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[Windows编程] zuixiaorcf

VB采用最小二乘法演示如何在VB中实现线性拟合和二次拟合,编译时候需要TeeChart5.ocx,已将此文件打包,你无需再下载。新建 Microsoft Excel 工作表.xls里是测试数据,程序会自动读龋这里要说的是:   1.1 线性拟合:给定一组数据(xi,yi),i=1,2,…,m,做拟合直线。   1.2 二次拟合:给定数据系列(xi,yi),i=1,2,…,m,用二次多项式函数拟合这组数据。作出拟合函数与数据序列的均方误差最校
VB using the method of least squares linear fit and demonstrates how to implement a quadratic fit in VB compiler when needed TeeChart5.ocx, has packed this file, you do not need to download. Newly built in Microsoft Excel worksheet xls test data, the program will automatically read caries say here is: 1.1 linear fit: Given a set of data (xi, yi), i = 1,2, ..., m, do fitting a straight line. 1.2 quadratic fit: given data series (xi, yi), i = 1,2, ..., m, with a quadratic polynomial function fitting this set of data. Fitting function to the data sequence with the best mean square error correction (2014-05-10, Visual Basic, 1099KB, 下载43次)


[单片机开发] VisionFly_LightCrafter4500_SDK

DLP LightCrafter4500 数字微镜(DMD)空间光开关光调制器开发系统 1. 全面兼容德州仪器TI DLP LightCrafter4500开发系统. 能够支持1280X800 DMD(DMD微镜为7.56微米,本征分辨率为912X1140) 2. 支持HDMI高速度传输图片和USB控制信号,支持128Mbit USB图片预存储(64张预装图片存储) 高达4255Hz直接DMD装载显示 3. 开放式控制软件基于Windows XP/Vista USB驱动可控制系统,在Qt, Visual C++下编制,开发式接口, 易于高精度光学科研实验 4. 同时支持2路输入触发/同步和2路输出触发/同步 提供1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V同步转换支持Camera同步 5. 系统提供纯LED照明系统, R,G,B任意色彩可调整 亮度高达300流明(实测值) 6. 高速二进和256灰阶图片显示 输入输出系统触发,支持通用客户顶GPIO口设置 7. 我们能为客户提供全程独特定做和设计服务. 典型应用: 结构光投影,激光全息,无掩模光刻,高光谱成像,激光光束校形, 3D测量和3D打印机技术, 光谱分析. Jefferson_zhao@163.com
DLP LightCrafter4500 (2014-01-20, Visual Basic, 1986KB, 下载25次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] VisonFly-D4100-SDK

DLP Discovery 4100 数字微镜(DMD)空间光开关光调制器开发系统 1.全面兼容德州仪器TI DLP D4100 开发系统. 能够支持1920X1080 DMD(DMD微镜为10.6微米,本征分辨率为1920X1080) 数字微镜(DMD)空间光开关光调制器开发系统 2. 1024 X 768 的DMD(4:3)有两种微镜结构,一种是13.68 微米, 对角线长度为0.7 英寸;另一种是10.8 微米的,对角线长度为0.55 英寸;我们系统都能支持所有主流分辨率DMD 3. 支持USB2.0 高速度传输图片和控制信号 4. 开放式控制软件基于Windows XP 全速度USB驱动,在Visual Basic 下编制,开发式接口, 易于高精度光学科研实验 5. 提供丰富的Windows XP 的USB 控制程序和API 开发系统 6. 支持XGA, 1080p 和1920x1200 分辨率单个微镜精确控制 7. 开放式FPGA 架构, 提供示例FPGA 的二次开发选择和客户 定制功能 8. 高速二进和任意灰度制图片显示 输入输出系统触发,支持通 用客户顶GPIO 口设置. 9. 我们能为客户提供全程独特定做和设计服务. 应用: 结构光投影,激光全息,无掩模光刻,高光谱成像,激光光束校形, 3D 测量和3D 打印机技术, 光谱分析. Jefferson_zhao@163.com
DLP DMD Discovery 4100 (2014-01-20, Visual Basic, 6299KB, 下载31次)


