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[WEB开发] 无忧网才

超文本标记语言(Hyper Text Markup Language),标准通用标记语言下的一个应用。HTML 不是一种编程语言,而是一种标记语言 (markup language),是网页制作所必备的。“超文本”就是指页面内可以包含图片、链接,甚至音乐、程序等非文字元素。超文本标记语言(或超文本标签语言)的结构包括“头”部分、和“主体”部分,其中“头”部提供关于网页的信息,“主体”部分提供网页的具体内容。
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), an application under the standard Universal Markup Language (GML). HTML is not a programming language, but a markup language, which is necessary for web page making. "Hypertext" means that the page can contain non-text elements such as pictures, links, even music, programs and so on. The structure of Hypertext Markup Language (or Hypertext Label Language) includes "Header" and "Subject", where "Header" provides information about web pages and "Subject" provides specific content of web pages. (2019-07-14, HTML, 587KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cZenTaoPMS

一款国产的开源项目管理软件。它集产品管理、项目管理、质量管理、文档管理、组织管理和事务管理于一体,是一款专业的研发项目管理软件,完 整地覆盖了项目管理的核心流程。注重实效的管理思想,合理的软件架构,简洁高效的操作,优雅的代码实现,灵活的扩展机制,强大而易用的api调用机制,多 语言支持,多风格支持,搜索功能,统计功能——这一切,您通过禅道,都可以拥有!禅道在手,项目无忧!
A domestic open source project management software. It integrates product management, project management, quality management, document management, organization management and transaction management. It is a professional R & D project management software, which covers the core process of project management. Pragmatic management, reasonable software architecture, simple and efficient operation, elegant code, flexible expansion mechanism, powerful and easy to use API call mechanism, multi language support, multi style support, search functions, statistical functions, all of this, you can have the Zen! Zen in the hands of the project worry free! (2017-04-13, Java, 5711KB, 下载2次)



强大的技术保障 系统由双方技术团队强强联合,倾力打造,进一步拓展社区价值。 PHPWind技术平台为用户提供可持续性技术保障,完美无忧。多样化的风格改造,为用户提供非凡体验。 非凡的访问速度 秉承PHPWind独创的模板和数据库体系以及专业的代码设计保证了PHPWind For DvBBS论坛系统的持续高效和稳定。 卓越的负载能力
Strong technical support The system is composed of technical team combination, to create value, to further expand the community. PHPWind technology platform to provide users with sustainable technical support, perfect worry. Style transformation of diversification, providing exceptional experience for users. Extraordinary access speed Adhering to the PHPWind original template and system and professional code design to ensure that the For DvBBS PHPWind forum system continues to have high efficiency and stability. Excellent load capacity (2016-04-19, PHP-PERL, 2880KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] diy-page_6

最专业的论坛CMS,体积小巧 ◎ 可修改帖子标题/简介/缩图,可承受千万以上帖子 ◎ 帖子生成静态功能 ◎ 完整的CMS功能,内置视频/音乐/下载/商品/分类信息等模型 ◎ 支持UC整合,一个账号全站通用 ◎ 调用UCHome的日志、相册、空间、群组等 ◎ 模板可视化在线修改 ◎ 自动采集,内容更新无忧 2009-10-25 14:00 解决UTF8或BIG5用户后台语言包不完整造成的空白
The most professional forum CMS, compact size You can modify the post title/profile/thumbnail, can withstand more than tens of millions of Posts The posts generate static function The complete CMS function, built-in video/music/download/commodity/classification information model The support for UC integration, a general account of the station The UCHome call logs, photo albums, and space group. The modified template visualization Online The automatic acquisition of free content updates 14:00 2009-10-25 Solve the UTF8 or BIG5 user background language package caused by the blank (2016-04-17, PHP, 824KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] diyx7

◎ 支持 Discuz / PHPWind 论坛程序的所有主流版本 ◎ 清爽美观的前台模板风格 ◎ 独创的 设计视窗(TM) 技术,在线可视化设计,轻松定制您的网站 ◎ 完善的HTML生成功能,有效降低服务器负担 ◎ 显著增加搜索引擎收录量,用户网站有收录过百万的纪录 ◎ 业界领先的自动采集功能,实现网站内容无忧更新 ◎ 完全开放源代码,可以免费下载和使用 Tags: DIY X7
The Discuz/PHPWind forum program supports all major versions The fresh beautiful template style front The original design of windows (TM) technology, online visualization design, easy to customize your web site The improved HTML generation function, effectively reduce the burden on the server The significant increase in search engines, users site contains millions of records The function of automatic acquisition of industry-leading, achieve worry free update website content The completely open source, free to download and use X7 Tags:DIY (2016-04-16, PHP-PERL, 3041KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] KeweiBox_v1_0_0_Beta

