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[WEB开发] 333

1、课程系统、名师管理、课程营销和功能配置栏目。其中包括的功能就有点播课程、直播课程和面授课程;课程的限时抢购、团购和积分兑换等。 2、订单模块,包括课程订单和查询管理等。课程订单中更是细分出了不同类型课程的订单,便于操作。 3、考试模块,考试管理数据管理,还有考试配置应有尽有。 4、应用模块,互动问答、微社区、留言、友情链接等都可以在应用模块中找到。 5、会员管理,可以进行会员的管理,还有财务管理、消息管理、签到管理等。
1, curriculum system, master management, curriculum marketing and functional configuration column. Including the function have on-demand courses, live courses and face-to-face courses; course group purchase and redeem flash sale, etc.. 2, order module, including course order and query management. The order of different types of courses is subdivided into the order of the course order, which is easy to operate. 3, the test module, the test management data management, and the examination configuration should be full. 4, application module, interactive question and answer, micro community, message, friendship link and so on can be found in the application module. 5, member management, the management of members, as well as financial management, information management, sign to management and so on. (2018-01-23, ASP, 91646KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] NZvote_v5.10.30

宁志投票评选网站管理系统一套专为活动投票专题建站首选的信息网站管理系统,风格宽频页面十分大方,宁志网站管理系统是国内知名建站软件,它由技术人员开发好了的一种现成建站软件,主要为全国各地方自助建站提供方便。 特点:安全、稳定、美观、实用、易操作。NZCMS开发结构采用ASP+ACCESS/MSSQL开发,运行高效的运行性能以及良好的可维护性,在近几年来吸引了众多国内机关单位的使用与推动:由于有众多支持者的推动和支持,其安全与稳定性较之其他平台更强,也更能迅速的从中找到有效的业务解决方案。NZCMS正是基于这样一个强大的平台而开发的,它继承了这一平台的稳定、高效、良好的维护性和灵活的可扩展性,您在使用NZCMS来搭建网站时,完全不用担心因性能或安全问题对工作带来的影响,更能专注于办公效益本身的发展,而不是被繁琐的技术细节所累,选择宁志,让您建站无忧。
Ning Zhi vote for the website management system is a set of Web site management system designed for the activities of the site selection of the site management system, style broadband page is very generous, Ning Zhi website management system is a well-known site software, it is developed by the technical staff of a good site to build software, mainly for the country to facilitate the establishment of local. Features: safe, stable, beautiful, practical, easy to operate. NZCMS development structure using ASP+ACCESS/MSSQL development, running performance and good maintainability, in recent years has attracted the use and promotion of many domestic institutions, because there are many supporters of the promotion and support, its security and stability is stronger than the other, but also more quickly to find effective business solutions. NZCMS is based on such a strong platform for development, it inherited the platform of stability, efficiency, good maintenance and flexible scalability, y (2015-12-15, C#, 7287KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ffmanagement_shool_v0.1

使用于智能学校,大学,教育部门的网站模板。全站内容全面,设计合理,学校的校标和名字映衬在以校园为背景的图片上,立意新颖。站内细节化的设计还体现在各地的天气预报和成绩查询,大大的方便了师生和家长的出行,和通过其他渠道成绩查询的繁琐步骤。名师风采和发展规划方便学生和家长对学校近一步的了解。远程辅导可以让师生足不出户解决学习上困惑,招生信息和在线报名一线的设计是对考生最贴心化的设计,真正做到人性化建站。 适用于:大学、教育部门等门户网站
Website templates used in smart schools, universities, and educational sectors. The total content of a comprehensive, reasonable design, the school standard and the name of the campus as against the background of the picture, novel. Station details of the design is also reflected in the weather forecast and the results of the query, greatly facilitate the teachers and students and parents to travel, and through other channels of the tedious steps to query. Teacher elegant style and development planning to facilitate students and parents to learn about the school near. Remote counseling can let the students stay at home to solve learning design puzzles, enrollment information and online registration of candidates line is the most intimate of the design, truly personalized website. Applies to: University, education department and other portals (2015-12-14, C#, 7219KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] wudaohang_v2.2

