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[其他] 洛谷题目讲解

Luo Gu training questions, including many road foundation greedy solution and dynamic programming detailed explanation (2018-07-02, Visual C++, 37KB, 下载3次)


[OpenGL] 方格网络可视化

2016 Northwestern Polytechnical University model school tournament, the title "five or" visualization software, this program uses the CodeBlocks Win32 programming, and based on OpenGL, can achieve five in three-dimensional environment renju detection and real-time modification and display does not meet the requirements, and can read and output. (2018-03-10, Visual C++, 943KB, 下载2次)


[IP电话/视频会议] sdk

大华网络sdk开发手册 欢迎使用网络SDK编程手册,网络SDK是软件开发者在开发网络硬盘录像机、网络视频服务器、网络摄像机、网络球机、智能设备等产品监控联网应用时的开发套件。本文档详细描述了开发包中各个函数实现的功能、接口及其函数之间的调用关系和示例实现. 本开发套件主要包括业务操作和设备管理两大部分: 业务操作 状态侦听、实时监视、实时预览、字符叠加、音频控制、录像回放和下载、数据保存、云台控制、语音对讲、透明串口、码流统计、智能分析等功能。 设备管理 远程升级、远程重启/关闭、设备参数配置(系统通用配置、报警布/撤防设置、录像配置、串口配置、图像配置、日志管理、用户管理、设备校时、动态检测配置、网络配置)等功能。
dahua sdk (2013-07-11, Visual C++, 2681KB, 下载86次)


[教育系统应用] XSGL

With the major institutions enrollment, increasing the number of students, student management has become a top priority in school management. The system implements the following functions: student information into student achievement level entry program providing students with illegal handling student achievement student achievement ranking students information searching, printing, after modification, you can run! Welcome! (2013-06-26, Visual C++, 8171KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] dFilleSearchho

文件搜索系统 智能排序 能按文件内容或文件名搜索,并且能按文件名,修改日期... ...排序当初学入门校java实训的项目 那时侯不知知道有LinkedList竟然自己花了3天时间自己写了的LinkLiist有什么问题请与我联系.
File search system, intelligent sort by file content or file search by file name, modification date ... sort the original entry school java training project Back then I do not know know LinkedList even spent three days written LinkLiist have any questions please contact me QQ: 281284015Email: ibm (2012-08-05, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] C51-Digital-Clock

本设计的数字时钟利用 51 单片机作为核心芯片,辅以按键、蜂鸣器和LED显示器,以实现具有计时、校时、闹钟设定等功能。利用单片机实现的数字时钟具有编程灵活,便于功能的扩充等优点。
51 single-chip digital clock in this design as the core chip, combined with the buttons, buzzer and LED display, in order to achieve timing, timing, alarm settings and other functions. MCU digital clock with flexible programming, and facilitate the expansion of the function. (2012-05-04, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] C51-Clock

本设计的数字时钟利用 51 单片机作为核心芯片,辅以按键、蜂鸣器和LED显示器,以实现具有计时、校时、闹钟设定等功能。利用单片机实现的数字时钟具有编程灵活,便于功能的扩充等优点。
51 single-chip digital clock in this design as the core chip, combined with the buttons, buzzer and LED display, in order to achieve timing, timing, alarm settings and other functions. MCU digital clock with flexible programming, and facilitate the expansion of the function. with alarm (2012-05-04, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载5次)


[进程与线程] vcthreads

VC 多线程操作实例源代码 如何安全终止线程 如何创建UI线程 如何创建Worker线程 如何等待线程结束 如何挂起和恢复线程 如何获得线程的退出码 如何使用互斥量 如何使用临界区 如何使用事件 如何使用信号量 有此实例代码,多线程无忧!
VC multi-threaded operating source code examples how to safely terminate a thread how to create a UI thread how to create a Worker thread to wait for the end of the thread to suspend and resume threads on how to obtain the exit code of how to use the thread mutex how to use the critical section how to use the event how to use the signal volume of this sample code, multi-threaded worry! (2011-11-08, Visual C++, 131KB, 下载44次)


[汇编语言] nian-yue-ri

多功能数字钟设计 主体功能一个多功能数字钟,包含以下主要功能: 1.计时及校时,时间可以24小时制显示 2.日历:显示年月日,及设定设定功能 3.闪烁调时4.时间日期的快进和快退
Multifunction digital clock features a versatile design the main digital clock, includes the following main functions: 1. Time and school, 24-hour time display 2 calendar: display month, day, and set the setting function 3 flash tune at 4 time and date of the fast-forward and rewind (2011-07-21, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] clock

数电课程设计:电子时钟 设计一个数字电子钟,要求: 1. 时间以12或24小时为一个周期; 2. 正常显示时、分、秒; 3. 具有校时功能,可以分别对时及分进行单独校时,使其校正到标准时间; 4. 计时过程具有报时功能,当时间到达整点前10秒进行蜂鸣报时; 5. 为了保证计时的稳定及准确须由晶体振荡器提供表针时间基准信号。 6. 完成闹钟功能。
Curriculum design for digital circuits: design of a digital electronic clock electronic clock, requires: 1. Time to 12 or 24 hours for a period 2. Normal display hours, minutes and seconds 3. Juyou timing function, respectively, and sub-time separate school, it corrected to standard time 4. timekeeping process has timekeeping function, the whole point when time reaches 10 seconds before the buzzer timekeeping 5. In order to ensure a stable and accurate timing by the time the crystal oscillator Biaozhen reference signal. 6. Complete the alarm clock function. (2011-05-30, Visual C++, 148KB, 下载36次)