打破传统网址导航站风格,全新的界面设计,给用户全新的体验; 2.自定义站点显示颜色,推荐等,使好站更容易被发现; 3.自定义广告,无需修改文件即可修改广告,摆脱修改广告困扰; 4.用户注册功能,用户注册后可自定义收藏; 5.收录申请管理,使收录申请简单无忧; 5.自定义系统变量,常用字符后台同意修改;
Break the traditional web site navigation station style, a new interface design, to the user a new experience 2 custom site display color, make good recommendations, more likely to be found 3 custom advertising, no need to modify the file to modify the ad, to get rid of the problem of modifying advertising 4 user registration, user registration can be customized 5 included application management, make the collection of application simple worry free 5 custom system variables, commonly used characters to modify the background (2016-04-14, PHP, 2395KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] diypage_v8.3

支持 Discuz / PHPWind 论坛程序的所有主流版本 清爽美观的前台模板风格 独创的 设计视窗(TM) 技术,在线可视化设计,轻松定制您的网站 完善的HTML生成功能,有效降低服务器负担 显著增加搜索引擎收录量,用户网站有收录过百万的纪录 业界领先的自动采集功能,实现网站内容无忧更新 完全开放源代码,可以免费下载和使用,只有不到1MB
Supports all major versions of Discuz/PHPWind forum program Cool and beautiful foreground template style Original design windows (TM) technology, online visual design, easy to customize your website Perfect HTML generation function, effectively reduce the burden on the server Significantly increase the amount of search engine, the user site has a record of a million The industry s leading automatic collection function, realize the website content update Fully open source, you can download and use free of charge, only less than 1MB (2016-04-12, PHP, 2147KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ti51_code_v2.01

题无忧电子商务网站整站源码,加盟代理平台。 本源码适合考试类,书籍类,软件类,医学类等电子商务网站。采用纯html源码,方便百度,谷歌收录,是一个完全的SEO整合技术网站。方便站长创业使用,引领世纪潮流,让你成就创业梦,是一个不可多得的整站系统。目前最新版本为v2.01,会定期更新,方便各大创业者。 源码开放,版权不限,欢迎使用!
The free electronic commerce website station source, agent platform. The source for the examination of the class, books, software, medical class and other e-commerce sites. Using pure HTML source, Baidu, Google, included, is a complete SEO integration technology website. Convenient Adsense venture, leading the century trend, let you achieve the entrepreneurial dream, is a rare station system. Currently the latest version of V2.01, will be regularly updated to facilitate the major entrepreneurs. Source open, copyright is not limited, welcome to use! (2016-04-11, PHP, 3116KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] KwinNav_v1.6.0

1.聚合三大导航模式,给用户全新的体验; 2.自定义站点显示颜色,推荐等,使好站更容易被发现; 3.自定义广告,无需修改文件即可修改广告,摆脱修改广告困扰; 4.用户注册功能,用户注册后可自定义收藏; 5.收录申请管理,使收录申请简单无忧; 5.自定义系统变量,常用字符后台同意修改; 6.自定义模板功能,多种模板随意切换;
1 three aggregation navigation mode, giving users a new experience 2 custom site display color, make good recommendations, more likely to be found 3 custom advertising, no need to modify the file can be modified to get rid of advertising, modify the advertising problems 4 user registration, user registration can be customized 5 included application management, make the collection of application simple worry free 5 custom system variables commonly used characters agree to amend the background 6 custom template function, multiple template switch (2016-04-09, PHP, 3561KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tqcms_v1.5

tqcms企业管理系统是一个以asp+access进行开发的免费企业网站源码,该软件简单易用,快速上手管理无忧;模板引擎,让DIY如此简单;数据存储合理,效率性能得到最大的保障;流畅专业界面设计,良好的用户体验;灵活自定义,网站内容扩展更简单。 后台演示地址/admin/ 帐号密码都是admin 注意:如伪静态无法打开分类,请切换成动态模式运行
Tqcms of enterprise management system is a development with ASP+ access free enterprise website source code, the software is easy to use and get started quickly management worry free template engine, let DIY so simple reasonable data storage, performance efficiency get maximum protection professional and smooth interface design, a good user experience the flexibility to customize and website content expansion easier. Background demo address /admin/ account password is admin note: such as pseudo static can not open the classification, please switch to dynamic mode operation (2015-12-24, ASP, 4239KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tqcms_v1.61

