipment, terminals, software detailed design. (2008-12-05, Java, 559KB, 下载59次)


[Java编程] ouiui78786

java+ jsp School Worldbest+ western jsp software version (2008-08-31, Java, 700KB, 下载4次)


[文章/文档] JavaScript

The main introduction javascript, allows you to Quick Start, the school has very much, please carefully read (2008-08-06, Java, 5444KB, 下载3次)


[通讯编程] heritrix_win_cmds.tar

胁袥袠褨袣屑袣校袝肖蝎斜蝎褩胁 搂 效褑袃袑袛褤袦胁袩些胁写携孝写懈携孝袪袛袝褩歇写胁袥携孝衼袃 (2008-07-01, Java, 5KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] kecheng

该项目的开发是在学生课程日益增多的压力下设计且用来解决选课的烦恼,从而达到简化管理人员工作的目的。 选课系统数据库管理人员和在校学生各作为单独的一类用户,管理人员主要通过该系统对学生的选课情况进行查询以及对学校课程进行管理。 软件开发的意图为便于学校的管理,方便学生的选课.如学生可以查询,修改,删除自己所选课程,管理人员可对课程进行查询,修改,删除等工作。
The project was developed courses in the students under the pressure of an increasing number of design courses and to address anxieties, thereby simplifying the management staff to achieve the purpose. Elective system, database management staff and students at school each as a separate category of users, managers, mainly through the system of selection of students to conduct inquiries and to manage the school curriculum. The intention of software development in order to facilitate the management of schools to enable the students to the course. If students can learn about, modify, delete their selected courses, course managers can query, modify, delete and so on. (2008-05-20, Java, 226KB, 下载14次)


[Java编程] addressbook

谐校struts袩褣袦屑歇袝携卸袝肖小袏携袝协袌斜袞袙袨袃袑谐邪袛褬歇 搂 袨薪袩褌些褕袦笑 (2008-05-16, Java, 5672KB, 下载14次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Autoserving

效肖 露 袊袣蝎 禄褏禄 褗渭袛袛歇袉褩袟 露 袠谢袣袇袩渭袧褨袔袌袞写 鈩?| 袛鞋袣袟袦斜 鈩?漏 袠袥 禄褗袇禄 禄覑渭袛袇蟹袚卸袌禄 褬袞袥谐校袚 禄搂 袥褖小袔袡袦袞 渭袛效鞋褬蝎袌禄 小泄笑 陇 啸袥 禄搂 渭袛褦袩 衼袪肖袌禄 校谢孝褕袪袪袧衼袪袝孝肖 卤 袌褨笑校袚 禄搂 啸袥禄 搂 渭袛孝 禄笑袙袪肖袌禄 鈩?鞋袗薪 卤 褧渭楔袡袦袞 袣褝褧协褩胁袔袌 (2008-04-02, Java, 44KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] DB_Buaa

Undergraduate teaching management system, which allows students to query, change the self-information, inquiry, registration for courses each semester, browse their results can also be used to track student learning progress, until its degree permit teachers inquiries, change of personal information, query their own courses to be taught permit each department to manage their own academic subjects students, teachers and curriculum permit the management of all schools of the Registrar Office of the curriculum, students and teachers. (2008-02-27, Java, 505KB, 下载68次)


[网络编程] socket

Fujian Sinosat company receiving procedures socket. Application and home-school pass industry (2007-11-06, Java, 21KB, 下载11次)


[单片机开发] CreatePro

Fujian Sinosat phone client acceptance procedures, applies to home-school education sectors pass project (2007-11-06, Java, 115KB, 下载21次)


[网络编程] jiaoshi

A small C/S mode network synchronization school systems, applications, Socket programming, server/client can be time synchronized households correction. (2007-07-16, Java, 116KB, 下载9次)
