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[WEB开发] 微教育小程序2.42.7

微擎+微赞通用 微教育-多校版 2.60.4 解密开源版 微擎原版功能模块,修复一些出现的BUG,修复班级圈发布分享是标题为空的问题,修复新版通知群发无通知的问题,新风格班级圈新增底部悬浮发布按钮! 1.强大的分类管理功能,年级,班级,科目,期号,时段,星期(全部支持自定义); 2.精确的教师信息管理,授课年级选择,授课班级选择,授课科目选择,为教师添加课程及课程表←execl批量导入,一键搞定;
Micro-Engine+Micro-Comment Universal Micro-Education-Multi-school Edition 2.60.4 Decrypted Open Source Micro-Engine Original Function Module, Repaired some BUG, Repaired Class Circle Publishing and Sharing is an empty issue, Repaired the issue of mass distribution of new notices without notice, New Style Class Circle added a bottom suspended release button! 1. Strong classification management function, grade, class, subject, date, period, week (all support customization); 2. Accurate teacher information management, teaching grade selection, class selection, subject selection, adding curriculum and curriculum_execl to teachers in batches, one key to complete; (2018-11-13, PHP, 9257KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] 5

System overview: the school system is a carefree school website, the original school website management system, the use of a dedicated website template for schools to improve the relevance and availability of the system. The existing schools, the overview of the campus news, the teaching and research, the moral education corridor, the education regulations, the teacher's personality charm, the student Park, the interactive platform, and the other columns. (2018-04-16, ASP, 2456KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] diy-page_6

最专业的论坛CMS,体积小巧 ◎ 可修改帖子标题/简介/缩图,可承受千万以上帖子 ◎ 帖子生成静态功能 ◎ 完整的CMS功能,内置视频/音乐/下载/商品/分类信息等模型 ◎ 支持UC整合,一个账号全站通用 ◎ 调用UCHome的日志、相册、空间、群组等 ◎ 模板可视化在线修改 ◎ 自动采集,内容更新无忧
The most professional forum CMS, compact ◎ can modify the post title/profile/thumbnail, can withstand more than 10 million posts ◎ post static function generation ◎ complete CMS function, built-in video/music/download/goods/classified information model ◎ Support UC integration, an account of the station general ◎ call UCHome log, album, space, group, etc. ◎ template visualization online modification ◎ automatic collection, content updates worry-free (2016-10-05, HTML, 827KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpsay

From the initial worry paste it to the later PhpSay, we have come together for three years and a half time, three and a half years, PHPSay accumulated a total of 99 users and three business portal-level users, of course, we care about more the user is free, but due to limited personal energy, a lot of follow-up services can not keep up, but please forgive me. (2016-05-09, SQL, 480KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] fwwkj

是枫叶工作室设计开发的一款免费开源的违纪查询系统, 简单人性化的界面,适合各中学校使用,可以定制性开发。 开发环境:ASP+ACCESS+JavaScript 对服务器要求低,可适应各种环境。 我们现在免费提供定制服务、免费升级服务。
Maple Leaf Studio is the design and development of a free open source disciplinary inquiry system, Simple user-friendly interface, suitable for all the schools, you can customize Development. Development Environment: ASP+ ACCESS+ JavaScript Low requirements on the server, can be adapted to various environments. We now offer free customization service, free upgrade service. (2016-04-23, ASP, 120KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] dwnews

本程序基于 无忧CMs http://www.5u.hk 模板借鉴了 CHINAZ ,搜查发团队改制成了目前你看到的绿色模板。 本程序一起调用问题以及帮助,请自行到bbs.5u.hk 不要问木木 怎么弄调用的 或者怎么用标签的!这些答案 请看CMS官方 后台用户名密码admin
The program is based on worries CMs http://www.5u.hk Template draws CHINAZ, search has become the current restructuring of the development team you see green template. This procedure called with problems and help your own to bbs.5u.hk Wood Do not ask how to get to call or how to use the label! Look at CMS official answers Background admin username and password (2016-04-22, ASP, 686KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] diy-paged