tqcms企业管理系统是一个以asp+access进行开发的免费企业网站源码,该软件简单易用,快速上手管理无忧;模板引擎,让DIY如此简单;数据存储合理,效率性能得到最大的保障;流畅专业界面设计,良好的用户体验;灵活自定义,网站内容扩展更简单。 后台演示地址/admin/ 帐号密码都是admin 注意:如伪静态无法打开分类,请先到论坛下载伪静态规则。
Tqcms enterprise management system is a asp+access development of free enterprise website source code, the software is easy to use, quick and easy to use, the template engine, so that DIY is so simple data storage is reasonable, efficiency performance is the biggest safeguard smooth professional interface design, good user experience flexible customization, web content is more simple. Background presentation address /admin/ Account password is admin Note: if the pseudo static can not open the classification, please first download the pseudo static rules to the forum. (2015-12-15, ASP, 4749KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ffcms_xuexiao2

漂亮的中小学通用网站模板,充分展示了学校的校风校貌、办学特色、组织机构、教职员工等全面信息,提供了全面的校务公开平台,为教师家长和学生提供了一个完善的互动环境,是促进现代信息化学校建设的强大支柱。 此网站设计画面明朗、严谨不失活泼、紧凑而不失大气,布局合理美观、信息分类有序,是我国中小学最理想的网站建设平台。能使学生家长充分了解到学校和教育部的各方面更新内容,在线成绩查询服务更大大的省去了学生与家长的电话分步查询的繁琐,更有优秀的学生代表和教育专家解读考试经验,技巧和相关的综合事宜。 适用于:中小学网站
General school website template beautiful, fully display the comprehensive information of school spirit, school characteristics, school organization, staff, provides the comprehensive open platform, providing a perfect interactive environment for teachers and parents and students, is to promote a strong pillar of modern information construction of the school. This website design picture bright, rigorous and lively, compact and not lose the atmosphere, reasonable layout, information classification and orderly, is the most ideal website construction platform for primary and middle school. Can enable students to fully understand the school and the Education Department of the various aspects of the update, online performance query service more greatly eliminating the need for students and parents of the phone to query the tedious, more outstanding student representatives and education experts interpret test experience, skills and related issues. Applies to: primary and secondary school we (2015-12-14, ASP, 5061KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 162100editor_v3.5

真正的迷你HTML编辑器,只一个JS文件搞定。 1、原创作品,代码简洁、短小精悍,使用方便。 2、所见即所得,几乎包含所有书写应用功能。 3、设计模式与源码模式随意切换。 4、JS+CSS设计,可接口任何编程语言,如PHP、ASP、JSP、.NET等。 5、可应用于论坛、CMS、文章发布等任何类型系统的前、后台发表使用。 6、强大的PHP(可接口其它语言)后台过滤功能,安全无忧。 7、浏览器测试IE6、IE8、360、Firefox、Chrome、Safari、Opera兼容。
Real mini HTML editor, only to get a JS file. 1, original works, code simple, small and easy to use. 2, WYSIWYG, contain virtually all written applications. 3, design patterns and source mode switch freely. 4, JS+ CSS designed to interface to any programming language, such as PHP, ASP, JSP, .NET etc. 5, can be used before the forum, CMS, article publishing any type of system, the use of published background. 6, a powerful PHP (available interfaces other languages) background filtering, security worries. 7, browser testing IE6, IE8,360, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera compatible. (2015-06-01, Java, 73KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Teacher_v1.1

