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[其他] blititor

Old School Web Site Template for All Web Agencies and Developers (2023-01-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] team-timesheets

Time tracking web app built as a replacement for old school timesheets. (2023-05-09, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] xybSign

Alumni Bang automatically signs in, (2023-07-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[] OSRS-Environment-Exporter

Tool for exporting Old School RuneScape environments so they can be used in 3D modeling programs like Blender., (2023-03-31, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] TP5_Splider

后端通过Thinkphp5实现数据信息抓取基于Thinkphp5 +phpQuery 整理的API接口 + 招聘信息抓取(前程无忧 智联招聘 boss直聘 拉勾网)数据接口 + 新闻分类(头条 军事 娱乐 体育 科技 艺术 教育 要闻)数据接口 + 视频分类(精品视频 搞笑...,
The back-end uses Thinkphp5 to capture data information. API interface based on Thinkphp5+phpQuery collation+recruitment information capture (51job Zhilian recruitment boss direct recruitment hook) data interface+news classification (headline military entertainment sports science, technology and art education news) data interface+video classification (high-quality video funny, (2019-01-22, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[] nfc_attendance_system_esp32

NFC Attendance System | 智慧校園NFC考勤系統 | 基於ESP32的智慧校園NFC考勤系統控制器,
NFC Attendance System | Smart Campus NFC Attendance System | ESP32 based smart campus NFC attendance system controller, (2021-08-04, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] sinablog

大道无为懒无忧人性本私新浪博客 收 集,
Dadao is lazy and carefree, human nature is private, Sina blog collection, (2018-01-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] bnu-auto-ncov-daily-report

某校 每日上报打卡助手,支持使用 Github Actions 定时任务在线自动打卡,且支持打卡后用 微 信 消息、电子邮件通知打卡结果。
A school reports the clocking assistant every day, which supports online automatic clocking using Github Actions scheduled task, and supports WeChat message and email notification of clocking results after clocking. (2022-05-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] campus_interview

互联网校招面经 汇 总 (大家多多贡献下)
Summary of online school enrollment experience (under the contribution of everyone) (2016-10-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] AI-job-ads

腾讯 百度 华为 商汤等AI公司算法岗内推 汇 总 (含校招、社招、实习生岗)
Internal summary of algorithm posts of AI companies such as Tencent Baidu Huawei Business Soup (including school recruitment, social recruitment and intern posts) (2020-09-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] datascience-co-learning

[@OpenTechSchool](https:github.com OpenTechSch校)数据科学共同学习会议资源收集空间
Collection space for resources for the [@OpenTechSchool](https: github.com OpenTechSchool) data science co-learning meetup (2018-07-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] osrsbox-api

一个开放、免费、完整和最新的RESTful API,用于旧学校RuneScape(OSRS)项目、怪物和祈祷数据
An open, free, complete and up-to-date RESTful API for Old School RuneScape (OSRS) items, monsters and prayer data (2021-08-05, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] awesome-sdu-scripts

Some scripts about the life at SDU. 与 SDU 日常相关的一些脚本,如绩点查询器、选课助手、图书馆预约助手、教评助手、青岛校区电量查询、校园网认证脚本、实验报告 LaTeX 模板等,欢迎研究、使...
Some scripts about the life at SDU Some scripts related to SDU daily, such as grade point finder, course selection assistant, library appointment assistant, teaching evaluation assistant, Qingdao campus electricity query, campus network authentication script, LaTeX template of experimental report, etc. Welcome to research and make (2022-05-04, Python, 362KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] JavaInterviewArcanum

Java2020 School Recruitment and Interview Secrets (2020-05-19, Others, 129KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] sdu-lib-seat

山东大学图书馆预约脚本,Docker简单部署 提供测试环境 支持所有校区 集成图形界面。
Shandong University Library reservation script, Docker simple deployment provides a test environment to support all campus integrated graphical interfaces. (2022-10-23, Python, 1011KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] ngcm-tutorial

南安普顿大学博尔德伍德校区NGCM夏季学院IPython Jupyter研讨会的材料。
Materials for the IPython Jupyter workshop at the NGCM Summer Academy, at Southampton University, Boldrewood campus. (2018-01-11, Jupyter Notebook, 11763KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Campus

It may be one of the best frontend interview libraries you have ever seen for college admissions, collecting monthly BAT college admissions interview questions for fresh college graduates. (2018-12-25, Others, 8KB, 下载0次)



「Java学习+面试指南」思维导图,计算机自学指南,包括Java基础、JVM、数据库、mysql、redis、计算机网络、算法、数据结构、操作系统等,后台技术栈 架构师之路 全栈开发社区,阿里,腾讯,百度,美团,头条等春招 秋招 校招 面试
Java Learning+Interview Guide "mind map, computer self-learning guide, including Java basics, JVM, database, MySQL, Redis, computer networks, algorithms, data structures, operating systems, etc., backend technology stack architect path full stack development community, Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, Meituan, Toutiao, and other spring and autumn recruitment and school recruitment interviews (2022-10-25, Others, 26046KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Linux-Cpp-Development-Advanced-Learning

Linux Cpp 后台开发进阶学习,校招必学:操作系统、计算机网络、网络编程、并发实战、数据库原理、设计模式、Linux内核笔记、Linux命令和Git等。校招笔记、项目,你值得拥有。
Advanced learning in Linux Cpp backend development, compulsory for school enrollment: operating system, computer network, network programming, concurrent combat, database principles, design patterns, Linux kernel notes, Linux commands, Git, etc. School recruitment notes and projects are worth having. (2021-01-17, C++, 73621KB, 下载2次)


[] carefree-ml

carefree-ml implemented Machine Learning algorithms with numpy, mainly for educational use , (2022-06-16, Python, 76KB, 下载0次)
