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[WEB开发] 666

无忧中英繁企业网站以asp+access进行开发,后台除了产品添加和产品分类无法使用外,具有新闻管理、企业信息管理和友情链接管理等企业网站基本功能。 欢迎使用无忧中英繁企业网站通用版,本地IIS环境有些功能不能支持,建议在线测试请将整个程序包上传到空间根目录下运行,登录后台管理需要浏览器支持为IE10.0以上或者兼容的浏览器如火狐。 后台管理:您的域名/wyadmin, 帐号:admin ,密码:admin 。
There are no worries in Chinese and English. The website is developed by asp+access. Besides the addition of products and the classification of products, the website has basic functions such as news management, enterprise information management and link management. Welcome to worry in the numerous enterprise website universal version, support local IIS some functions can not be recommended online testing, please upload the entire package to run under the root directory, login background management need browser support for the IE10.0 compatible browsers such as Firefox or above. Backstage management: your domain name /wyadmin, Account number: admin, password: admin. (2018-01-23, ASP, 8601KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] pigo_mini

PIGO_mini_1.1新增功能 1、优化了采集核心,现在能采集更多的内容了。并且过滤掉很多无用的信息。 如果baidu改了写法,PHP原创社区会第一时间发布新的采集核心,让您采集无忧。
1 PIGO_mini_1.1 new features to optimize the core collection, are now able to collect more content. And filter out a lot of useless information. If baidu changed wording, PHP community will be the first time the original post new core collection, allows you to capture mind. (2016-10-25, HTML, 91KB, 下载1次)



强大的技术保障 系统由双方技术团队强强联合,倾力打造,进一步拓展社区价值。 PHPWind技术平台为用户提供可持续性技术保障,完美无忧。多样化的风格改造,为用户提供非凡体验。
Depth, practical and efficient integration of two strong PHPWind forum system has been insisting efficient, safe, stable and easy to use principle, by virtue of its extraordinary access speed, excellent load capacity, the majority of users of love, to become the industry leader B (2016-08-17, HTML, 2802KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xyxxzspt

Campus information palmtop platform source main modules include: [curriculum module, news module [], [the school survey modules], [module] yellow pages, candidates answer], [bus module], [admissions column module], [campus style modules], [calendar module], [free classroom]. (2016-07-21, Java, 17514KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] diy-page_5

业界领先的全自动采集功能,不影响页面速度,不显著增加服务器负担,网站内容无忧更新 全新的默认风格,全新的默认布局数据,带给您全新的门户感受
Industry-leading automatic collection function, does not affect the speed of the page, without significantly increasing the burden on the server, website content update worry new default style, the new default layout data, bring you a new portal experience (2016-07-07, ASP, 659KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] tqcms_asp_1.61

Extension odd (TQCMS) NMS is a asp+ access for development of free enterprise website source code, the software is easy to use, quick start managing worry template engine, so DIY so simple reasonable data storage, maximum efficiency performance protection professional and smooth interface design, good user experience flexibility to customize the site content expansion easier. (2016-05-22, ASP, 4608KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] zhaoshengw_1.0

东北师大附中网校网上报名系统(报名处版)1.0 后台功能:在线报名管理,管理员管理 后台管理地址/haizhi.org/login.asp 用户名和密码都是admin
High School campus online registration system of Northeast Normal (Registration Office Edition) 1.0 Back-office functions: Online registration management, administrator management Manage address /haizhi.org/login.asp User name and password are admin (2016-05-15, ASP, 1296KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 100toms

1:整体美化,优化后台 2:增加了常用邮箱无忧登陆栏 3:增加了数个二级频道,使你的网站在最短的时间内提升排名 4:修正了一些小的BUG 5:分类更加详细,更加人性化! 6:新增个人网址导航功能(特色); 7:使用论坛等外部数据库用户表功能;
1: overall landscaping, optimized background 2: Increase the common mailbox worry landing field 3: Increase the number of secondary channels, make your site improve rankings in the shortest possible time 4: Fixed some small BUG 5: classification more detailed, more humane! 6: Add a personal Web site navigation features (characteristics) 7: user forums and other external table function (2016-04-19, ASP, 2601KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qklBlog