校无忧教师评价系统是一套为提高教师的教学质量,反馈学生的心声,提高学校教务管理能力的系统。针对各专业所授课程及教师的评价结果,直观的统计出每位教师的综合能力...... 系统功能: 1、完善的系统设置,可以动态的设置院系,专业,课程,教师等信息,使本系统功能丰富,使用灵活,适用于各种学校。 2、增强的辅助功能,登录日志,数据维护,评价计算辅助工具,成绩报表,数据导出EXCEL,使系统更完善,提高使用效果。 3、评价系统的保密性,系统采用不记名投票的模式,不学生可以对所有课程进行评价,不记名评价让大家放心。 5、系统高级功能设置,可以设置软件的名称,后台界面等显示的内容,使软件真正变成您的系统。欢迎定制学校,企业系统及软件开发。 系统更新进程日志: 2013.5.10更新内容 1、添加评价开关 2、修正信息显示问题 3、添加导出统计信息功能 4、修正数据安全性 系统使用 1) 在浏览器的地址栏中输入管理登录的页面地址:admin/login.asp。 2) 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin
School without teacher evaluation system is set in order to improve the teaching quality of teachers, feedback the aspirations of students, improve the system of educational administration ability. According to the professional course and teacher evaluation results, statistics of the comprehensive ability of every teacher s intuitive...... System function: 1, improve the system, can dynamically configure departments, professional, curriculum, teachers and other information, the system functions, the use of flexible, suitable for various kinds of schools. 2, strengthen the auxiliary function, logs, data maintenance, evaluation tools, performance reports, export data to EXCEL, making the system more perfect, improve the use effect. Confidentiality 3, evaluation system, system using an anonymous voting patterns, not a student to evaluate all courses, anonymous evaluation to let you rest assured. 5 senior function, system settings, you can set the background software, interf (2013-05-10, ASP, 874KB, 下载7次)



PHP+MySQL功能强大的学生成绩管理系统,适用对象广泛:中小学校、民办学校、培训学校、美术学校、各类教育培训机构均可使用,五大功能模块:1、学籍管理 2、成绩管理 3、作业管理(美术培训学校专用) 4、学生素质评价管理 5、家校沟通(互动)管理。
Powerful PHP+MySQL student achievement management system, application objects: primary and secondary schools, private schools, training schools, the School of Fine Arts, the various types of education and training institutions can use five functional modules: 1, enrollment management, performance management 3, job management (Fine Arts training school dedicated) 4 and 5 of the evaluation and management of the quality of students, home-school communication (interactive) management. (2013-03-27, PHP, 6854KB, 下载34次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Survey_2.1

校无忧问卷调查系统是指利用互联网手段通过网站上的在线调查表获得用户反馈信息。是一个适用于政府、教育机构、学校、企事业单位在互联网上进行信息互动与反馈收集的网上调研平台,可以满足这些机构开展深入网络调研的需要。系统重点解决了让非专业用户如何迅速简便地进行复杂的多题型专业调查问卷设计以及对大量的调查结果进行智能化统计的问题,极大地缩短了客户进行市场调查的时间和成本,为客户进一步节约自身的互联网应用投资。 系统功能主要功能: 1、设置问卷调查页面基本信息 2、添加、修改、删除、预览问卷、问卷题目 3、防止同一IP短时间内重复提交 4、后台对提交有效问卷进行调查统计并显示调查结果 5、问卷调查题目可以导出、导入 6、问卷报表和打印功能 在浏览器的地址栏中输入管理登录的页面地址:admin/login.asp。 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin
The school worry-free questionnaire system refers to the use of the Internet means by online questionnaire to obtain the user feedback information. Is a suitable for government, educational institutions, schools, enterprises and institutions on the Internet for information interaction and feedback collection of online survey platform, can satisfy these institutions to carry out in-depth research network needs. The system is mainly to solve the non professional users how to quickly and easily for more complex types of professional questionnaire design as well as a large number of findings of intelligent statistical problems, greatly shortens the customer market survey of the time and the cost for customers, further saving their own Internet application investment. System function main function: 1, setting page of basic information questionnaire 2, add, modify, delete, preview, questions in the questionnaire questionnaire 3, to prevent the same IP a short period of time to repeat sub (2013-01-12, ASP, 737KB, 下载18次)