[单片机开发] funny-clock(using-c-knowledge)

功能:【1】时钟显示(包括小时,分钟) 二十四/十二小时制模式转换;校时功能(应能手动校时);整点报时。 【2】闹钟提示设定3组闹钟当设定时间到时,闹钟响铃,同时屏幕出现一组十进制两位的加减乘除运算,此时使用者可通过屏幕下方的一排按键进行输入,如结果正确则停止响铃。若出现使用者不理闹钟或结果一直无法正确的情况,那么闹钟将隔5分钟响一次,直到答对为止。通过计算可以在短时间内让使用者达到清醒状态,实现闹钟的目。
Function: 【1】 clock display (including the hours, minutes) round/twelve hours the system mode switching the campus functions (should be able to manual timing) whole point timekeeping. 【2】 3 groups set alarm, alarm clock when the set time, the alarm clock rings and the screen appeared a group of two decimal addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, this time users through a row of buttons below the screen for input, If the result is correct to stop ringing. If there has been a user can not ignore the alarm clock or the results of the correct situation, then the alarm will sound once every 5 minutes, until the correct date. By calculating the user in a short time to awake and realize the purpose alarm clock. (2011-03-01, Visual C++, 1439KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] TitleBarColor

界面漂亮的VC++计时器源码 界面漂亮的VC++计时器源码,发愁界面设计的VC++初学者可以参考一下本例中的界面处理方法。点击开始计时,数字会按时间慢慢变校
VC++ interface pretty nice interface, the timer source VC++ timer source code, to worry about interface design of the VC++ Beginners can refer to this case, the interface approach. Click to start running, the figure will gradually change over time the school (2010-03-11, Visual C++, 42KB, 下载5次)


[网格计算] gg20080830042037

由于模拟训练系统大多数是各军事单位、院 校、工业部门各自为战独立设计,缺乏统一的顶层 规划,造成系统的接口不统一、软件兼容性差,即使 同一类训练系统所采用的训练机制
As the simulation training system, the majority of military units, institutions, the industrial sector separately and independent design, the lack of a unified top-level planning, resulting in the system interfaces are not unified, software compatibility is poor, even the same type of training system, training mechanism used (2010-03-05, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载6次)


[*行业应用] AutoStuMis

温州市电力汽校学员管理系统.主要功能是学员记录的新建,修改,删除,学员考试上车时间的安排。该软件功能简单,主要使用到了ODBC数据库,Windows 标准控制等等基本的编程元素。非常适合初学者练习和参考
Wenzhou City Electric Steam school student management system. Main function is to record a new student, modify, delete, student exams on the bus timing. The software features simple, the main use to the ODBC database, Windows standard control, and so the basic programming elements. Very suitable for beginners to practice and reference (2009-12-23, Visual C++, 196KB, 下载7次)


[教育系统应用] StudentManagement

学生信息管理系统 (1). 学生学籍管理,录入、修改、查询、输出学生学籍信息,这些信息包括学生奖贷学金情况、学生注册、学生异动情况、学生军训情况、学生毕业情况。 (2). 学生成绩管理,录入修改、查询、输出学生入校成绩,各学期、各门课程的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。 (3). 学生档案的管理,即录入、修改、查询、输出学生档案信息,这些信息包括学生基本情况、学生简历情况、学生奖励情况、学生处分情况、学生家庭信息、学生体检情况。
student management system (2009-05-24, Visual C++, 415KB, 下载5次)


[其他行业] ZhangzhengyouCameraCalibration_VC

Zhang is the Friends of Development, prepared for the use of two-dimensional control points, camera calibration procedures have been compiled. Can call the cmd window. (2009-01-01, Visual C++, 1609KB, 下载70次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] VideoCapture

胁袥袠褨袦褣袝袇袝肖歇谐笑袝袙袞蟹袧邪衼袚鞋邪褣袃袑袩些胁写些褕卸校些褕袘袠袃袑歇袝携卸袦褣袝袇袝肖歇谐笑袝袙袞蟹袧袡袉肖屑衼袃 (2008-07-08, Visual C++, 19KB, 下载9次)


[VC书籍] an9108

通道遥控赛车车模 2通道遥控赛车车模结构 车模调校的主要参数 后倾角 Caster 外倾角 Camber 前束 Toe 减震弹簧预紧力 后倾角 Caster 前束 Toe 外倾角 Camber ...
Channel remote control car models car models 2-channel remote control to adjust the structure of models of the main parameters Caster Camber Caster Camber Toe Toe shock absorber spring preload Caster Toe Toe Caster Camber Camber ... (2008-05-22, Visual C++, 108KB, 下载6次)


[搜索引擎] clucene-core-0.9.19

蟹褞邪孝clucen写袛孝褘袃袑歇效袠褨挟楔袞袌袟袀邪邪袗褑袃袑蟹褩蝎斜蝎褩胁 搂 效褑袟袧校褑袝肖袩些胁写袙挟袩袦胁袥携孝衼袃 (2007-07-29, Visual C++, 2120KB, 下载88次)


[Windows编程] c++_procedures

Below is the newspaper I was learning the full C source code, based on some of Qinghua University, Mr Lu Fengtai soar code, and some modifications; Still others are taking tests for a school of C code. The package dedicated to the C beginners, I wish a happy learning! (2007-05-06, Visual C++, 1155KB, 下载11次)
