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[数学计算] ADE7878

ADE7878 (2010-06-03, C/C++, 87KB, 下载219次)


[教育系统应用] 运动会分数统计程序

题目:参加运动会的N个学校编号为1~N.比赛分成M个男子项目和W个女子项目,项目编号分别为1~M和M+1~M+W.由于个项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目取前5名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1 还有些项目只取前3名,得分顺序为5,3,2.写一个统计程序产生各种成绩单和得分报表.基本要求:产生各学校的成绩单,内容包括各校所取得的每项成绩的项目号,名次,姓名和得分 产生团体总分报表,内容包括校号,男子团体总分,女子团体总分和团体总分.概要设计:1. 为实现上述程序功能,应以线性表表示集合.2. 本程序包含3个模块:(1) 各集合定义模块(2) 线性表实现模块(3) 主程序模块
topics : participation in the Games N-school No. 1 ~ N. contestants were divided into men item M and W-woman project, a number of M and M ~ ~ 1 M W. As projects vary greatly in the number of participants, some of the items from the former five, scoring sequence of 7,5,3,2,1 also just take some items before the three scores sequence of incidents. write a variety of statistical procedures and report card scoring statements. the basic requirements : have the school report card, which includes school admission the results of each item, ranking names and scores scores statements groups, including schools, the men's team scores, the women's team scores and scores groups. summary of design : 1. to achieve the above functions of the program, said a linear table set .2. this program include (2005-05-17, Visual C++, 54KB, 下载202次)


[文章/文档] EECOL_2009SEP03_TPA_AN_12

ADE7878 详细资料,包括校表流程和计算。
ade7878 complex reader (2009-09-30, PDF, 414KB, 下载199次)


[数据结构] 070324A

飞思卡尔智能车 车 模 介 绍 车模调校的主要参数 舵机控制方法
Freescale (2008-05-22, Visual C++, 1494KB, 下载195次)


[android开发] douban_android

Android 安卓系统上的豆瓣网程序(Java),项目比较完整,有一定Java开发经验的专业人士参考,如果你对Google Android手机系统比较熟悉的话,你也可以通过代码了解它的运行机理,目前,android系统的开发是一大流行趋势,学好Android开发,你可以高枕无忧了。
Andrew Android Douban program on the system (Java), project more complete, has some experience in Java development professionals for reference, if you are familiar with Google Android mobile phone system, you can also run through the code to understand its mechanism, the current , android system development is a major fashion trends, learn the Android development, you can sit back and relax. (2011-03-08, Java, 1215KB, 下载190次)


[Web服务器] School_sms

C# to write a Web server approach is a home-school system, and another one for the serial port to send text messages, as a code uploads. (2005-08-17, C#, 249KB, 下载184次)


[数值算法/人工智能] clean_robot

A c++ algorithm based on intelligent analysis of sweeping robot path selection, or school modeling contest prize. (2014-05-27, C++, 1369KB, 下载183次)


[单片机开发] shuzizhongsheji

多功能数字钟设计 一、设计任务: (一)主体功能 用HDL设计一个多功能数字钟,包含以下主要功能: 1.计时及校时,时间可以24小时制或12小时制显示 2.日历:显示年月日星期,及设定设定功能 3.跑表:启动/停止/保持显示/清除 4.闹钟:设定闹钟时间,整点提示
multifunctional design of a digital clock, design tasks : (1) the main function of HDL design with a multi-function digital clock, includes the following main functions : 1. metering and school, time can be 24 hours or 12 two-hour show. Calendar : Displays date weeks, Setting function and 3. stopwatch : start/stop/maintain Display/4 clearance. alarm clocks : Set an alarm time. suggested the whole point (2007-07-06, WORD, 304KB, 下载182次)


[Windows编程] wycq

worries legendary Download Station private servers (with database) (2007-05-12, ASP, 747KB, 下载178次)


[GPS编程] GPSCheckTime

GPS school applet, the computer through the serial port to read GPS information, when automatically! (2008-05-19, Visual Basic, 10KB, 下载178次)


[数据库编程] SQL

《SQL语言艺术》中文 pdf版 电子书下载。本书分为12章,每一章包含许多原则或准则,并通过举例的方式对原则进行解释说明。这些例子大多来自于实际案例,对九种SQL经典查询场景以及其性能影响讨论,非常便于实践,为你的实际工作提出了具体建议。本书适合SQL数据库开发者、软件架构师,也适合DBA,尤其是数据库应用维护人员阅读。 1 资深 SQL 专家 Stéphane Faroult倾力打造 2 《软件架构设计》作者温昱最新译作 3 巧妙借鉴《孙子兵法》的智慧结晶 4 传授25年的SQL性能与调校经验 5 深入探讨九种常见查询方案及其性能
err (2008-11-15, SQL, 645KB, 下载174次)