[WEB开发] duoaotaobaoke

多奥淘宝客程序V6.2简称淘客程序,采用PHP+TOP/API2.0架构,代码与界面的分离,支持模板切换,完全免费升级无忧。 多奥淘宝客程序有以下六大特点: 1. 卓越的访问速度和负载能力 并使用了强大的文件缓存机制,让淘宝客程序的网络瓶颈降到最低,使程序的执行效果更高、速度极快,同时也有效的降低了API调用的次数,降低了因为API超频而调用不到数据的情况。 2. 搜索引擎优化处理 解决了淘宝客API站搜索引擎不收录的问题,采用DIV+CSS制作的页面,采用对部分链接内容加密过滤等技术,对搜索引擎更加友好。后台自定义标题关键词等功能更是能极大的提高网站的标题内容的个性化,对搜索引擎收录非常有帮助。 3. 简洁的程序代码 不仅追求简洁的代码,也追求实用完善的功能。众多功能在后台管理都预设开关,管理员根据需要可以方便切换。 4. 大方美观的模板 实现代码与界面的分离,支持模板切换。程序提供多个大方美观的模板提供下载,用户也可以定制自己喜欢的样式。 5. 安全的架构 对用户的输入都进行严格的安全控制。对各种恶意的注入、跨站攻击等都有防御手段。 6. 免费升级无忧 程序源码提供免费升级。简单易用,容易进行二次开发。打造有技术支持的免费淘宝客程序。
Austria Taobao off more than short program V6.2 scouring off procedure for the PHP+ TOP/API2.0 architecture, the separation of code and interface to support template switching, free upgrade of mind. Austria Taobao off more than the following six major program features: 1 superior access speed and load capacity And use a powerful file cache mechanism Taobao off procedures to minimize network bottlenecks, so that the program is performing better, fast, and also effectively reduces the number of API calls, reducing call because the API overclocking not the case data. (2) search engine optimization API solution Taobao passenger station search engine does not include the problem, making use of DIV+ CSS page, use the link on the part of the encrypted content filtering technology, search engine friendly. Keywords background features such as custom title is able to greatly improve your site s title content personalization, search engines are very helpful. 3 simple code No (2011-09-13, PHP, 5777KB, 下载17次)


[WEB开发] cwyflv

1.系统更名为“畅无忧视频分享系统”。 2.增加网站基本信息配置,可视化管理系统参数。 3.按照新增的网站配置信息项目布置系统各项参数,如:网站名称,是否自动播放,是否循环播放,是否开放上传,限制上传文件大小,等等。 4.登录框下面增加搜索,方便快速查找视频。 5.播放器下面增加“正在播放”、“上一个”、“下一个”。 6.删减无用代码,优化部分代码。
1. Systems changed its name to " worry smooth video sharing system." 2. To increase the basic information site configuration, visual management system parameters. 3. In accordance with the new configuration information for the project site layout of the system parameters, such as: site name, whether to automatically play, whether the loop, is open to upload, upload file size limit, and so on. 4. Log in to increase the search box below for easy to quickly find the video. 5. The following players increase the " Now Playing" , " Previous" , " next." 6. Deletion of dead code, optimize some code. (2011-04-13, Video, 4312KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] asp_ucenter_server

上的一些代码号称UCenter 整合ASp,但是大部分都没有一个实例,只有一个加密解密函数,很多新手无法利用其进行实际应用。 近期公司网站项目--课堂无忧 需整合asp ucenter,研究了一把UCenter,写了这个范例程序,虽然只简单写了登陆和注册部分功能的实现,其余模块您可以依葫芦画瓢。整合原理,见文章:http://hi.baidu.com/rekung/blog/item/bbeed6139c4cd7c3c2fd78d9.html
The number of code known as UCenter integration ASp, but most do not have one instance, only one encryption and decryption functions, many new users can not use their practical application. Recent website projects- need to integrate classroom worry asp ucenter, studied a UCenter, wrote this example program, although written simply login and registration functions to achieve some of the other modules you can 依葫芦画瓢. Integration theory, see the article: http://hi.baidu.com/rekung/blog/item/bbeed6139c4cd7c3c2fd78d9.html (2010-09-02, ASP, 13KB, 下载91次)


[WEB开发] gaokaofensuchaxun

问题描述: 现要开发一个开放式的高校本科招生最低录取分数线的查询系统,供师生和学生家长等查询,高校自愿放入该校的信息,可能随时有高校加入。 功能要求: 要求实现的查询功能有: (1) 查询等于用户给定分数的高校; (2) 查询大于(或小于)用户给定分数的高校; (3) 查询最低录取分数线在用户给定的分数段中的高校。
Description: Now want to develop a Open University undergraduate enrollment lowest to admit fractional line of inquiry system for the teachers and students, parents, such inquires into the college voluntarily, may at any time. University Functional requirements: Requirement: the query achieve (1) the scores query is given the user universities (2) (or less) than inquires the university user given scores (3) inquires the lowest to admit fractional line in the universities of band user is given. (2009-04-08, ASP, 5KB, 下载3次)
