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[教育系统应用] 050412

学 校 要 求 做 的 vfp 图 书 管 理 系 统
requirements of schools do Probe Library Management System (2006-06-26, VFP, 2895KB, 下载84次)



本项目充分地利用了DSP 强大的信号处理能力和现代数值分析方法。设计了 电能表前端采样及计量模块的硬件,以及一套符合国标GB/T 17883-1999 的0.2S 级精度要求的算法,同时扩展了谐波分析功能。系统概述为:三相电压、电流 AD 采样,采样数据通过串口送至处理器(DSP),由DSP 对采样数据作电参数计 量和谐波分析,处理结果通过定制LCD 显示,并通过脉冲口发出有功、无功校 表脉冲。DSP 采用ADI 公司的BLACKFIN531-16 位定点芯片,最高处理能力可 达800MIPS,采样芯片为16bit 的AD73360,支持六通道同步转换,无同步误差。 数字化、高精度、创新性和可扩展性是本项目的特点,准同步采样算法和谐波分 析是本项目的新颖之处。
This project fully utilize the DSP s signal processing capability and powerful modern numerical analysis. Design Meter sampling and measurement module front-end hardware, and are consistent with national standard GB/T 17883-1999 of the 0.2S Level accuracy of the algorithm, and extends the harmonic analysis. System is summarized as: three-phase voltage, current AD sampling, sampling data sent through the serial processor (DSP), the sampled data from the DSP design for electrical parameters Volume and harmonic analysis, the results through customizable LCD display, and issued by the pulse port active and reactive school Table pulse. DSP ADI s BLACKFIN531-16 bit fixed-point chip, the maximum processing capability Of 800MIPS, 16bit chip sampling of AD73360, support six-channel simultaneous conversion, no synchronization error. Digital, high-precision, innovation and scalability characteristics of this project, quasi-synchronous sampling algorithm and sub-harmonic Analysis i (2011-08-13, Visual C++, 666KB, 下载83次)


[GPS编程] gpscomm

gps串口接收信息 可更新计算机时间 根详细说明
gps serial port to receive information may be time to update the computer-gen detail (2007-12-25, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载82次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] ColorProcess

Deal with a variety of colors of the median color Gamma correction color conversion color-> gray color conversion adjusting brightness/contrast adjustment (2007-11-14, Visual C++, 2281KB, 下载80次)


[单片机开发] duoluwendu

very good (2010-09-16, C/C++, 1063KB, 下载79次)


[matlab编程] wm

水面无人艇(Unmanned Surface Vehicle)的航迹控制对提升无人艇艇载设备 侦察观测效果以及多任务作战能力具有十分ffi要的意义。由于受到风、浪、流等 干扰环境影响,水而无人艇将产生六自由度的操纵运动,具有很强的非线性和随 机性。这将致使无人艇的航向航迹及姿态控制具有一定的难度,因此需要对水面 无人艇建立六自由度操纵模型,更好地实现对无人艇的控制。 采用经典的MMG分离建模思想,依托浜本刚实提出的水平附体坐标系,建 立水面无人艇的六自由度操纵运动方程。分析无人艇艇体、桨、舵所受的流动动 力和力矩,分别建立流体惯性力模型、流体粘性力模型、螺旋桨推力模型及舵机 模型。 考虑海况和气象环境的影响,分析风、浪作用于无人艇上的T扰力。将随机 风简化为定常风,建、风的干扰力数孕模型 采用傅汝德-克茁洛火(Froude - Krylov) 假设,研究规则波中无人艇受到的T扰力,述立波浪的r扰力数学投型。 在数学模型的站础上述立?于MATLAB/Simulink的仿i t校型,并进行典型的 冋转试验,分别分析不同海况下的无人艇的问转情况。无人艇丨 丨主航行时,在不 同海况下,绘制出其航速及船摇炻的变化曲线。通过总结分析,推论出多种海况
The course and track control of unmanned surface vehicle (USV) is important to improve the observational effect of the recon reconnaissance equipment and the multi- -mission operational capability. Because of the effects of wind, wave and flow, the unmanned surface vehicle will produce six degrees of freedom movement which has randomicity and nonlinearity. It is difficult of the course, track and attitude control of unmanned surface vehicle, so six degrees of freedom movement model is built for the better control of unmanned surface vehicle. According to the classic MMG s separated modeling theory and the horizontal body axes system which was developed by Hamamoto, this thesis describes a six degrees of freedom motion equation of unmanned surface vehicle. Through analyzing the hydrodynamic force and moment, the fluid inertia force model, the fluid viscous force model, propeller thrust model and steering gear model are built respectively. Considering (2016-03-29, matlab, 4842KB, 下载79次)


[电子书籍] AT89S52

积分式直流数字电压表的设计 摘要:介绍了一种基于单片机的积分式直流数字电压表的硬件实现和软件设计方法.此数字电压表采 用自动校零型双积分A/D转换器的原理,利用单片机来控制A/D转换,测试结果表明:该电压表测量误差小, 工作稳定,还具备自动量程转换功能
Integral DC digital voltmeter design Abstract: This paper introduces a microcomputer-based integral-type DC digital voltage meter hardware implementation and software design method. This digital voltmeter with automatic zero-type double-integrating A/D converter principle, single-chip computer to control the A/D conversion, test results show that: The voltage meter measurement error is small, job stability, but also with automatic range conversion (2010-03-01, Java, 93KB, 下载79次)


[单片机开发] J1939

基于J1939的汽车CAN总线教学实验系统 无忧电子开发网-技术文章
J1939-based CAN bus vehicles to worry about e-teaching experimental system Development Network- Technical Article (2009-05-02, C/C++, 9KB, 下载78次)