[SQL Server] Library-management-system

  本数据库系统主要解决在学校图书馆中,实现图书基本情况的录入、修改、删除,能够办理借书卡,实现借书功能、还书功能 ,实现对借阅者图书证的录入、删除,以及根据图书编号对图书进行查询。 系统开发的意图是帮助图书管理人员提高管理效率,通过本管理系统软件,能帮助工作人员利用计算机,快速方便的对图书信息数据进行管理、输入、输出、查找的操作,使杂乱的图书信息数据能够具体化、直观化、合理化等。另一方面方便学生使用,快速查找相关书籍信息, 目前图书管理系统在学校的图书管理中起着不可替代的作用,是一个典型的数据库系统。本次的课程设计采用了结构化和面向对象程序设计的方法,使后台数据库具有可扩展性,前台界面简单实用。本系统在Windows XP环境中采用Visual Basic为开发平台,使用SQL SERVER创建数据库,用于对图书信息资料的增加、删除、修改,以及学生借书还书信息的增加、删除、修改。此系统经过分析、设计、编码、调试等一系列步骤,初步实现了设计目标,并且经过适当完善后,最终作出了一个虽简洁但却实用的图书管理系统。
The database system is mainly to solve in the school library, library basic input, modify, delete, can apply for a library card, achieve a library function, but also the book function, to achieve the borrower library card entry, deletion, and in accordance with Book Number of books to search. System development is intended to help librarians improve management efficiency through the management system software, can help staff the use of computers for book information quickly and easily manage the data, input, output, look for operation, making information and data clutter of books to be specific, intuitive, rationalization and so on. On the other hand facilitate students to use, fast search related information, Library management system currently in school library management plays an irreplaceable role, is a typical database system. The course was designed with structured and object-oriented programming approach, so that the background database scalability, front interface is simple an (2013-06-24, Visual Basic, 8643KB, 下载10次)


[网络编程] msmir.com_asp_light

使用前请先修改参数,使用17577版本可使用默认设置 name="无忧传奇" 显示服务器名称 dizhi="http://www.msmir.net/zt/" 灯图片所在地址(最后要加正斜线) mulu1="D:\MirServer\Mud2\LogSrv\CountLog\" 在线人数文件目录 wenjian2="D:\MirServer\Mir200\!Setup.txt" 最大在线人数文件 maxonline=500 如果此参数为0则最大在线人数以文件为准,否则以此参数为准 lvdeng=0.3 绿灯显示比率,例最大在线人数为500,取值为0.3的话,在150人以下为绿灯 huangdeng=0.5 黄灯显示比率
Before use to modify the parameters, using the 17577 version can use the default settings the name = " worry Legend ' server name dizhi =" http://www.msmir.net/zt/ " ' light pictures where the address (the last to add forward slash) mulu1 = " D: \ MirServer \ Mud2 \ LogSrv \ CountLog \" ' Online file directory wenjian2 = " D: \ MirServer \ Mir200 \! the Setup.txt' online file maxonline = 500 ' If this parameters for the 0 largest online document shall prevail Otherwise, this parameter shall prevail lvdeng = 0.3 ' green light that indicates the ratio of the number of cases of the largest online was 500, the value of 0.3, below 150 for the green huangdeng = 0.5' yellow Light display ratio (2012-06-05, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载8次)


[系统编程] ILoveClose

关你没商量 版本:1.0 ============================================= 工具简介: -------------- 当今网络发达的时代,各种软件纷繁复杂。其中不乏有一些令人生厌的软件,他们在你启动一些正常软件的同时,偷偷挂接运行。每次关闭它们都是一个烦人的过程。于是我编写了这个小工具,她小巧玲珑,绿色运行,而且可以最小化到任务栏通知区,对正常系统操作没有任何影响。她可以监视内存或硬盘中指定程序的运行,及时在其运行时将其关闭,全自动后台运行,使您高枕无忧。O(∩_∩)O 使用说明: -------------- 软件使用非常简单,只需使用“浏览进程”、“浏览硬盘”或手动输入须监测的可执行程序,按下“开始监视”即可。 本工具同时具有定时关闭显示器、定时关机等功能,这些功能不仅可以单独执行,也可以在关闭指定程序后自动运行。
Tool Description: -------------- Today s Internet age, it all kinds of complicated software. Of which there are plenty of annoying software, they start some regular software, you also secretly attached run. Close them every time is a tiresome process. So I wrote a little tool, her small size, green run, and can minimize to taskbar notification area, and has no effect on normal system operation. She can monitor the memory or hard disk to run the specified program, in time to turn it off when its operation, automatic background, so you sit back and relax. O (∩ _ ∩) O Instructions for use: -------------- Software is very simple, just use "browsing", "browse the hard disk" or manually enter the required monitoring of the executable program, press the "Start Monitoring" button. The tool also has regularly turn off the display, time off and other functions, these functions can not only separate the implementation, you can also turn off automatically after the spec (2010-05-14, Visual Basic, 315KB, 下载17次)