个性无忧网址导航v2.2 1、多用户注册,用户短地址访问。 2、用户可以将短地址设为首页,每次访问自动访问自己的网址主页。 3、按系统分类可添加自己的网址,网址可配丰富图。可以开放站长提交网站logo,以给用户选择。 4、用户网址主页可选择不同背景,背景图片丰富。 5、用户可根据需要选择9图、12图、15图、18图或者文字形式的网址主页。 6、程序默认用户是5uz,密码:5uz.net 8、相关系统参数都放在_conn.asp文件里,如用请谨慎修改。 9、程序用了大量js效果,程序文件少。 10、管理员账号为5uz,可对系统进行设置 12、源码问题请登录bbs.qifin.com提交
Personality free web site navigation V2.2 1, multi user registration, user short address access. 2, the user can set a short address to the home page, each visit to visit their own web site automatically. 3, according to the classification of the system can add their own web site, web site can be equipped with rich map. Can be open to the site logo, to give users a choice. 4, users can choose to address the home page can choose a different background, background image rich. 5, the user can choose according to the need to choose 9, 12, 15, 18, or the text form of web site. 6, the program is the default user 5uz, password: 5uz.net 8, the relevant system parameters are placed in the _conn.asp file, such as the use of caution. 9, the program uses a lot of JS effect, the program file is little. 10, the administrator account for 5uz, can set the system 12, the source of the problem, please log in bbs.qifin.com (2015-11-16, ASP, 4604KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wyasp_ty_v2015.9.18

该软件以asp+access进行开发,具有产品展示、购物车和生成订单等功能,还具有简单的会员管理系统。 无忧购物系统ASP通用版详细功能: 一、系统前台功能 1、菜单导航模块 划分合理的导航模块使浏览者快速地查找自己需要的产品信息,提高商品购买率。 2、商城动态及公告模块 此模块是旨在让浏览者及时了解商城的动态,同时也提高了浏览者和商城的互动。 3、商品搜索模块 信息检索是网站提供给消费者最基本的商品搜索工具,该功能可以根据商品特点细化,充分照顾浏览者的使用方式,让消费者在最快的时间找到自己喜欢的商品。 4、会员注册登录模块 为了确保交易信息的有效性和网站功能拓展,购物网站需要以会员机制运作。该模块通过与浏览者的交互,记录浏览者的基本信息,通过后台审核确定其信息的有效性。 5、商品分类显示模块 商品分门别类、分层次展示不仅方便浏览者迅速找到自己的目标商品,同时增强了网站的亲和力。该模块是浏览者与网站接触最频繁的部分。
The software asp+ access development, with product displays, shopping cart and generate orders and other functions, also has a simple membership management system.   Worry-free shopping system ASP generic version of detailed features: First, the system front office functions 1, menu navigation module Reasonable division of navigation module allows visitors to quickly find product information they need to improve the commodity purchase rate. 2. Store News & Announcements module This module is designed to allow visitors to keep abreast of the dynamic Mall, but also improve the interactive viewer and mall. 3. Product Search module Information retri is the website to provide basic goods to the consumer search tool, this function according to the commodity characteristics of refinement, use adequate care viewer, which allows consumers to find their favorite products in the fastest time. 4. Member login module In order to ensure the effectiveness of website features and expa (2015-09-26, ASP, 3957KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] vote

一套专为活动投票专题建站首选的信息网站管理系统,风格宽频页面十分大方,宁志网站管理系统是国内知名建站软件,它由技术人员开发好了的一种现成建站软件,主要为全国各地方自助建站提供方便。 特点:安全、稳定、美观、实用、易操作。NZCMS开发结构采用ASP+ACCESS/MSSQL开发,运行高效的运行性能以及良好的可维护性,在近几年来吸引了众多国内机关单位的使用与推动:由于有众多支持者的推动和支持,其安全与稳定性较之其他平台更强,也更能迅速的从中找到有效的业务解决方案。NZCMS正是基于这样一个强大的平台而开发的,它继承了这一平台的稳定、高效、良好的维护性和灵活的可扩展性,您在使用NZCMS来搭建网站时,完全不用担心因性能或安全问题对工作带来的影响,更能专注于办公效益本身的发展,而不是被繁琐的技术细节所累,选择宁志,让您建站无忧。
A set of specially designed for voting topic website preferred information web site management system, broadband page style is quite generous, Ning Zhi website management system is the domestic well-known software development, which is composed of technical personnel to develop good a ready-made software development, mainly for the country to provide a convenient place for self-help. Features: a safe, stable, beautiful, practical, easy to operate. Development of NZCMS structure using ASP+ACCESS/MSSQL development, efficient operation of the performance and good maintainability, in recent years has attracted many domestic organs and units in the use and driving: because there are many supporters to promote and support, its safety and stability than other platforms is stronger, and can also rapidly finding out effective business solutions. NZCMS is based on such a powerful platform, it inherited the platform stability, high efficiency, good maintainability and flexible scalability, you us (2013-01-13, ASP, 3034KB, 下载11次)