DiY-Page = 论坛门户 + 文章系统 + 自动采集 + 直观设计! 一个论坛就可建站,没有论坛也能建站,海量内容瞬间采入。 5.2版本拥有业界领先的全自动采集功能,不显著增加服务器负担,实现网站内容无忧更新。 此外新版本还拥有全新的前台风格,改进的设计视窗更为易用。
DiY-Page = forum portal+ article system+ automatic collection+ visual design! A forum can be built, there is no forum can build a site, the moment of mass content. Version 5.2 has the industry s leading fully automatic collection capabilities, does not significantly increase the burden on the server, to achieve the content of the site update. In addition, the new version also has a new front style, improved design window is more easy to use. (2016-04-20, PHP-PERL, 654KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] pcmagic

此程序适用于各院校信息中心管理计算机相关设备 后台地址login.asp,用户admin,密码admin888 系统设置:可自定义校区名称、机房名称、部门名称、办公室名称、物资名称、物资单位、配置清单 物资登记:系统仅对计算机及周边设备进行设计,产品属性:编号、配置清单、报修、借用、报损(整机报损,部件报损)、报废、登记时间、最后更新时间、最后操作用户名称、当前状态,如:正常、报修中、报损中等 物资管理:能够全局管理物资。如:查看,修改,删除。 用户管理:添加、删除、编辑用户。可分为超级管理员,校区管理员,机房管理员、财务管理员。
This procedure applies to all institutions the information center management computer-related equipment Address background login.asp, user admin, password admin888 System settings: You can customize the campus name, room name, department name, office name, material name, material units, configuration list Registration Materials: The system only computers and peripheral equipment design, product attributes: number configuration list, repair, borrow, reported losses (overall reported losses, member reported loss), retirement, time of registration, last updated, the last operation of the user name, current status, such as: normal, repair, and moderate damage reported Materials Management: the ability to manage global supplies. Such as: View, edit, delete. User management: add, delete, edit users. It can be divided into super administrator, campus administrator, room manager, financial administrator. (2016-04-16, ASP, 235KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] DedeCms_v5.6-UTF8.tar

良好的用户口碑,丰富的开源经验 灵活的模块组合,让网站更丰富 简单易用的模板引擎,网站界面想换就换 便捷自定义模型 高效的动态静态页面部署 流畅专业界面设计,良好的用户体验 指纹验证,升级无忧 低维护成本 国际语言支持 会员互动,让您的网站火起来
Good user reputation, rich source of experience Flexible module combination, make the website more abundant Easy to use web interface template engine, want to change to change Convenient custom model Efficient dynamic static page deployment Smooth professional interface design, a good user experience Fingerprint verification, upgrade worry free Low maintenance cost International language support A member of interaction, so fire up your site (2016-04-14, PHP, 6444KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] caizi_score_v6.0.8

(1)适用对象广泛:中小学校、民办学校、培训学校、美术学校、各类教育培训机构! (2)五大功能模块:1、学籍管理 2、成绩管理 3、作业管理(美术培训学校专用) 4、学生素质评价管理 5、家校沟通(互动)管理
(1) it is widely used in schools, private schools, training schools, art schools, all kinds of education and training institutions! (2) five function modules: 1, school management 2, grade 3, job management (art training school special) 4, student quality uation management 5, home school communication (interaction) management (2016-03-24, PHP, 6795KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 162100editor_v2.2

原创作品,代码简洁、短小精悍,使用方便。 所见即所得,几乎包含所有书写应用功能。 设计模式与源码模式随意切换。 可接口任何编程语言,如PHP、ASP、JSP、.NET等。 可应用于论坛、CMS、文章发布等任何类型系统的前、后台发表使用。 强大的PHP(可接口其它语言)后台过滤功能,安全无忧
The original code is simple, short, easy to use. What you see is what you gain, which contains almost all of the writing applications. Design patterns and source code switching. Interface to any programming language, such as PHP, ASP, JSP,.NET, etc.. Can be applied to the forum, CMS, the article published before the release of any type of system, the use of the background. Strong PHP (can interface other languages) background filtering function, safe and worry free (2016-01-07, ASP, 56KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wyzyfqiywz_zyb_v2015.11.11

