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[PHP编程] quai-antique

Le quai古董是Savoyard餐厅的web应用程序。这是我在学校的期末考试,一个培训评估(称为EC...,
Le quai antique is a web application for a Savoyard restaurant. This is my final exam for my school, an in-training assessment (called ECF in French). The project works under Tailwind and Symfony (2023-10-24, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] school

学校管理系统是MyBizna ERP系统的一个组件,专门用于管理学校相关操作。,
The School Management System is a component of the MyBizna ERP system designed specifically for managing school-related operations., (2023-08-04, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] TP5_Splider

后端通过Thinkphp5实现数据信息抓取基于Thinkphp5 +phpQuery 整理的API接口 + 招聘信息抓取(前程无忧 智联招聘 boss直聘 拉勾网)数据接口 + 新闻分类(头条 军事 娱乐 体育 科技 艺术 教育 要闻)数据接口 + 视频分类(精品视频 搞笑...,
The back-end uses Thinkphp5 to capture data information. API interface based on Thinkphp5+phpQuery collation+recruitment information capture (51job Zhilian recruitment boss direct recruitment hook) data interface+news classification (headline military entertainment sports science, technology and art education news) data interface+video classification (high-quality video funny, (2019-01-22, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] EATERIO

数据库系统课程项目。EATERIO,德克萨斯州SIIT BKD校区食堂食品订购和管理系统。,
Project for Database System Courses. EATERIO, the Canteen Food Ordering and Management System at SIIT BKD Campus, TU., (2023-03-05, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] SitePageRank

The ranking data collection of the school website in the search engine is used to observe and record the ranking of the number of pages searched by Google. (2015-07-02, PHP, 7105KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] course-tencent-cloud

Focus on online course system, online school system, online education system, knowledge payment system. True to its name, it is free for commercial use. Docker is deployed in containers to quickly build a dedicated course on-demand and live learning platform. (2023-05-11, PHP, 2790KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] library

A multi language school library management system with roles, permissions, full text search, API, image cropping & compressing, GitHub login, CSV import, newsletter, reCAPTCHA, and so on! (2023-06-01, PHP, 4791KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] School-Management-System

A Laravel Based Online System to Manage All School Activities Ranging From Fees Payment, Keying in of Grades and Generation of Reports (2018-02-24, PHP, 189KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Training_and_Placement_Portal

Web Service for Colleges to easily manage the company looking for interns/employees and students seeking internship/placement. Uses SQL database for storing students details. Managed by admin for checking fraudulent of companies and student details. (2018-04-18, PHP, 8583KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] flea

根據觀察,台灣學生的校園物品交易頻繁,卻始終缺少一個以校園物品交易為主要設計考量的平台系統。本研究以Web2.0 時代下網路交易的特質為核心概念,包括消費者的參與性、多樣化內容、社群與多元化的溝通媒介,搭配社群網站的混搭(Mash up),以政大學生為目標對象,設計專屬政大學生的物品交易與交換平台—「政!大福利市集」。希望改善目前校園物品交易系統,以使用者為設計導向,建立不同於目前拍賣網站的主題交易平台;並透過線上店鋪的客製化佈置,個人風格展現的校園拍賣網站,結合facebook 提供的社交服務,提升平台社群互動與交流,滿足使用者線上消費過程的娛樂需求與體驗。 ,
According to observations, Taiwanese students frequently trade campus items, but there is always a lack of a platform system that focuses on campus item trading as the main design consideration. This study takes the characteristics of online transactions in the era of Web 2.0 as the core concept, including consumer participation, diverse content, communities, and diverse communication media, combined with a mashup of community websites, targeting political college students, and designing an exclusive platform for item trading and exchange - "Political! Big Welfare Market". I hope to improve the current campus item trading system, with a user oriented design, and establish a theme trading platform different from the current auction website; And through the customized layout of online stores, the campus auction website showcasing personal style, and the social services provided by Facebook, the platform enhances community interaction and communication, meeting the entertainment needs and (2013-05-16, PHP, 24704KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] 微教育小程序2.42.7

The micro-education applet, home-school interaction is fully covered, including all the files in the background and front-end of the applet. Microengine version, can be used in pro-test, no encrypted files, you can do secondary development by yourself (2021-02-22, PHP, 9108KB, 下载0次)


[其他] script

Millennium is mainly to hang black and white with the liberation of both hands, you should understand the millennium (2020-09-26, PHP, 7KB, 下载5次)


[PHP编程] bbq

PHP Confession Wall Source Campus Edition is a campus confession wall php source code developed with hybbs. It can be used on campus or between schools, and can be packaged as an APP. (2020-03-15, PHP, 5854KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 微教育多校版4.03.1%2B小程序专用版2.42.6开源

Micro education, school notice, attendance, job notifications, with installation tutorials, small programs. (2018-11-13, PHP, 24661KB, 下载17次)


[PHP编程] achievement

奇网校微信吸粉系统使用说明 功能介绍:通过成绩,信息,资讯,题目与答案等信息查询来为公众号吸粉丝,所有的信息需要关注公众号才能查看。从需使每一个需要查看信息的人都需要扫码关注微信公众号。
The odd school system for use WeChat powder Function Description: through the information query of achievements, information, topics and answers to attract fans for the public number, all information needs to pay attention to the public number to see. People who need to make every need to view information need scavenging to pay attention to the WeChat public number. (2018-02-22, PHP, 22811KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Enroll_1.0

Worry school online registration system to meet the needs of different parts of the registration staff, to provide more efficient, convenient and fast application conditions, and also to reduce the difficulty of the work management personnel more coordination between registration staff and management personnel, rapidly improve the efficiency of registration personnel and management personnel came into being. System applies to governments, educational institutions, schools, enterprises and institutions involved in the activities and information collected online registration platform on the Internet. (2016-04-05, PHP, 1877KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] 114la

主要功能特性 · 采用PHP+MYSQL架构,安全稳定 · 支持无限级分类,方便自由 · 每个分类均可单独设置Keywords、Description · 可设置过期时间,到期自动屏蔽,方便管理收费链接 · 强力模板引擎,显示风格自由定义,随心所欲 · 用户注册及自定义网址收藏夹功能,留住用户 · 点入来路自动统计排行功能,流量返还,方便推广 · 全站生成HTML,省心省钱 · 自定义生成HTML的目录和文件名,将SEO进行到底 · 超强内核引擎,生成全站HTML只需要几分钟 · 数据在线备份恢复功能,让你高枕无忧
114la site navigation source (2014-03-06, PHP, 721KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] shishi

In the ultra-large-scale top pressure to do anything about the sedan into the school Yuchen dry frost frost wins wins wins dry frost to frost wins in a quiet dead a depressed (2013-07-19, PHP, 8705KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] xscjgl

学生成绩管理 1、学籍管理 2、成绩管理 3、作业管理 4、学生素质评价管理 5、家校沟通管理
failed to translate (2013-05-07, PHP, 6792KB, 下载19次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 20080627051722606.rar

1、有数字钟功能;(不包括校时等功能) 2、可设置六个时间,定时打铃 3、响铃5秒钟。
1, there are digital clock function (not including school and other functions) 2, could be the establishment of six hours, timing Darlin 3, ringing 5 seconds. (2008-12-21, PHP, 148KB, 下载3次)