[WEB开发] zhenaixuexiao

真爱空间中小学网站管理系统 本系统(真爱空间中小学网站管理系统FOR_school)内置8种 样式活泼的风格,管理员可到后台设置默认的风格,网站内 容包括: 1、校内新闻:发表有关本校的校内新闻; 2、视听平台:管理员可以从后台添加FLASH、Mp3、RM、 WAV、MID、asf、mpg等音乐、影视、动画文件; 3、软件下载:当前流行的或需要的一些软件提供的下载; 4、精萃美文:本校师生投稿或从网上摘录的一些好文章; 5、网页制作特效:提供学生学习网页的一些小特效; 6、本校影像:师生合影、活动主题的一些照片; 7、师生网站赏析:用于展示我校师生自已的网站; 8、校内留言:访客或师生对学校建议留言区; 9、友情链接:友情链接; 10、校内论坛:网上流行的一个BBSXP的论坛,可随意设 各个版块,比如年级、教职工专区等版块。 这几个模块,很好的满足中小学学校校网的需求。 2)完善强大的后台管理功能,简单更易于操作,只要稍懂一点计 算机知识的人就可以管理好自己的网站。 3)若有问题可在:http://www.zonelove.net/book.asp上提出。 4)后台管理地址:admin.asp 管理员:admin 密码:admin888 论坛管理员:admin 密码:admin888 社区管理密码:wang
Love space, primary and secondary site management system (2012-02-08, ASP, 2674KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] jisulian-php

PHP极速链程序可以自动采集,手动采集,来路采集!只要设置好关键字,程序便会自动获取内容!真正实现无人监控无人操作,让建站和维护变成如此简单. 每次无论任何人从其它站点击到极速链程序一次,就自动给来路页面做一个链接,极速链程序给本站加一个内容。每天定时进行栏目相关内容进行采集。更新内容,时间周期为6个小时一次。您只需要设置好站点栏目,程序就自动进行产生相关内容,无需人工干预。 无限网站,傻瓜式操作,无须编写采集规则,无限相关关键词采集,无限新数据采集,无限数据发布,可永久免费升级,可任意电脑(包含vps)使用 输入关键词,自动相关关键词,自动采集,建上百个群站无忧 易品科技葫芦岛网站制作提供的这套源码,仅需输入关键词,即可采集到最新相关内容,并自动SEO发布到指定网站的多任务站群管理系统,可24小时不间断的全自动维护数百个网 站。完全摒弃普通采集软件所需的繁琐规则定制,实现自动采集及发布。该站群管理软件无需绑定电脑或IP,不限网站数量,可以24小时挂机采集维护,让站长 可以很轻松就管理上百个网站。软件独特的内容抓取引擎,能及时准确的抓取互联网上最新的内容,能大大增加网站的收录,易品科技葫芦岛网站建设 希望为站长带来更多流量!
PHP program can automatically capture chain speed, manual acquisition, antecedents collection! As long as the set keyword, the program will automatically get the content! Truly unattended unattended operation, siting and maintenance to become so simple. Regardless of any other person from each station to speed chain program click once on the page automatically make a link to the origin, speed chain process to add a content site. Part time every day to collect the relevant content. Updates, the time period of six hours. You only need to set up the site part, the program will automatically generate the relevant content, without human intervention. Unlimited website, fool-operation, without having to write acquisition rules, the relevant key words capture unlimited, unlimited new data acquisition, data distribution unlimited, free upgrades can be permanent, can be any computer (including vps) use Enter keywords, auto-related keywords, automatic acquisition, construction of hundreds of (2011-10-26, PHP, 1097KB, 下载32次)