[企业管理] TeachMgrv1.0

一个能够有效管理教师(含家庭人口)的住房信息系统(含信息的添加、修改、删除等),进而能够在学校有房源时,为申请入住新房的教师进行有效的业绩测评,择优分配相应的住房,同时能实现人性化,交互式的分房功能,以及更新原始的住房纪录,从而使得原本靠人工不可能很好实现的功能现在只需轻松点击鼠标即可轻松“搞定”,有效地节约了人力和财力。对走在信息技术发展前沿的高等院校来说,无疑是一个很好的选择。 本程序曾获校园程序设计大赛一等奖,包含源代码、安装文件、项目文档及帮助文档。
Effective management of a teacher (including family) housing information systems (including information to add, modify, delete, etc.), and then be able to have houses in the school when the teachers who apply for admission to a new house to carry out effective performance appraisal, merit-based allocation of the corresponding housing, at the same time to achieve user-friendly, interactive features of the housing distribution, as well as to update the original record of the housing so that the original manual on the function can not be good now can easily click the mouse you can easily "get", effectively saving human and financial resources. On the development of information technology at the forefront of institutions of higher learning is no doubt a very good choice. This procedure has been first prize Campus Programming Contest, including source code, installation files, project documentation and help files. (2009-05-22, Visual Basic, 755KB, 下载11次)


[教育系统应用] Sourcecode

学生信息管理系统。对于学生信息,各班的班主任及学校领导由于各种分类和了解的需要,经常性地进行各种查询。例如:查询一个班级中团员的人数,男、女生的人数,住宿或通宿学生的人数等等。教导处在每一届学生进校时必须进行分班,设置学号;每一届学生毕业,要进行学生信息备份; 对于成绩管理,课任教师要进行本科目成绩登记,计算平均分、优秀率、及格率;班主任在期中考试和期末考试后计算本班学生总分,排名次;教导处要统计补考学生人数及相应名单,每学期进行学生成绩备份;学校领导则可通过查询工具来了解学生成绩情况。 对于课程信息,教导处每学期要进行课程安排、课任教师分配、一周课程安排、中途课程调整等等。
Student information management system. Information for students, class teachers and school leaders because of the various classification and know the needs of a variety of regular inquiries. For example: query a number of class members, boys and girls have the number of residential accommodation or pass the number of students and so on.教导处students at every school placement must be carried out, set up its study each session, graduate students, it is necessary to carry out student information to back up For performance management, class teachers to carry out any of the subjects grade registration, calculation of average hours, excellent rates, passing rates class at mid-term exams and final exam scores of students after the completion Bin, ranked second 教导处statistical make-up to the number of students and the corresponding list of students each semester to score back-up School Leaders can know through the query tool to score the situation of students. For course information,教导处ea (2009-03-07, Visual Basic, 1150KB, 下载68次)