该软件以asp+access进行开发,后台具有产品添加修改删除功能,还具有新闻管理、企业信息管理和友情链接管理等企业网站基本功能。 无忧中英繁企业网站专业版详细功能: 后台主要功能如下: 一、网站基本设置; 二、企业信息; 三、产品管理; 四、订单管理; 五、下载中心; 六、导航管理; 七、新闻管理; 八、留言管理; 九、荣誉管理; 十、人才管理; 十一、营销网络; 十二、栏目管理; 十三、全站中英静态页面生成; 十四、友情链接; 十五、模板管理。 后台管理:您的域名/wyadmin,帐号:admin ,密码:admin 。 欢迎使用无忧中英繁企业网站专业版,本地IIS环境有些功能不能支持,建议在线测试请将整个程序包上传到空间根目录下运行,登录后台管理需要浏览器支持为IE10.0以上或者兼容的浏览器如火狐。
This software is developed with asp+access, and the background has the function of adding and modifying the product, and it also has the basic function of the news management, enterprise information management and link management. No worries in the professional version of the professional version of the website: Background main functions are as follows: One, the website basically set up Two, enterprise information Three, product management Four, order management Five, Download center Six, navigation management Seven, news management Eight, message management Nine, honor management Ten, talent management Eleven, marketing network Twelve, column management Thirteen, the total station in the English static pages generated Fourteen, friendship link Fifteen, template management. Background management: your domain name /wyadmin, account: admin, password: admin. Welcome to worry in the numerous enterprise website professional version, support local IIS some fu (2015-12-16, ASP, 6839KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Survey_v2.6

系统概述:校无忧问卷调查系统是指利用互联网手段通过网站上的在线调查表获得用户反馈信息。是一个适用于政府、教育机构、学校、企事业单位在互联网上进行信息互动与反馈收集的网上调研平台,可以满足这些机构开展深入网络调研的需要…… 系统主要功能: 1、设置问卷调查页面基本信息 2、添加、修改、删除、预览问卷、问卷题目 3、防止同一IP短时间内重复提交 4、后台对提交有效问卷进行调查统计并显示调查结果 5、问卷调查题目可以导出、导入 6、问卷报表和打印功能 7、多类别的问卷调查 系统使用: 1) 在浏览器的地址栏中输入管理登录的页面地址:admin/login.asp。 2) 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin
System overview: School worry free questionnaire survey system is the use of the Internet means through the website on the Internet to get the user feedback information. Is a suitable for the government, educational institutions, schools, enterprises and institutions in the Internet to carry out information on the Internet and the feedback network research platform to meet the needs of these organizations to carry out in-depth network research...... System main function: 1, set the questionnaire survey page basic information 2, add, modify, delete, preview questionnaire, questionnaire 3, to prevent the same IP within a short period of time to repeat 4, the background of the submission of a valid questionnaire survey statistics and show the results of the survey 5, the questionnaire survey topics can export, import 6, the questionnaire report and print function 7, multi type of questionnaire survey System use: 1) in the browser s address bar to enter the management login page (2015-12-15, C#, 952KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] wyqywz_v2015.9.18

该软件以asp+access进行开发,后台具有产品添加修改删除功能,还具有新闻管理、企业信息管理和友情链接管理等企业网站基本功能。 无忧企业网站系统详细功能: 后台主要功能如下: 一、系统管理; 二、企业信息; 三、产品管理; 四、订单管理; 五、下载中心; 六、会员管理; 七、新闻管理; 八、留言管理; 九、荣誉管理; 十、人才管理; 十一、营销网络; 十二、调查管理; 十三、邮件列表; 十四、友情链接; 十五、模板管理。
The software development asp+ access, backstage has a product changes delete function, but also has news management, enterprise information management and enterprise management, and other sites that link basic functions. Worry enterprise website system detailed features: Background main functions are as follows: First, the system management Second, corporate information Thirteen, mailing lists XIV Links Fifth, template management. (2015-09-26, ASP, 3627KB, 下载3次)



无忧企业网站系统详细功能: 后台主要功能如下: 一、系统管理;二、企业信息; 三、产品管理;四、订单管理; 五、下载中心; 六、会员管理; 七、新闻管理;八、留言管理;九、荣誉管理; 十、人才管理; 十一、营销网络;十二、调查管理; 十三、邮件列表;十四、友情链接; 十五、模板管理。
搜索 图片 地图 新闻 云端硬盘 日历 翻译 相册 更多 ▼ 试试带有自动翻译功能的新型浏览器。下载 Google Chrome 浏览器关闭 翻译 Worry detailed functional enterprise web systems: Background main functions are as follows: First, the system management Second, enterprise information third, product management Fourth, order management V. Download Center 6, members of management Seven, news management eight, message management Nine, honor management ten, talent management XI, marketing network XII investigation management Thirteen, mailing lists XIV links fifteen template management. (2015-05-09, Java, 3627KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] MyLogPHP.class_vz04vgjd