[WEB开发] emlog_4.0.1

支持日志url自定义,对搜索引擎更为友好 独有的碎语(微博)功能,让你用简单的文字记录生活 一键式更换模板,方便快捷打造个性博客 清爽的日志撰写页面、配以自动保存,书写博文更加舒适无忧 日志草稿箱功能,方便保存你未完成的日志 完美支持手机访问,随时随地记录你的生活 支持离线写作,你可以使用Windows Live Write等软件撰写博文 灵活的侧边栏组件(widgets)管理,轻松组合、自定义你喜欢的组件 支持强大的插件扩展功能,随意选择实用的插件,让你的博客无限可能 自定义页面,轻松创建留言板、导航条、博主介绍等个性页面 多人联合撰写,后台轻松管理多个撰写人 支持灵活的标签(tag)分类,以及传统分类方式 方便的附件(图片、文件)上传和管理 上传的图片可以随意直观的嵌入到日志内容里,让你的日志图文并茂 首页日历方式查阅日志,方便、直观、快捷 数据缓存技术,博客访问速度更快 整体使用UTF-8编码方式,让你的博客和世界接轨。 使用跨浏览器可视化日志编辑器,轻松编辑文章格式 支持引用通告(trackback) , 并配有强大的垃圾引用防御功能 支持RSS日志输出功能 ,方便朋友订阅关注你的博客 数据库备份/恢复功能
Url custom support log on more friendly search engine Unique pieces of language (microblogging), which allows you to use simple text record of life One-replacement templates, quick and easy to create personalized blog Fresh bloggers page, together with the auto-save, worry more comfortable writing Bowen Log Drafts function, easy to save your unfinished log Perfect support for mobile access, record your life anytime, anywhere Support off-line writing, you can use the Windows Live Write blog writing software such as Flexible sidebar components (widgets) management to easily mix custom components you like Powerful plug-ins to support extensions, free to choose useful plug-ins, endless possibilities to make your blog Customize pages, to easily create message boards, navigation bar, bloggers and other personalized page introduction Co-authored more than, the authors of the background to easily manage multiple Support flexible tag (tag) classification, as well as the tr (2011-07-28, PHP, 463KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] tao536

1.设置网站的基本信息。 2.管理员帐号/密码更改。 3.添加、修改、删除网站分类。 4.分类、酷站可修改可设置首页是否显示。 5.添加删除修改网址内容,是否推荐,是否审核 6.一健清除网站数据功能,方便重新分类和做行业网站 7.后台网站黑名单功能,让黑名单网站不能显示 8.网站点入点出:清除10分钟数据,清除今天点入数据,清除总点出数据 9.网址库中分离出【名站导航】【实用工具】【友情链接】单独管理 10.【名站导航】【实用工具】可由快速通道添加。 11.【友情链接】从网址列表中设置。 12.站内搜索功能。 13.生成htm分类页面,生成htm主页及其它页面。 14.后台全模板管理与修改,方便你秀出自己的风格;可修改主页,分类及其它页面模板。 15.具有数据在线【备份】【压缩】【恢复】功能,让你高枕无忧 16.具有在线广告管理功能,后台广告位标注,全站广告后台控制,轻松更换自己的广告信息;赚钱更容易!
1. Set up a website with basic information. 2. The administrator account/password changes. 3. Add, modify, delete a site classification. 4. Classification, Cool can be modified to set the home page is shown. 5. Add remove modify site content, whether to recommend whether the audit 6. A health clearance site data capabilities to facilitate the re-classification and make the industry website 7. Background website blacklist feature that allows black sites can not be displayed 8. Web site points out the entry point: clear 10 minutes of data, clear this point into the data, clear out the data on the total points 9. At the library isolated utility 【Top Websites】 【】 【Links】 separate management 10. 【Top Websites】 【】 utility added by the fast track. 11. 【Links】 set list from the site. 12. Station search function. 13. Generate htm category page, generated htm page and other pages. 14. Backstage management and modify all templates, easier for you to show their style can (2010-06-05, ASP, 1108KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] php_safe

PHP已经由一个制作个人网页的工具发展成为了世界上最流行的网络编程语言。它保证了许多网络上最繁忙的站点的运行。这一转变带来了亟待关注的问题,那就是性能、可维护性、可测性、可靠性以及最重要的一点—安全性。 与语言的一些功能如条件表达式、循环结构等相比,安全性更为抽象。事实上,安全性更像是开发者的特性而不是语言的特性。任何语言都不能防止不安全的代码,尽管语言的有些特点能对有安全意识的开发人员有作用。 本书着眼于PHP语言,向您展示如何通过操纵PHP一些特殊的功能写出安全的代码。本书中的概念,适用于任何网络开发平台。网络应用程序的安全是一门年轻的和发展中的学科。本书会从理论出发,教会您一些好的习惯,使您能安枕无忧,从容应对恶意者层出不穷的新的攻击和技巧。
PHP has been produced by a tool for personal web pages to become the world s most popular Web programming languages. It guarantees many of the busiest Web sites running. This shift has brought the issue of urgent concern, that is, performance, maintainability, testability, reliability, and most important point- security. And language features such as the conditional expression, compared to the cycle structure, safety is more abstract. In fact, security is more like the characteristics of developers rather than the characteristics of the language. Can not be in any language to prevent unsafe code, even though some of the characteristics of the language on the development of safety awareness of the role of staff. This book focus on the PHP language, to show you how to manipulate the functions of PHP to write some special security code. The concept of this book for any web development platform. Web application security is a young and developing discipline. This bo (2009-06-17, PHP, 580KB, 下载2次)