[组合框控件] 200551192035712

学生管理系统二、需求分析   本系统具备以下的功能:   (1)学生学籍档案的管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生学籍档案信息,学生档案里包括学生基本情况(姓名、性别、身高……等等)、学生简历情况、学生奖励情况、学生处分情况、学生家庭信息、学生奖贷学金情况、学生注册、学生异动情况、学生军训情况、学生毕业情况。   (2)学生学生体检情况,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生体检信息,学生学籍里包括学生身高、体重、医生评语……等等相关信息。   (3)学生成绩管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生入校成绩,各学期、各门课程的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。   (4)班级管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出各班级的信息。   (5)学生注册管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出每个学生每学期的注册信息。   (6)课程管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出每门课程的信息。   (7)用户管理,可添加新用户,修改已有用户密码。   (8)登录窗口,在使用本系统前都要进行身份验证。并可增加、删除用户,可修改用户密码。
two student management system, demand analysis of the system with the following features : (1) the Student records management, can add, modify, under specific conditions of inquiries and the Student output file information, the students file including students basic information (name, sex, Standing ... etc.), the curriculum vitae of the students, students incentives, punishment of students, families of students, and students PSD Award, student registration, changes of students, students of military training, the students graduated from the situation. (2) Student medical students, can add, modify, under specific conditions of inquiries and medical students output information, the Student Lane including height, weight, the doctor reviews ... and so on relevant information. (3) Student perfor (2006-06-26, Visual Basic, 71KB, 下载605次)


[数据库系统] 学分管理系统

是我应我们学校学工部做的软件,其主要是解决想我们学校这样的条件--各个办公室之间还没有建立联网,而且学校分为两个校区(又不在一个城市).   因此,学工部每年的学分登记工作都很麻烦.每学年初,学工部要把当年发布的学分评测规定发到各系,学年末又要把从系里面提交的学分表收齐,然后手工登记,非常的麻烦.有时是系里面的学分报表太乱,有些资料丢失,要么是,系里面把各年的学分评测规定弄混,经常搞的他们一头雾水,于是为他们就请我做这个系统.   这个系统的工作流程是,每个学年初,学工部输入当年的学分评定规定,然后到处成为学分评测数据,然后Copy给各个系,各个系在每个学年中,输入新的专业,年级,班级和新生的资料,然后登记学分评测的纪录和考试的成绩.当学年末到了,各系把党学年的数据导成数据库,然后copy给学工部,学工部就可以用电脑纪录所有的学分纪录.
should I do our school among a software, it is our resolve to schools such conditions-- every office has not yet been established between the network and the school is divided into two campuses (not in a city). Therefore, each of the credit among a registration work very troublesome. Every beginning of the school year, among a year should release the credit evaluation of the provisions of the various faculties, should also learn from the end line inside the table collected credits, and then manual registration, very troublesome. Sometimes there is too much of the credit chaos statements, some of the information lost, or is that the inclusion of the line inside the credits Evaluating requirements confused, often that of their loss, so they asked me to do on the system. the workflow system (2005-11-10, Visual Basic, 1921KB, 下载66次)


[棋牌游戏] 电院五子棋(PLAEEI)

一款自主开发的五子棋程序,乃无禁手算法,为本人参加校挑战杯的作品,获三等奖。该程序棋力强劲,在QQ中的战绩目前为: 积分:43 赢:44 输:27 平:2 胜率:60% 曾和网上四五款无禁手的五子棋程序对弈,十盘中一般能胜七八盘!先手基本没负过! 采用了递归算法预测下一步,不过由于是为了应付学校的挑战杯,代码写的不是很规范,递归算法也不完美,之后由于学习时间很紧张,也没时间改进,今天把源代码公布出来,和大家一起学习探讨!大家可以自由使用我的代码,不过有点要求是,如果有人对程序中的算法进行了改进或有更好的思路,还望能传给我一份,让大家共同进步! 希望这个代码能给大家带来一点帮助! 谢谢大家
new independent development of the 331 procedures, is no cut-hand algorithm, I attended school for the Challenge Cup entries Rs 799. The procedure spotlight strong QQ in the current record : Integral : 43 wins : 44 losers : 27 Level : 2 .500 : 60% have Internet on April 5, and no cut-hand plays 331 procedures, generally intraday 10-78! Firstly basically had no negative! Using the recursive algorithm predicted the next step, however, is to cover the Challenge Cup, the code was not very standardized, recursive algorithm not perfect, because after learning time is very tight, there is no time to improve, today's source code announced, we will study together and explore! We can freely use my code, but a little bit is that if someone had the right procedures to improve the algorithm, or a b (2005-11-01, Visual Basic, 935KB, 下载50次)
