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[WEB开发] avinya-website

阿马拉瓦蒂校区Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Avinya Club前端网站设计。
The front-end website design of Avinya Club, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amaravati Campus. (2023-12-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 前端面试

For front-end developers to learn, related internship and school entrance examination questions. (2020-07-19, JavaScript, 883KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 17

The school website system is a set of common school website management system in middle and primary schools, and uses a special website template suitable for schools to enhance the pertinence and usability of the system. The current school situation, campus news, teaching and research, moral education corridor, education regulations, teacher's demeanor, student paradise, interactive platform, contact mode, etc. (2018-04-11, ASP, 3412KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 9

No worry questionnaire survey system is to use Internet means to get user feedback information through online questionnaire on website. It is an online research platform for government, educational institutions, schools, enterprises and institutions to conduct information interaction and feedback collection on the Internet, which can meet the needs of these institutions to carry out in-depth network research... (2018-04-11, ASP, 1478KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 58

In order to solve the tedious work problem brought by the students' independent course selection, the school free course selection system can choose the courses online and complete the information of individual course selection instead of paper-based manual operation. The system is suitable for educational institutions, schools, enterprises and institutions to select courses on the Internet. (2018-04-10, ASP, 1034KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 23

Enterprise website system is a multilingual enterprise website system developed by asp+access. Static page generation in the whole station; (2018-04-10, ASP, 14610KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] EduSoho_v7.0.0.tar

Help organizations and individuals to build online education website Station system open source, online teaching, campus management, cloud video on demand and other functions (2016-08-03, PHP, 37822KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 5eopr

软件介绍 可以嵌入到任何论坛签名以及网页里 Tags: 无忧搜网 Google PageRank 及时速查系统
Software introduction Can be embedded into any forum signature and web pages Tags: free search network Google PageRank timely info system (2016-05-09, PHP, 7KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wyzyfqywzym_v2016.2.17

Traditional Chinese and English web site worry-free enterprise system is based on asp+ access for development of multi-language enterprise website system. (2016-02-17, ASP, 6559KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Survey_v2.7

Worry Questionnaire school system is the use of the Internet means to obtain user feedback via an online survey on the website. It is one for government, educational institutions, schools, enterprises and institutions of information on the Internet to interact with the feedback gathered online research platform to meet the needs of these institutions to carry out in-depth research network ...... (2016-02-11, ASP, 928KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Survey_2.6

The questionnaire survey system is the use of Internet means to obtain user feedback information through the website of the online survey. Is a suitable for the government, educational institutions, schools, enterprises and institutions in the Internet to carry out information on the Internet and the feedback network research platform to meet the needs of these organizations to carry out in-depth network research. (2015-10-12, ASP, 951KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] School_2.1

School System is a worry-free school, primary school general website management system that uses a dedicated website template for schools to enhance the relevance and usability of the system. Overview of existing schools, school newsletters, teaching and research, moral promenade, Education Code, teachers charisma, student parks, interactive platform, contact information and other columns (2014-01-07, ASP, 3017KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Customer_v1.0

系统概述:校无忧客户信息管理系统是一款简单的客户信息管理系统,以客户为中心,把科学的管理与信息技术结合起来,实现客户信息的统一管理。系统适用于企业、公司、教育培训机构、企事业单位…… 系统功能主要功能: 1、客户信息 2、客户管理 3、在线查询 4、批量导入 ……
System Overview: School worry customer information management system is a simple customer information management system, customer-centric, the scientific management and information technology combine to achieve unified management of customer information. System is suitable for business, corporate, education and training institutions, enterprises and institutions ...... System function main functions: 1, customer information 2, customer management 3, online inquiry 4, batch import ...... (2013-09-24, ASP, 717KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] wyasp_v2013.5.12

无忧购物系统ASP专业版 v2013.5.12欢迎使用无忧购物系统ASP专业版 本地测试请先执行程序包中的aspweb.exe程序,在IE中输入127.0.0.1即可测试,后台登录地址:,帐号:admin,密码:admin。 在线测试请将整个程序包上传到空间根目录下,后台管理:您的域名/ad_login.asp,帐号:admin,密码:admin。
Worry-free shopping system the ASP Professional Edition v2013.5.12 Welcome to use comfortably The shopping system ASP Professional version to test please perform package aspweb.exe program, enter to test in IE Admin Login Address: 127.0. 0.1/ad_login.asp account: admin, password: admin. Online test please upload the entire package to the root directory of the space, Admin: your domain/ad_login.asp, the account: admin, password: admin. (2013-05-14, PHP, 3722KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] Software-instructions

Site on the school-enterprise cooperation system design, software manual (2012-05-22, ASP, 3340KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_Exam_v1.1

Worry-free online school examination system uses Internet technology to quickly build a platform for online examination system, the full realization of the examinations of the network, paperless, automated. System is simple, rich in the kinds of questions, are widely used in enterprises, institutions, schools, education and training institutions and other online exams, online exams, online assessment (2011-07-07, Visual C++, 249KB, 下载21次)


[WEB开发] softhy151I

程序名称:畅无忧FLV视频分享系统 V1.0 管理密码:admin888 管理密码修改:left.asp第16行
Program Name: Cheong V1.0 worry FLV video sharing system admin password: admin888 admin password changes: left.asp 16 lines (2010-05-07, ASP, 4306KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] videoplay

video play (2009-12-29, C#, 4532KB, 下载33次)


[WEB开发] wireless_network_Server_souececode

Server 端使用visual Basic 開發實際應用於校園
Server-side development of practical applications using the visual Basic in School campus. (2009-08-25, Visual Basic, 172KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] xytnet

校园网通信网站,校 园网通信网站。
campus site, the campus Netcom letter webs ite. (2007-05-24, C/C++, 6900KB, 下载5次)