1.内核:无忧网络文章管理系统 v1.2.0229 utf-8版 2.模板:CSS+DIV布局,风格是仿国外的一个站的,版权归作者所有 后台登录:http://你的域名/admin/login.asp name: admin password: redcms.cn
1. Core: worry-free network management system article v1.2.0229 utf-8 Edition 2. template: CSS+ DIV layout, style is the imitation of a foreign station, belongs to All Background login: http: // your domain name /admin/login.asp name: admin password: redcms.cn (2016-04-19, ASP, 1588KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cwy_code

畅无忧代码收藏夹是在天草工作室开发的代码收藏夹基础上进行二次开发而成,添加了代码类别管理功能,修正了一些错误,优化了一些不必要的代码。 畅无忧代码收藏夹功能说明: 收藏您所喜欢的代码片段; JS类代码与CSS类代码可以演示运行效果; 代码类别管理; 如果您是成员组身份,您可以与成员分享自己收藏的代码,也可以查看别的成员所收藏的代码; 每个用户只能编辑与删除自己所收藏的代码; 默认帐号与密码:admin/admin
Worry smooth code favorites is the two time in the development of code based on the development of Amakusa studio favorites to add code category management function, fixed some errors, some unnecessary code optimization. Worry smooth code favorites function: Collect code that you like JS class code and CSS code can demonstrate the effect of the operation Code category management If you are a member of the group, you can share your own collection of code with members, and you can also view code other members Each user can edit and delete their own code Default account and password: admin/admin (2015-12-09, ASP, 83KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] MyLogPHP.class_5mmehz

一份不错的php源码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的电子商务,无忧淘宝客系统(集成jssdk) v1.4,老版本已经不能使用 新版本集成了jssdk 可以正常使用了2012、5、19修复部分已知BUG 增加TXT文章管理系统,测试火车头等采集器可以 成功发布文章修改模板调用函数,让模板打造更简单新增单页推广模块: ,手头参考的例子程序代码
A good source php , php This is a scripting language to write e-commerce , Taobao customers worry-free system ( integrated jssdk) v1.4, the old version can not use the new version incorporates jssdk can normally use 2012,5 , (2014-06-29, PHP, 3KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] MyLogPHP.class_c30nx4

一份不错的php源码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的电子商务,无忧淘宝客系统(集成jssdk) v1.4,老版本已经不能使用 新版本集成了jssdk 可以正常使用了2012、5、19修复部分已知BUG 增加TXT文章管理系统,测试火车头等采集器可以 成功发布文章修改模板调用函数,让模板打造更简单新增单页推广模块: ,学习研究参考均可
A good source php , php This is a scripting language to write e-commerce , Taobao customers worry-free system ( integrated jssdk) v1.4, the old version can not use the new version incorporates jssdk can normally use 2012,5 , (2014-05-09, PHP, 3KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] MyLogPHP.class_gep39h

使用php做的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的电子商务,无忧淘宝客系统(集成jssdk) v1.4,老版本已经不能使用 新版本集成了jssdk 可以正常使用了2012、5、19修复部分已知BUG 增加TXT文章管理系统,测试火车头等采集器可以 成功发布文章修改模板调用函数,让模板打造更简单新增单页推广模块: ,可以作为初学者例子代码
Using php to do, which is a written e-commerce with php scripting language , worry Taobao off system ( integrated jssdk) v1.4, the old version can not use the new version incorporates jssdk can normally use 2012,5,19 repair (2014-04-09, PHP, 3KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 114la

主要功能特性 · 采用PHP+MYSQL架构,安全稳定 · 支持无限级分类,方便自由 · 每个分类均可单独设置Keywords、Description · 可设置过期时间,到期自动屏蔽,方便管理收费链接 · 强力模板引擎,显示风格自由定义,随心所欲 · 用户注册及自定义网址收藏夹功能,留住用户 · 点入来路自动统计排行功能,流量返还,方便推广 · 全站生成HTML,省心省钱 · 自定义生成HTML的目录和文件名,将SEO进行到底 · 超强内核引擎,生成全站HTML只需要几分钟 · 数据在线备份恢复功能,让你高枕无忧
114la site navigation source (2014-03-06, PHP, 721KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] MyLogPHP.class_n6ygwu