服务端1426598085脚本语言php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的电子商务,无忧淘宝客系统(集成jssdk) v1.4,老版本已经不能使用 新版本集成了jssdk 可以正常使用了2012、5、19修复部分已知BUG 增加TXT文章管理系统,测试火车头等采集器可以 成功发布文章修改模板调用函数,让模板打造更简单新增单页推广模块: ,初学者不错的参考例子842621程序
Server-side scripting language php 1426598085 realize that this is a php scripting language used to write the e-commerce, Taobao customers worry-free system ( integrated jssdk) v1.4, you can not use the old version has been integrated with the new version can be used normally 2012,5 jssdk (2015-04-03, PHP, 3KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] jqueryslides

Beautifully designed with an arrow indicating the jQuery slide transitions picture effects, in some news sites, can be used to browse the news pictures, with stations in the picture is a good choice, using the jQuery plugin, had moved to praise jQ is really very powerful, good use of jQuery in web design for you absolutely do not help schools (2014-11-28, Java, 299KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] how-to-make-PPT

【主讲领域】 PPT制作经验交流 【讲课地点】 小木虫论坛 【主讲人简介】     现就读于复旦大学高分子科学系,高分子化学与物理专业硕士研究生一年级,本科担任过两年宣传委员的职务,设计过校级和院系级的展板和宣传资料,主编过一本社团杂志,并担任过校燕曦BBS站的艺术总监和日月光华站的艺术顾问,ANSI版版主,有着丰富美编经验和创意。应网友zs200311的邀请,与大家交流PPT制作的经验。
how to make ppt (2014-09-17, PPT, 1563KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] Salary

校无忧人事工资系统,一个运行用ASP环境的通用型动态人事工资管理软件。具有界面友好、操作简便等特点。适用于政府、教育机构、学校、企事业单位进行人事管理、工资查询等,系统主要功能:   1、职员资料管理   2、工资管理   3、在线查询   4、批量导入   ……   使用说明:   下载完成后,解压到一个文件夹中,然后将此文件夹中文件上传到服务器或者本地WEB目录,就可以使用本系统。   1) 默认查询号:YG001 密码:123456   2) 在浏览器的地址栏中输入管理登录的页面地址:admin/login.asp。   3) 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin      注意事项:   1) 请登录后修改管理员名称及密码;   2) 建议修改数据库目录、名称及后台目录,防止数据库文件被恶意下载,提高系统的安全性;   3) 修改数据库时,要注意修改conn.asp的文件路径和数据库名称
Worry school personnel payroll system , an ASP environment running with universal dynamic human resources management software. Has a friendly interface, simple operation . Applicable to government , educational institutions , schools, enterprises and institutions and personnel management, payroll inquiries , the system main functions: 1 , data management staff 2 , payroll management 3 , online inquiry 4 , bulk import ...... Instructions for use: After the download is complete, extract to a folder, and then upload the file in this folder to the WEB server or a local directory , you can use the system. 1 ) Default Query No. : YG001 Password: 123456 2 ) Enter the browser s address bar management login page address : admin/login.asp. 3 ) Default Administrator : admin password : admin Note: 1 ) Please change the administrator login name and password 2 ) proposed to amend the database directory , the directory name and background , preventing the database file is malicious d (2014-01-10, ASP, 768KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 5ucms_gbk_1.2.2024

无忧网络文章管理系统 v1.2.2024 更新说明: 1. 修复图片加链接导致图片消失的错误 2. 增加关键字分析功能(当然不是很精确的,GBK版本可用性强) 3. 后台原COOKIES验证,改为COOKIES+SESSION双重验证,可防COOKIES伪造 4. 默认插件状态关闭 5. 标题及描述过滤日文
Worry-free network management system v1.2.2024 update the article: 1. Restoration picture plus links lead to disappearance of the error image 2. Add keywords analysis function (of course not very accurate, GBK version of the availability of strong) 3. The background of the original COOKIES authentication, change To COOKIES+ SESSION two-factor authentication, can prevent forgery COOKIES 4. default plugin state closed 5. title and description filter Japanese (2010-06-24, ASP, 789KB, 下载3次)