[网络编程] xClientV2.0

智能客户端,帮助您顺利上网 ,无忧疑惑联系我。。。
automatic (2010-10-30, Visual C++, 628KB, 下载173次)


[教育系统应用] 校综管

a campus integrated management systems, ASP source, basically something that schools are the Qi (2005-03-26, ASP, 7899KB, 下载172次)


[] 文静的数据库设计

为了高效率的完成学生信息的管理,决定开发学生信息管理系统。 2、需完成的功能: (1)能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的档案信息,这些信息包括学生的基本情况、简历情况、获得奖励情况、受到处分情况、学生的家庭信息、学生的体检情况等。 (2) 能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的入校成绩、各学期各门课的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。
to the high efficiency of the complete student information management, decided to develop student information management system. 2, the need to complete the function of : (1) Input can be amended, query, the output file information students, such information includes the basic situation of the students, curriculum vitae, received awards, disciplinary action, students are information, students of medical conditions. (2) Input can be amended, query, the output of the students entering the school accomplishments, the class of the semester results information and support on the level, classes conditions statistics, query, report output. (2006-01-17, PHP-PERL, 272KB, 下载170次)


[软件设计/软件工程] ATT7022E

AT7022 DATASHEET (2012-05-17, DOS, 68KB, 下载168次)


[WEB开发] wuyou

无忧传奇私服官方网站 做私服的朋友用这个网站很不错的选择!
legendary ease of private servers official website, a friend of private servers used this site is a good choice! (2006-10-20, ASP, 2185KB, 下载164次)


[单片机开发] diantimonixitong

[问题描述] 设计一个电梯模拟系统。这是一个离散的模拟程序,因为电梯系统是乘客和电梯等 “活动体”构成的集合,虽然他们彼此交互作用,但他们的行为是基本独立的。在离散的模拟中,以模拟时钟决定每个活动体的动作发生的时刻和顺序.系统在某个模拟瞬间处理有待完成的各种事情,然后把模拟时钟推进到某个动作预定要发生的下一个时刻。 [基本要求] (1) 模拟某校五层教学楼的电梯系统。该楼有一个自动电梯,能在每层停留。五个楼层由下至上依次称为地下层、第一层、第二层、第三层和第四层,其个第一层是大楼的进出层,即是电梯的“本垒层”,电梯“空闲”时,将来到该层候命。 (2) 乘客可随机地进出于任何层。对每个入来说,他有一个能容忍的最长等待时间,一旦等候电梯时间过长,他将放弃。 (3) 模拟时钟从0开始,时间单位为0.1秒。人和电梯的各种动作均要耗费一定的时间单位(简记为t),比如: 有人进出时,电梯每隔40t测试一次,若无人进出,则关门。 关门和开门各需要20t 每个人进出电梯均需要25t 如果电梯在某层静止时间超过300t,则驶回1层候命。 (4) 按时序显示系统状态的变化过程:发生的全部人和电梯的动作序列。
[Problem description : design an elevator simulation system. This is a discrete simulation program, because the lift system for passengers and elevators "body" form of assembly, Although the interaction between them, but their behavior is a basic independent. The discrete simulation, simulation clock to decide on the activities of each of the action takes time and sequence. A simulation system in an instant to be done to deal with the matter, then analog clock advance to a certain action is scheduled to take place the next time. [Basic requirements] (1) simulation of a school teaching floor of the five-story elevator system. Even with an escalator, will stay in the library. Five floors from the bottom to the lower deck were called, the first-, second-, third- and fourth layer, i (2006-05-25, Visual C++, 48KB, 下载157次)


[单片机开发] ATT7022B

一款计量芯片的应用笔记,包括外围电路说明和软件校表方法介绍! (2008-03-10, Others, 986KB, 下载155次)


[电子书籍] 计算机编程艺术第1卷

Kenaoshi masterpiece of masterpieces! Book of the computer professional and advanced math, algorithms, etc. unprecedented detail, the computer professional students can not read the masterpiece! Book published decades, the popular American elite is not bad! (2005-05-13, Others, 14018KB, 下载153次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] hikvision

VB wrote Hikvision video surveillance client source code, there are drawings, school, PTZ control and other functions. (2014-03-16, Visual Basic, 8873KB, 下载152次)