通过php编码实现的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的电子商务,无忧淘宝客系统(集成jssdk) v1.4,老版本已经不能使用 新版本集成了jssdk 可以正常使用了2012、5、19修复部分已知BUG 增加TXT文章管理系统,测试火车头等采集器可以 成功发布文章修改模板调用函数,让模板打造更简单新增单页推广模块: ,可以作为初学者例子代码
Via php coding to achieve, which is a scripting language used to write php e-commerce, Taobao customers worry-free system ( integrated jssdk) v1.4, the old version has been unable to use the new version integrates jssdk can normally use 2012,5,19 (2013-06-22, PHP, 3KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] MyLogPHP.class_uoy408

利用php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的电子商务,无忧淘宝客系统(集成jssdk) v1.4,老版本已经不能使用 新版本集成了jssdk 可以正常使用了2012、5、19修复部分已知BUG 增加TXT文章管理系统,测试火车头等采集器可以 成功发布文章修改模板调用函数,让模板打造更简单新增单页推广模块: ,参考学习应运于开发实践不错的例子
Use php to achieve , which is a scripting language used to write php e-commerce , Taobao customers worry-free system ( integrated jssdk) v1.4, the old version has been unable to use the new version integrates jssdk can normally use 2012,5,19 repair parts (2013-06-20, PHP, 3KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] MyLogPHP.class_3x0d3p

源码采用php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的电子商务,无忧淘宝客系统(集成jssdk) v1.4,老版本已经不能使用 新版本集成了jssdk 可以正常使用了2012、5、19修复部分已知BUG 增加TXT文章管理系统,测试火车头等采集器可以 成功发布文章修改模板调用函数,让模板打造更简单新增单页推广模块: ,参考的例子程序供学习参看
Source code using php realize that this is a scripting language used to write php e-commerce , Taobao customers worry-free system ( integrated jssdk) v1.4, the old version has been unable to use the new version integrates jssdk can normally use 2012,5,19 repair (2013-06-20, PHP, 4KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Xiao5u_School_asp

系统概述:校无忧学校网站系统是一套中、小学通用的学校网站管理系统,采用适合学校的专用网站模版,增强了系统的针对性和易用性。现有学校概况、校园快讯、教学教研、德育长廊、教育法规、教师风采、学生乐园、互动平台、联系方式等栏目…… 系统主要功能: 1、学校信息:学校简介,校长寄语,领导班子,学校荣誉,联系我们…… 2、新闻中心:新闻分类,新闻信息内容,首页图片推荐 3、教师风采:添加教师信息,可上传图片 4、学校风貌:展示学校精彩图片 5、互动平台:提供留言建议,反馈信息 6、友情链接:多类别的链接显示
System Overview: school worry-free school website system is a set of primary and secondary general school website management system, the use of a dedicated web site templates for school, to enhance the relevance and ease of use of the system. Outline of the school, campus alerts, teaching and research, moral promenade, Education Code, the style of teachers, students parks, interactive platform, contact details and other columns ...... system main functions: 1 School Information: School Profile Message from the President, the leadership School Honors ...... 2 News: News Category, news and information content, recommended by the Home Pictures, teacher style: add teachers, upload pictures, school style: show school Photo Gallery 5, interactive platform: the Message recommended that feedback Links: multi-class link (2013-04-20, ASP, 2496KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] zhaoshengw_1.0

东北师大附中网校网上报名系统(报名处版)1.0 后台功能:在线报名管理,管理员管理 后台管理地址/haizhi.org/login.asp 用户名和密码都是admin
Northeast Normal University affiliated high school classes online Online Application System (Registration Office Edition) 1.0 back-office functions: online enrollment management, administrators manage Admin Address/haizhi.org/login.asp user name and password are admin (2013-01-11, ASP, 1334KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] j_12853_mysites

· 带注册机,安装时先注册,返回再安装程序 · 采用PHP+MYSQL架构,安全稳定 · 支持无限级分类,方便自由 · 每个分类均可单独设置Keywords、Description,方便SEO · 可设置每个网址的过期时间,到期自动屏蔽,方便管理收费链接 · 强力模板引擎,显示风格自由定义,随心所欲 · 用户注册及自定义网址收藏夹功能,留住用户 NEW! · 点入来路自动统计排行功能,流量返还,方便推广 NEW! · 全站生成HTML,省心省钱 · 自定义生成HTML的目录和文件名,将SEO进行到底 NEW! · 超强内核引擎,生成全站HTML只需要几分钟 · 数据在线备份恢复功能,让你高枕无忧 NEW
as above (2009-03-06, PHP, 657KB, 下载4次)