[网络] ssntp

ntp协议实现针对服务器校时 c 源码,linux下开发.
ntp server protocol for school c source, linux under development. (2008-10-23, C/C++, 7KB, 下载78次)


[Java编程] java+jsp华源网校+西部软件jsp版

java jsp 聊天室 写的非常好好nnn nnng
java chat room was a very good nnnnnnnnng (2006-01-07, Java, 767KB, 下载78次)


[图形图像处理] Camera-demarcate

Camera calibration procedure, the complete c++ code, comments, detailed and easy to understand, and have been verified (2011-11-15, Visual C++, 140KB, 下载78次)


[] autodectectMeter

more (2009-10-16, Delphi, 1943KB, 下载77次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] m60

数字钟(for DE2 开发板) 1.‘时’、‘分’、‘秒’的十进制数字显示(小时从00~23)计时器。 2. 手动校时、校分、校秒的功能。 3.定时与闹钟功能,能在设定的时间发出闹铃声。 4.进行整点报时。从59分50秒起,每隔2秒钟发出一次低音“嘟”的信号,连续5次,最后一次发出高音“嘀”的信号,此信号结束即达到整点。 5、一个秒表,最低位1 秒、60秒,手动停止,手动重置。 6、一个倒计时,显示小时、分钟、秒,可设置时间。
Decimal digital display (hour digital clock (for DE2 development board). ' ' , ' Minutes' , ' seconds' timer from 00 to 23). 2 when manually school, the school points School sec functionality. 3. Timer and alarm clock function, the alarm sounds at the set time. 4. The whole point of time. Starting at 59 minutes and 50 seconds, every 2 seconds issued time bass " beep" signal, five times in a row, the last issued a the treble " tick" signal, this signal the end to reach the whole point. 5, a stopwatch, the lowest 1 seconds, 60 seconds, manually stop manually reset. 6, a countdown display hours, minutes, seconds, set the time. (2012-11-11, VHDL, 887KB, 下载77次)


[数据库系统] dzw0414

学生运动会成绩数据库 学生运动会成绩数据库系统记录某校运动会上全部运动项目,各系获得的分数及排名的情况,包括50、100、200,400,1500米,跳高,跳远,标枪,铅球铁饼等。进入系统后可以输入和修改某个项目的结果情况,可以按各系院编号输出总分;按总分排序;按男团体总分排序 ;按系院编号查询;按项目编号查询;按女团体总分排序。
Student Games Student Games results database performance database system for recording all the games of a school sports scores and faculty rankings, including 50,100,200,400,1500 meters, high jump, long jump, javelin, shot put discus and so on. After entering the system can enter and modify the outcome of a project can be output by each department Total Number of Hospitals by sorting scores male groups by sorting scores by the Department of Hospital No. inquiries by Item Number inquiries by women groups Total sort. (2008-09-09, C/C++, 1095KB, 下载76次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] jianyi.pinlvji

This is a simple frequency counter can measure the frequency of 10hz to 1Mhz, measured by square-wave shaping circuit, triangle wave, sine wave, also has self-calibration function can also test cycle, the equipment to do this for their own principles of curriculum design, which report contains the procedures and design. We can easily use. Measurement error, " 0.1 (2010-07-14, Asm, 119KB, 下载75次)


[单片机开发] SpeechClock(SPCE061A)

SpeechClock是在凌阳提供的电子钟的范例的基础之上实现的电子时钟的源程序 调试环境:unSPIDE184 运行设备:SPCE061A+LED&KEY模板 功能:时钟显示(日期与时间) LED显示 电子报时、整点报时、闹钟 使用说明:B口b0-b7 连 DIG b8-b15连 SEG 按S0键报时,按S1或S2键切换显示(时间或日期) 长按S0键进入校时状态,在这个状态下,按S0切换校时对象,按S1、S2增减
SpeechClock in Sunplus provides an electronic bell example on the basis of achieving the electronic clock source debugging environment : unSPIDE184 operating equipment : LED SPCE061A (2006-03-09, Asm, 321KB, 下载75次)


[教育系统应用] 计分程序

由我为校教务处自主开发的竞赛计分软件。 该软件由“比赛信息管理”、“裁判信息管理”、“选手信息管理”、“比赛计分排序”等几个模块组成。基于MFC技术,操作Access数据库,并可将比赛结果输出到Excel。
by my school to the office of independent development of software competition points. The software from "Competition information management", "information management magistrate", "information management players", "Competition points sequencing" composed of several modules. MFC-based technical, operational Access database, results of the competition could be exported to Excel. (2005-11-16, Visual C++, 30KB, 下载74次)


[OA办公系统] OA

OA systems and paper. Includes the papers and systems. Download to worry about. Are you at ease. (2009-06-07, ASP, 2045KB, 下载74次)


[SQL Server] 校信息管理系统(ADO+SQL2000)

将在SQL2000下建立schooldata数据库,导入数据文件。实现功能:操作:在选择查询条件:选择一个,tree控件里显示相关信息 可以在tree控件里单击来显示每个ITEM,每个ITEM相关信息显示在LIST控件内。双击LIST控件显示具体信息。也可以在窗口里单击右键或操作菜单具体操作。
will establish schooldata SQL2000 database, import data files. Achieving function : : On the choice of inquiries conditions : one tree to demonstrate control information related to the tree Lane click controls to show how ITEM, each ITEM related information display controls within the LIST. Double-click the Control LIST show specific information. Also in the window or right-click Lane menu of specific operations. (2005-04-01, Visual C++, 835KB, 下载73次)


[] 23795

Zedillo School J2ME Mobile Application Development Guide all of the source code. (2005-12-05, Java, 2355KB, 下载73次)
